Alkyl Halides Chemistry 12 Class MCQs

FSC Physics MCQs Part 2 Physics Part 1 HSSC Pre Medical Pre Engineering text Book Questions first year and second-year Physics mcqs

Which C-X bond has the highest bond energy per mole?
A. C-F B. C-C?
C. C-Br D. C-I
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Which C-X bond has the highest bond energy per mole?
A. C-F B. C-C?
C. C-Br D. C-I
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The number of molecules taking part in the rate determining step is called
A. Order of reaction B. Rate of reaction
C. Mole of a reaction D. Extent of a reaction
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What will be the order of reaction of a reaction whose rate can be expressed as R = K [A] [B]?
A. Zero B. One
C. Two D. Three
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When two moles of ethyl chloride react with two moles of sodium in the presence of ether what will be formed?
A. 2 moles of ethane B. 1 mole of ethane
C. 2 moles of butane D. 1 mole of butane
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When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide followed by acid hydrolysis the product formed is
A. propane B. propanoic acid
C. propanal D. propanol
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SN2 reaction can be best carried out with
A. primary alkyl halide B. secondary alkyl halide
C. tertiary alkyl halide D. all
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The rate of E1 reaction depends upon
A. the concentration of substrate
B. the concentration of nucleophile
C. the concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile
D. base the concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile
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Which one of the following species is not an electrophile?
A. NH3 B. Br+
C. H+ D. BF3
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Which one of the following alcohols will be formed when ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with acetone?
A. primary alcohol B. secondary alcohol
C. tertiary alcohol D. dihydric alcohol
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