Biology Kingdom Animalia MCQs Chapter 10 Class 11

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Biology Ch 10 Class 11 Kingdom Animalia

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1 / 69

All of the following are mammals EXCEPT the:

NTS 2017
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

2 / 69

Which of the following phyla of Kingdom Animalia do humans belong to?

NTS 2018
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

3 / 69

The simplest form in Kingdom Animalia belongs to:

NUMS 2018
Kingdom Animalia
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4 / 69

Coelom that develops from the archenteron as outpouching is

5 / 69

Aschelminthes is also known as

6 / 69

Which one of the following is exclusively marine phylum?

Kingdom Animalia
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7 / 69

Which one of the following does not have intermediate host?

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
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8 / 69

Pseudo coelomate animals are:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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9 / 69

Exoskeleton of cockroach is made up of:

NUMS 2017
Kingdom Animalia
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10 / 69

Which group of organisms has the following features?

I. three pairs of jointed legs

II. three-part segmented body

III. one pair of antennae

NTS 2017
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

11 / 69

Platyhelminthes means:

NTS 2017
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

12 / 69

Pseudocoelom is actually derived from:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
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13 / 69

Archaeopteryx is a transitional stage between the members of which one of the following pairs?

NTS 2013
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

14 / 69

The radial symmetry is found in the animals of

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Which organism has wings with claws?

NUMS 2015
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

16 / 69

Filter feeders extract food particles from:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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Leptocardii is a group of:

NUMS 2015
Kingdom Animalia
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Actinia is the biological name of:

NUMS 2018
Kingdom Animalia
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19 / 69

The function of coelom is

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Coelom is lined by

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Opposable thumbs are characteristic features of

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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22 / 69

The only aquatic arthropods:

PMC Sample 1
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

23 / 69

Organs which produce voice in birds is:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
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24 / 69

Both radial and bilateral symmetry is found in the phylum

25 / 69

Platyhelminthes means:

NUMS 2017
Kingdom Animalia
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26 / 69

Species of phylum Platyhelminthes are:

NTS 2011
Kingdom Animalia
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27 / 69

Which of the following is a freshwater sponge?

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
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28 / 69

Coelom is a cavity lined by:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
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29 / 69

An organism appears to be a segmented worm. Upon observation, it is determined that the organism has a closed circulation, a mouth, and an anus and does not have an exoskeleton. The organism most likely belongs to the phylum:

NTS 2010
Kingdom Animalia
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30 / 69

Pinacocytes forms ______.

NUMS 2018
Kingdom Animalia
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31 / 69

All the animals of the grade radiata are

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Among invertebrates, which possesses the greatest power of regeneration?

NUMS 2015
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

33 / 69

Pseudocoelem develops from

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The name animal is derived from the word.

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Despite the structural diversities, ____ are characterized by having a soft body protected by a calcareous shell developing from the mantle layer.

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

36 / 69

Of the following which one is not found in series proterostomia.

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The Porifera are pore – bearing animals, commonly called:

NUMS 2018
Kingdom Animalia
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38 / 69

Scales are present in:

NUMS 2015
Kingdom Animalia
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39 / 69

The mammals termed as the connecting link between reptilians and mammals are:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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40 / 69

Of the following which one is not the characteristic of triploblasts.

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Bipinnaria is the larval form of:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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In most triploblasts after embryonic development the three layers are represented as

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A characteristics features of Echinoderm is:

NTS 2011
Kingdom Animalia
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44 / 69

In mosquitoes, the plasmodium is found in?

Kingdom Animalia
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Of the following which one is not included in Proterostomes?

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Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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The animals in which coelom is formed due to splitting of mesocerm are known as

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Of the following which one is non-cellular in most cases in animals?

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Class Elasmobranchi have an outer covering of?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Kingdom Animalia
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Flame cells are commonly found in:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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51 / 69

Amphibians live on:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
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52 / 69

Which vertebrate groups have scaly skin?

NTS 2013
Kingdom Animalia
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53 / 69

Select an anamniote from the following:

PMC 2020
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

54 / 69

Of the following which one is not the characteristic of Kingdom Animalia.

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An amphibian’s heart has ______ chambers:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

56 / 69

Which one of following is a true fish?

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

57 / 69

Sea horse is included in:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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58 / 69

Which of the following phylum and its examples is NOT correct?

NUMS 2017
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

59 / 69

Which one of the following is a fish?

NTS 2012
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

60 / 69

The maximum mammalian characters are present in ____

NUMS 2015
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

61 / 69

Identify the phylum in which the larvae is bilaterally symmetrical but the adult Is radially symmetrical:

NTS 2013
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

62 / 69

Which one of the following animals possesses an open circulatory system:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

63 / 69

Which one of the following coelenterate is also called the Portuguese man of war?

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

64 / 69

All of the following are coelomates except

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The fate of each blastomere is foretold. The cleavage will be as

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The adaptive feature(s) which help(s) the fish to live in water include(s):

NTS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
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The system well – developed in the acoelomate is

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What is the correct order of arthropod groups, from those with most legs to those with fewest legs?

NTS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

69 / 69

In some cases the blastomere can produce complete embryo the cleavage will be

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