About us

PakLearningSpot PLS established in 2020, is one of Pakistan’s best online educational platforms where you can find all preparatory material for your medical and engineering universities in just one click. Our primary mission is to facilitate the talented and needy aspirants all over Pakistan who are short of time and prefer to prepare while staying at home by providing them with free-of-cost learning resources.

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We also share tips and techniques to perform better at university entrance tests and Career Counseling sessions on how to keep yourself motivated during your studies. Keep in touch with the latest news regarding PMC, UET, and NUST admissions, and updates by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

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PakLearningSpot has a solution for you all. Get access to Past papers content for your university entrance test preparation online from your laptop or smartphone. PLS website helps students to prepare for university entry tests or admissions tests which are conducted by Universities for getting admission. MDCAT 2023 was conducted for medical and dental college admission. ECAT is for engineering college admissions. also, NUMS MDCAT 2023 NUST university conducted the NET exam for admissions. PIEAS entry test, and FAST-NU university entry test are similar NTS NAT exam, GIKI, and AKU Aga Khan entry test.

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