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Which of the following is not a primary pollutant of the troposphere?
NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of the following is the most environmentally-friendly source to derive energy?
UHS 2017 Reconduct
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of the pair of gases is not a greenhouse gas?
NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of these pollutants is produced by burning of coal and causes acid rain.
UHS 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The unit ___ is commonly used by meteorologists
PMC Sample 3
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Urea is the most widely used nitrogen fertilizer in Pakistan. Its composition is:
UHS 2015
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The essential property of a fertilizer is that is should be:
UHS 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are important compounds that are used as refrigerants but these are also responsible for Ozone layer depletion. If a Chlorofluorocarbon CFCl3 is present in stratosphere, which of it’s reaction intermediates are actually responsible for the breakdown of the ozone molecule?
UHS 2019
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Peroxyacetyl nitrate is an irritant to human beings and it effects:
UHS 2011
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
If CO2 level increase from the normal level, what will happen?
ETEA 2017
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The yellowish-brown color in photochemical smog is due to the presence of:
UHS 2013
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The biggest source of acid rain is the oxide of
UHS 2015
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Bacteria plays an important role in:
PMC 2021 Tested
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The gas which is mainly produced in landfills from the waste is:
UHS 2016
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
CFCs are organic compounds, that are derivatives of saturated hydrocarbons. They have high bond dissociation values therefore they are inert and non-toxic for living organisms.
The word CFCs stands for:
UHS 2019
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The substance for the separation of isotopes is firstly converted into the
UHS 2016
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Percentage of nitrogen by volume in air is:
UHS 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Photochemical smog is primarily caused by
ETEA 2019
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of the following pollutant decolorize the skin?
ETEA 2019
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of the following gas, when ignited, burns with a blue flame and is not very soluble in water?
UHS 2018
s and p Block Elements
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Polystyrene is an additional polymer. Which one of the following structures represents
the monomer of polystyrene?
UHS 2014
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of the following is the most environmentally friendly source to derive energy?
NUMS 2017
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Unpolluted rain water has a pH of:
UHS 2013
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
About 80% of ammonia is used for the production of
UHS 2015
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Aerobic decomposition of organic matter i.e. glucose by bacteria in water sediments produces
UHS 2013
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
What is formed by a series of complex reactions of ozone with water in the troposphere that are driven by sunlight?
NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Ozone concentration is measured in:
UHS 2016
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of the following is secondary pollutant?
NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The increase in the concentration of oxidizing agents in smog like H2O2, HNO3, PAN, and ozone in the air is called:
UHS 2012
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which is the metal, whose elevated concentration is harmful to fish as it clogs the gills thus causing suffocation?
UHS 2012
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The suspected liver carcinogen which also has negative reproduction and developmental effect on humans is:
UHS 2011
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of the following would react with ozone in the atmosphere?
UHS 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which of the following compounds is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer?
UHS 2019
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The increasing number of CFC production for industrial use has been a major contributor to the depletion of ozone molecules in the stratosphere. When CFCs diffuses slowly to the atmosphere in the presence of UV light between 175 nm to 220 nm, the ozone layer decomposes. If 1 mole of CFCl3 (Freon – 110) has been released into the air, how many moles of oxygen is produced from the photodecomposition of ozone?
NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
The unpolluted natural rainwater is slightly acidic due to the reaction of rain water with:
UHS 2011
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which one of the following pollutants can cause death of a person by binding with
haemoglobin of red blood cells?
UHS 2014
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
In the atmosphere, CO2 is about:
FMDC 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of synthetic fiber?
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool: