Biological Molecules MDCAT MCQs FSC

FSC Biology MCQs

The branch of biology which deals with the study of chemical compounds and the chemical processes in the fliving organisms is called:
A. Chemistry B. Biochemistry
C. Molocular biology D. Both a and b
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Which chemical component has the greatest contribution in the total mammalian cell weight?
A. Proteins B. Carbohydrate
C. Lipids D. Water
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Which bond provides stability to complex carbohydrate molecules?
A. C-H B. C-O
C. C-C D. C-N
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% of water in brain cells is
A. 20% B. 80%
C. 85% D. 90%
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Which statement is true about an aqueous medium:
A. Ionic as well as non ionic substance in aqueous media retains their identity. B. Enzymes can not perform catalysis reaction in this medium.
C. Ions and molecules move randomly thus are in more favorable state to react with other molecules and ions. D. It is less favorable media for chemical reactions.
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The property of water due to which it works as a temperature stabilizer and hence protect living organisms from sudden thermal changes is:
A. High specific heat of vaporization B. High specific heat capacity
C. Its Dipole nature D. Its liquid state
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Cn(H2O)n. is a general formula of :
A. Monosaccharides B. Oligosaccharides
C. Ploysacharides D. Carbohydrates
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Which of the statement is not true for compounds like glycoprotein and glycolipids?
A. They are conjugated molecules of carbohydrates B. Both have role in the extra cellular matrix of animals and bacterial cell wall
C. They are components of biological membranes. D. Both are produced and secreted by endoplasmic reticulum
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A compound produced as a result of a chemical reaction of an alcohol with an acid in which water molecule is released is called:
A. Monosaccharide B. Fatty acid
C. Neutral lipid D. Nucleic acid
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Which of the following statement is incorrect5 for fats containing unsaturated fatty acid?
A. They contain double bond B. They are usually solid at room temperature
C. They are lighter than water D. Their specific gravity is less than 1
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