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In the production of wrought iron Mg, Si, and P are removed in the form of:
PMC Practice 3
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
What is the catalyst used in the Haber process?
H₂ + N₂ ⟶ NH₃
PMC 2021 Tested
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which one of the following polymer is called as Nylon 6,6?
UHS 2016
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which one of the following was used as one of the earliest antiseptic and disinfectants?
UHS 2015
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Which one of the following is an example of a co-polymer?
UHS 2015
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Burning of which one of the following waste is considered as useful industrial fuel or to produce electricity
UHS 2015
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
When hexane dioic acid is heated with hexamethylene diamine, the compound formed is:
UHS 2011
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
What is the nature of “hydrated tricalcium aluminate” (3 Ca. Al203. 6 H20) in the setting of cement?
“Zymase”- a group of 14 enzymes, used in the fermentation of starch, is present in:
NTS 2010
Chemistry of Life
Elimination Tool:
Which one of the following is an example of a condensation polymer?
UHS 2014
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Among the most common disaccharides, one of the following is present in the milk?
UHS 2014
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Enzymes that are functioning within the cell are called:
NUMS 2016
Chemistry of Life
Elimination Tool:
The crude petroleum is separated in fraction by:
PMC Practice 4
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:
Fractions of crude petroleum can be obtained by using ___________.
PMC Practice 3
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool: