Category: NUST

  • COMSATS University Courses

    COMSATS (Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South) Institute of Information Technology is a prominent public sector university in Pakistan with multiple campuses. It was established in 1998 and focuses on providing education and research in various fields, particularly in information technology and natural sciences. Here are some key points about…

  • COMSATS University Fee Structure

    COMSATS (Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South) Institute of Information Technology is a prominent public sector university in Pakistan with multiple campuses. It was established in 1998 and focuses on providing education and research in various fields, particularly in information technology and natural sciences. Here are some key points about…

  • NUST Aggregate Calculator

    Calculate your NUST aggregate online with PakLearningSpot Merit Calculator. NUST Merit Calculator. NUST University Islamabad Merit Lists and Merit positions are determined by the FSC or A levels, SSC or O levels, and NUST entry test marks. Students can calculate NUST Merit from NUST Aggregate Calculator. Simply Entry your Matric, FSC part 1, and NET…

  • NUST University Admissions Guide

    NUST Entry Test (Series-4) Application Form 2024 If you are already registered for session 2024, please enter a username and password to log in. NET (series-3) 2024 Update Candidates of Series-3 who have not selected their schedule have been transferred to Series-4 to be conducted from 27 July 2023 onwards. Please note that the candidates…

  • NET Engineering Preparation NUST 2024

    Course for NET Engineering Preparation Session 2024 (Popular Course) NUST is ranked among the best institutes of Pakistan particularly for Engineering. Every year about 70,000 students apply for admission in NUST. Out of these only 1550 students are selected for Engineering programs, 450 for Business Studies/Social Sciences, 50 in Applied Bio-Sciences and 80 in Architecture/Industrial Design.…

  • NUST Past Paper NET 2024

    NUST Past Paper Engineering Total Time: 3 Hrs Total Question: 200 1) The number √? , where n is a prime number isa. A Natural numberb. A Rational numberc. An Irrational numberd. Whole number2) Every prime number is alsoa. Rationalb. Even numberc. Irrational numberd. Multiple of two number 3) (a, b) +(-a,-b)=a. (0,0)b. (a ,b)c.…

  • Mirpur University of Science and Technology

    Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) is a public university located in Mirpur, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. It was established to provide higher education opportunities and promote scientific and technological advancements in the region. Here are some key points about Mirpur University of Science and Technology: PLS Boost bundle Get Access to 20…

  • Mehran University of Engineering and Technology

    Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) is a well-known public university located in Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. It specializes in engineering and technology education and is recognized for its contributions to these fields. Here are some key points about Mehran University of Engineering and Technology: PLS Boost bundle Get Access to 20 thousands+ MCQs Including…

  • Institute of Business Administration, Karachi

    The Institute of Business Administration (IBA) in Karachi is one of Pakistan’s premier and most prestigious business schools and educational institutions. Established in 1955, IBA Karachi has a strong reputation for providing high-quality business and management education. Here are some key points about the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi: PLS Boost Bundle Get Access to…

  • University of Karachi

    The University of Karachi (UoK), often referred to as KU, is one of Pakistan’s most prestigious and largest public universities. Located in Karachi, Sindh, it is recognized for its extensive academic programs, research contributions, and historical significance. Here are some key points about the University of Karachi: PLS Boost bundle Get Access to 20 thousands+…

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