Common Chemical Industries Chemistry book FSC MCQs

FSC Physics MCQs Part 2 Physics Part 1 HSSC Pre Medical Pre Engineering text Book Questions first year and second-year Physics mcqs

Which of the following is incorrect statement about nitrogen importance?
A. It enhances plant growth B. It is involved in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acids
C. it accelerates fruits and flowers growth D. It is involved in the chlorophyll synthesis
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Addition of urea to the soil is _________ reaction.
A. endothermic B. exothermic
C. both a and b D. no heat energy is involved
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Which of the following fertilizers is not useful for paddy rice?
A. urea B. DAP
C. Ammonium sulphate D. Ammonium nitrate
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Argillaceous material does not include
A. vlay B. marine shells
C. slate D. blast furnace slag
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The nutrients which are required in very small amount for the normal growth of plants are called
A. nitrogenous fertilizers B. micronutrients
C. phosphorus fertilizer D. all of the above
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