Chemistry Group VA and VI Elements MCQs Chapter 4 Class 12

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12 d and f Block Elements

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1 / 42

Which of the following is typical transition element?

PMC Practice 4
d and f Block Elements
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2 / 42

  • Which of the following does not occur in Free State?

3 / 42

The shape of [Co(NH3)6]3+ complex is:

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d and f Block Elements
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4 / 42

Which transition metal is used the most in industries?

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d and f Block Elements
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5 / 42

Hardness of transition metals is due to ______?

PMC Practice 6
d and f Block Elements
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The ligand field effect splits five degenerate d-orbitals into two sets with different energies, the pair of high energy degenerate orbitals is:

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d and f Block Elements
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7 / 42

Choose the correct IUPAC name for the following complex.


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d and f Block Elements
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Which of the following sets is of coinage metals?

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d and f Block Elements
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Nitrogen has oxides:

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H2SO4 is used in industries of?

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Gas which has percentage equal to 78% In air Is the

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Which one of the following Is a vulcanizing agent?

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The transition elements belongs to Group VI B are

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d and f Block Elements
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Which of these is not an isotope of Phosphorus?

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In which of the following the oxidation state of S is the highest

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F-block elements are called?

PMC Practice 1
d and f Block Elements
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Formula of laughing gas is?

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The colour of transition metal complexes is due to:

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19 / 42

What are interstitial compounds?

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20 / 42

Copper is a typical transition metal. Its atomic number is 29. In which oxidation state does it have a partially filled orbital in d-subshell?

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d and f Block Elements
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21 / 42

Ligands having two lone pair of electrons for donation to the central transition metal ion are known as:

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22 / 42

The correct electronic configuration of Cr is:

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23 / 42

Oxidation Number of all the elements in the free state is?

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24 / 42

Unpaired electron trend of transition elements:

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Which one of the following does not have allotropes?

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D block elements are also called as ____ ?

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d and f Block Elements
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Au3+ has __________ configuration.

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Which is the correct electronic configuration of Chromium (24Cr)?

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Which statement is true for K2(Cu(CN)4) ?

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d and f Block Elements
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The formula of Chile Peter salt is

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H3PO3 is

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Copper reacts with hot concentrated H2SO4 in presence of

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Which one of the following elements has six valence electrons?

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The chemical name of K2[Zn(OH)4] is:

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Which of the following properties are associated with transition metals?

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Which member of 5A group has no stable isotope?

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Both 02 and 03 are Oxidizing agents but 02 is preferred because:

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In rhombic sulphur there are atoms in each molecule?

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d-block elements are present _____________ in the periodic table ?

PMC Sample 3
d and f Block Elements
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The geometry of the complex compounds usually depends upon:

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d and f Block Elements
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Which of the following has allotropic forms:

42 / 42

Paramagnetic elements contain:

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d and f Block Elements
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