Biology Major Ecosystems MCQs Chapter 12 Class 12

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Biology Ch 12 Class 12

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1 / 19

Temperature of temperate deciduous forests is

2 / 19

Productivity of an ecosystem is indicated by

3 / 19

End of earth’ is related to

4 / 19

Which statement about hydrospheric ecosystem is incorrect?

5 / 19

Evolution of vascular bundles in plants and skeleton in animals is an adaptation for

6 / 19

Which statement is incorrect?


7 / 19

Eutrophication is

8 / 19

Weather refers to

9 / 19

Desert ecosystem of Mianwali is

10 / 19

In which zone plant community is most diverse

11 / 19

Zone of lake water which is of open water near the surface is

12 / 19

Which statement about profundal zone is correct?

13 / 19

Coniferous forests located at high altitude are called

14 / 19

Mountains of Koh Hindukush come under

15 / 19

Development of bark in plants and skin in animals is a method for

16 / 19

Ecosystem of Shogran is

17 / 19

Annual rainfall in grass land i

18 / 19

One of the most important cause of desertification is

19 / 19

In polluted lake which organisms dominate the community

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