Chemistry Transition Elements MCQs Chapter 6 Class 12

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Chemistry Ch 6 Class 12

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1 / 17

ransition elements are colored because of:

2 / 17

d-d transitions in transition metals gives?

3 / 17

Transition elements are colored in which type of compounds?

4 / 17

Which of the following has the lowest boiling point?

5 / 17

Which of the following doesn’t has an incomplete d-orbital?

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Which element of 5th group doesn’t have unpaired valence electrons in d-sub shell?

7 / 17

What is NOT true about K2Cr2O7?

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Acidified K2Cr2O7 is also called:

9 / 17

What is not true about transition metals?

10 / 17

lanthanide Contraction is phenomenon of block :

11 / 17

Which of following transition complex will have most stable square planar structure?

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Which of the following states of copper Is more stable?

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Which of the following Is the reason that Iron is the most abundant element?

14 / 17

Which element does not show magnetic properties?

15 / 17

Which metal is not attracted by magnet?

16 / 17

Number of unpaired electrons in ferrous ion is:

17 / 17

Higher Transition elements are:

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