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1 / 198

On the day Bilal is born,
Jamila weighs more than Javed.
Javed weighs less than Junaid.
Of the three babies, Junaid weighs the most.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

Federal Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking
A) True
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) Uncertain
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

2 / 198

Complete the sequence:

2, 15, 41, 80, _____

Federal Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Letters and Symbols Series
A) 111
Show Explanation
B) 120
Show Explanation
C) 121
Show Explanation
D) 132
Show Explanation

3 / 198

The Management of School M has decided to give free breakfast from next academic year to all the students in its primary section through its canteen even though they will not get any government grant.
Courses of Action:
I. The school will have to admit many poor students who will seek admission for the next academic year.
II. The canteen facilities and utensils have to be checked and new purchases to be made to equip it properly.
III. Funds will have to be raised to support the scheme for years to come.

Federal Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Only II and III follows
Show Explanation
B) Only III and I follow
Show Explanation
C) Only I and II follow
Show Explanation
D) Only I follows
Show Explanation

4 / 198

“Statement I: The private medical colleges have increased the tuition fees in the current year by 200 per cent over the last year’s fees to meet the expenses.

Statement II: The government medical colleges have not increased their fees in spite of price escalation.”

Federal Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Cause and Effect
A) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
Show Explanation
B) Both the statements I and II are independent causes
Show Explanation
C) Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause
Show Explanation
D) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
Show Explanation

5 / 198

Statements: Cats are mammals. Tigers are mammals.
Conclusion: Tigers are cats.

Federal Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Logical Problems
A) Moderate Argument
Show Explanation
B) Invalid Argument
Show Explanation
C) Weak Argument
Show Explanation
D) Strong Argument
Show Explanation

6 / 198

Children go to school because:

Federal Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) they want to learn poems.
Show Explanation
B) they want to be away from home.
Show Explanation
C) They want to look beautiful.
Show Explanation
D) they want to gain knowledge.
Show Explanation

7 / 198

When frequency of applied periodic Force is equal to the natural frequency of harmonic oscillator then the _______ of oscillator _____.

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) amplitude : decreases
Show Explanation
B) Amplitude : increases
Show Explanation
C) Frequency : increases
Show Explanation
D) Frequency : decreases
Show Explanation

8 / 198

Magnetic force on a moving charge depends upon:

Federal Mock 5
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) Magnetic field and charge only
Show Explanation
B) Magnetic field and speed of the charge only
Show Explanation
C) Charge and speed of the charge only
Show Explanation
D) Magnetic field, charge and speed of the charge
Show Explanation

9 / 198

A 10 nanofarad (10 x 10-9 F) parallel plate capacitor holds a charge of magnitude 50 µC on each plate.If the plates are separated by a distance of 0.885mm, what is the area of each plate?

Federal Mock 5
Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor
A) 1.0 m2
Show Explanation
B) 3.0 m2
Show Explanation
C) 5.5 m2
Show Explanation
D) 7.5 m2

10 / 198

How many types of modulations are possible with sinusoidal carrier?

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Only one
Show Explanation
B) Two
Show Explanation
C) Three
Show Explanation
D) Four
Show Explanation

11 / 198

If a dielectric material is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance of the capacitor:

Federal Mock 5
Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor
A) Decreases
Show Explanation
B) Increases
Show Explanation
C) Remains constant
Show Explanation
D) Zero
Show Explanation

12 / 198

A particle is projected from the ground with a kinetic energy E at an angle of 60 degree with the horizontal. Its kinetic energy at the highest point of its motion will be:

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) E
Show Explanation
B) E/2
Show Explanation
C) E/4
Show Explanation
D) E/8
Show Explanation

13 / 198

In S.H.M the K.E. at the equilibrium position is:

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Zero as the acceleration is zero
Show Explanation
B) Minimum as the instantaneous displacement is zero
Show Explanation
C) Minimum as the instantaneous displacement is zero
Show Explanation
D) Maximum as the velocity is maximum
Show Explanation

14 / 198

The path difference for the constructive interference is:

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) (n-1)λ
Show Explanation
B) (n+1)λ
Show Explanation
C) n λ / 2
Show Explanation
D) 2n λ
Show Explanation
E) n λ
Show Explanation

15 / 198

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the Newton’s third law of motion?

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
A) To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction
Show Explanation
B) Action and reaction act on the same body
Show Explanation
C) There is no cause-effect relation action and reaction
Show Explanation
D) Action and reaction forces are simultaneous forces
Show Explanation

16 / 198

The speed of sound in air is 332 m/s. The speed of sound at 22 degrees centigrade will be:

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 345.2 m/s
Show Explanation
B) 340 m/s
Show Explanation
C) 350 m/s
Show Explanation
D) 330 m/s
Show Explanation

17 / 198

Transformer works on the principle of:

Federal Mock 5
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Self induction
Show Explanation
B) Mutual magnetic induction
Show Explanation
C) Electrostatics
Show Explanation
D) Mutual charging
Show Explanation

18 / 198

The fractional change in resistance per kelvin is known as:

Federal Mock 5
Current Electricity
Resistivity and its Dependence upon Temperature
A) Temperature coefficient of resistance
Show Explanation
B) Thermal coefficient
Show Explanation
C) Linear coefficient of expansion
Show Explanation
D) Volumetric coefficient of expansion
Show Explanation

19 / 198

The range Of the projectile depends upon the velocity of the projection and the angle of the projection i.e 45. For a fixed velocity, when the angle of projection is larger than 45. Which of the following is correct?

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) The height attained by the projectile will be more but the range is less
Show Explanation
B) Both the height and the range attained by the projectile will be more.
Show Explanation
C) The height attained by the projectile will be less but the range is more.
Show Explanation
D) Both the height and the range attained by the projectile will be less.
Show Explanation

20 / 198

A sphere of charge +Q is fixed in a position. A smaller sphere of +q is placed near the larger sphere and released from the rest. The small sphere will move away from the large sphere with?

Federal Mock 5
A) Decreasing velocity and decreasing acceleration
Show Explanation
B) Decreasing velocity and increasing acceleration
Show Explanation
C) Decreasing velocity and constant acceleration
Show Explanation
D) Increasing velocity and decreasing acceleration
Show Explanation

21 / 198

How fast an H+ ion should move in magnetic field 2.5×10-3 T such that magnetic force equal its weight?

Federal Mock 5
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) 6 x 10-5 m/s
Show Explanation
B) 4.5 x 10-5 m/s
Show Explanation
C) 3.3 x 10-6 m/s
Show Explanation
D) 4 x 10-5 m/s
Show Explanation

22 / 198

A stone is thrown from a bridge at an angle of 30o with the horizontal in the downward direction with a speed of 25m/s. If the stone strikes the water after 2.5 sec, then calculate the height of the bridge from the water surface (g=9.8m/s2)

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 61.9 m
Show Explanation
B) 35 m
Show Explanation
C) 70 m
Show Explanation
D) None
Show Explanation

23 / 198

A block with a mass of 0.1 kg is attached to a spring and placed on a horizontal frictionless table. The spring is stretched 20 cm when a force of 5 N is applied, the spring constant is:

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) 50 Nm-1
Show Explanation
B) 25 Nm-1
Show Explanation
C) 75 Nm-1
Show Explanation
D) 100 Nm-1
Show Explanation

24 / 198

When a charged particle is projected perpendicularly in a magnetic field its trajectory is

Federal Mock 5
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) Hyperbola
Show Explanation
B) Helix
Show Explanation
C) Parabola
Show Explanation
D) Circular
Show Explanation

25 / 198

Which one of the following properties is not exhibited by the longitudinal waves?

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Interference
Show Explanation
B) Reflection
Show Explanation
C) Diffraction
Show Explanation
D) Polarization
Show Explanation

26 / 198

If a pendulum is oscillating with a frequency f then what is the frequency at which it’s K.E. changes?

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) 2f
Show Explanation
B) f/2
Show Explanation
C) F
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

27 / 198

The oscillating object overshoots the rest position due to:

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) restoring force
Show Explanation
B) inertia
Show Explanation
C) gravitational potential energy
Show Explanation
D) elastic potential energy
Show Explanation

28 / 198

A battery has an e.m.f of 6.0 volts and an internal resistance of 0.4 ohm. It is connected to a 2.6 ohm resistor through a SPST (single pole, single throw switch):

When the switch is closed, the potential difference between the terminal Is, in volts is:

Federal Mock 5
Current Electricity
Electomotive Force and Potential Difference
A) 0
Show Explanation
B) 0.8
Show Explanation
C) 2.6
Show Explanation
D) 5.2
Show Explanation

29 / 198

Two sitar strings, A and B, are playing the note ‘Ga,’ are slightly out of tune and produce beats of frequency 6 Hz. The tension in the string A is slightly reduced, and the beat frequency is found to reduce to 3 Hz. If the original frequency of A is 324 Hz, what is the frequency of B?

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 405
Show Explanation
B) 402
Show Explanation
C) 395
Show Explanation
D) 318
Show Explanation

30 / 198

In case of harmonic oscillator total energy remains

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) variable
Show Explanation
B) infinity
Show Explanation
C) constant
Show Explanation
D) zero
Show Explanation

31 / 198

A cathode ray oscilloscope is displaying an AC signal. If one wave is completed in 2 cm along X- axis and time-base setting is 10 ms/cm, then frequency of AC signal will be:

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 100 Hz
Show Explanation
B) 50 Hz
Show Explanation
C) 20 Hz
Show Explanation
D) 10 Hz
Show Explanation

32 / 198

A car starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration. During the 5th second of its motion, it covers a distance of 36 meters. What is the acceleration of the car?

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
A) 12.5 m/s2
Show Explanation
B) 8 m/s2
Show Explanation
C) 15 m/s2
Show Explanation
D) 16 m/s2
Show Explanation

33 / 198

An electric bulb is rated at 220 V, 100 W. What is its resistance?

Federal Mock 5
Current Electricity
Ohms Law
A) 250 Ohms
Show Explanation
B) 350 Ohms
Show Explanation
C) 450 Ohms
Show Explanation
D) 484 Ohms
Show Explanation

34 / 198

A force F = 0.12 N is applied on a spring and the spring elongates by 3 cm. The specific constant of the spring is?

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) 0.4 Nm-2
Show Explanation
B) 40 Nm-1
Show Explanation
C) 400 Nm-1
Show Explanation
D) 4 Nm-1
Show Explanation

35 / 198

Maximum acceleration with zero velocity is possible only for:

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Non inertial frame of reference
Show Explanation
B) Rotational motion
Show Explanation
C) Simple Harmonic Motion
Show Explanation
D) Random Motion
Show Explanation

36 / 198

Kelvin, the unit of thermodynamic temperature is _____ of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.

Federal Mock 5
Heat and Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of Gases
A) 1/100
Show Explanation
B) 1/212
Show Explanation
C) 1/273.16
Show Explanation
D) 1/32
Show Explanation

37 / 198

The temperature of a body at 100 °C is increased by Δ? as measured on the Celsius scale. How is this temperature change expressed on the Kelvin scale?

Federal Mock 5
Heat and Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature
A) Δ? + 373
Show Explanation
B) Δ? + 273
Show Explanation
C) Δ? + 100
Show Explanation
D) Δ?
Show Explanation

38 / 198

The amount of heat at constant volume is called as:

Federal Mock 5
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) Internal energy
Show Explanation
B) Enthalpy
Show Explanation
C) Entropy
Show Explanation
D) Temperature
Show Explanation

39 / 198

A proton is about 1840 times heavier than an electron. When it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1kV, its kinetic energy will be:

Federal Mock 5
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) 1840 keV
Show Explanation
B) 1/1840 keV
Show Explanation
C) 1keV
Show Explanation
D) 920 keV
Show Explanation

40 / 198

Two capacitors C1 ( 12 uf ) and C2 (24 uf) are in series connected across a 360 volts d.c. supply. Calculate the charges on C1 and C2 respectively.

Federal Mock 5
A) 2880 x 10-6C , 2880 x 10-6
Show Explanation
B) 4770 x 10-6C, 4770 x 10-6
Show Explanation
C) 5810 x 10-6, 6610 x 10-6
Show Explanation
D) 7170 x 10-6, 8140 x 10-6
Show Explanation

41 / 198

Damping is the process whereby _______ is ______ from the oscillating system.

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Energy ; dissipated
Show Explanation
B) Energy ; generated
Show Explanation
C) Energy ; conserved
Show Explanation
D) Energy ; stored
Show Explanation

42 / 198

In a ripple tank, 40 waves pass through a certain point in 1 second. If the wavelength of the wave is 5 cm, then speed of the wave is:

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 0.5 ms-1
Show Explanation
B) 1 ms-1
Show Explanation
C) 1.5 ms-1
Show Explanation
D) 2 ms-1
Show Explanation

43 / 198

A stone dropped from the roof of a building takes 4 s to reach the ground. The height of the building is:

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 9.8 m
Show Explanation
B) 19.6 m
Show Explanation
C) 39.2 m
Show Explanation
D) 78.4 m
Show Explanation

44 / 198

An electric rod of 2000 watts rating boils a certain quantity of water in 10 minutes, the heat which generated for boiling this water is:

Federal Mock 5
Heat and Thermodynamics
Work and Heat
A) 8 x 10^4Joules
Show Explanation
B) 12 x 10^5Joules
Show Explanation
C) 19 x 10^5Joules
Show Explanation
D) 23 x 10^5Joules
Show Explanation

45 / 198

A traveling wave, in which the particles of the disturbed medium move perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave is called:

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Transverse wave
Show Explanation
B) Longitudinal wave
Show Explanation
C) Standing wave
Show Explanation
D) shock wave
Show Explanation

46 / 198

Two bodies are projected at an angle of ɑ and (90 – θ) to the horizontal with the same speed. The ratio between their time of flight is:

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) Cos θ : 1
Show Explanation
B) Sin θ : 1
Show Explanation
C) Sin θ : cos θ
Show Explanation
D) Cos θ : sin θ
Show Explanation

47 / 198

A steel rod has a length of 15 m at a temperature of 30°C. If the temperature is raised to 45°C. The increase in its length is:

(α= 1.1 x 10-5 K-1)

Federal Mock 5
Current Electricity
Resistivity and its Dependence upon Temperature
A) 537.1 x 10-5 m
Show Explanation
B) 447.5 x 10-5 m
Show Explanation
C) 327.5 x 10-5 m
Show Explanation
D) 247.5 x 10-5 m
Show Explanation

48 / 198

For projectile motion, in the absence of air resistance:

Federal Mock 5
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) Horizontal acceleration is zero
Show Explanation
B) Vertical acceleration is zero
Show Explanation
C) Horizontal force is constant
Show Explanation
D) Vertical speed is constant
Show Explanation

49 / 198

Which of the following is the angle of projection of a projectile if its range is equal to its height?

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 48
Show Explanation
B) 60
Show Explanation
C) 90
Show Explanation
D) 76
Show Explanation

50 / 198

If modulated signal frequency is represented by fm, carrier frequency by fc, fmin and fmax represent minimum and maximum values respectively, then the lower sideband refers to the range:

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) fc – fmax to fc – fmin
Show Explanation
B) fc + fmin to fc + fmax
Show Explanation
C) fc – fm
Show Explanation
D) fm – fc
Show Explanation

51 / 198

A mass has constant acceleration, what is true about the force applied on it?

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
A) Constantly increasing
Show Explanation
B) Constant but not zero
Show Explanation
C) Is directly proportional to square of displacement
Show Explanation
D) Is directly proportional to velocity
Show Explanation

52 / 198

The range of wavelengths for visible light is between _______.

Federal Mock 5
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
A) 4.6 x 107 to 7.8 x 10 -7 m
Show Explanation
B) 4.0 x 10 -7 to 7.6 x 10 -7 m
Show Explanation
C) 4.0 x 10 -6 to 7.6 x 10 -6 m
Show Explanation
D) 4.0 x 10 -8 to 7.6 x 10 -8 m
Show Explanation

53 / 198

The SI unit for intensity of sound is:

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Joule per second
Show Explanation
B) watt per metre square
Show Explanation
C) watt metre square
Show Explanation
D) joule per metre square
Show Explanation

54 / 198

The total energy of a block, executing simple harmonic motion is:

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Independent of ‘x’
Show Explanation
B) Proportional to ‘x’
Show Explanation
C) Proportional to ‘x2’
Show Explanation
D) Proportional to ‘x-2’
Show Explanation

55 / 198

The force applied on unit area to produce any change in the volume or length of a body is called:

Federal Mock 5
Physics of Solids
A) Strain
Show Explanation
B) Stress
Show Explanation
C) Elasticity
Show Explanation
D) Equilibrium
Show Explanation

56 / 198

Astronomers calculate speed of distant stars and galaxies using which of the following phenomena:

Federal Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Beats
Show Explanation
B) Interference
Show Explanation
C) Superposition principle
Show Explanation
D) Doppler effect
Show Explanation

57 / 198

The emission of electrons from a metal surface when exposed to light of suitable frequency is known as:

Federal Mock 5
Dawn of Modern Physics
Photoelectric Effect
A) Compton’s effect
Show Explanation
B) Photoelectric effect
Show Explanation
C) Coulomb’s effect
Show Explanation
D) Faraday’s law
Show Explanation

58 / 198

Third law of Newton is also called:

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
A) Law of Inertia
Show Explanation
B) Equilibrium
Show Explanation
C) Law of action and reaction
Show Explanation
D) None
Show Explanation

59 / 198

For a stiff spring, the value of spring constant is:

Federal Mock 5
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Higher
Show Explanation
B) Lower
Show Explanation
C) Intermediate
Show Explanation
D) Zero
Show Explanation

60 / 198

Which of the given motion is a type of 2D motion?

Federal Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) Circular
Show Explanation
B) Pendulum motion
Show Explanation
C) Projectile motion
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

61 / 198

The law of dominance is illustrated in the garden pea by:

Federal Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) Homozygous tall x heterozygous tall
Show Explanation
B) Heterozygous tall x heterozygous tall
Show Explanation
C) Homozygous tall x homozygous tall
Show Explanation
D) Pure short x pure short
Show Explanation
E) Homozygous tall x pure short
Show Explanation

62 / 198

Which process takes place during the movement of glucose from the body fluid to the blood?

Federal Mock 5
A) Endosmosis
Show Explanation
B) Osmosis
Show Explanation
C) Active transport
Show Explanation
D) Facilitated diffusion
Show Explanation

63 / 198

A major constituent of contraceptive pills is:

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Estrogen
Show Explanation
B) Progesterone
Show Explanation
C) Prolactin
Show Explanation
D) Testosterone
Show Explanation

64 / 198

Thyroid gland requires high amount of:

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Phosphate
Show Explanation
B) Calcium
Show Explanation
C) Iodine
Show Explanation
D) Sodium
Show Explanation

65 / 198

T-Lymphocytes are matured in thymus glands and they are produced in:

Federal Mock 5
A) Thymus glands
Show Explanation
B) Bone marrow
Show Explanation
C) Pancreas
Show Explanation
D) Heart
Show Explanation

66 / 198

The muscles attached to the bones are:

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Types of Muscles
A) Voluntary and smooth
Show Explanation
B) Involuntary and smooth
Show Explanation
C) Voluntary and striated
Show Explanation
D) Involuntary and striated
Show Explanation

67 / 198

The complex that forms when a substrate binds to an enzyme is called:

Federal Mock 5
A) Enzyme-substrate complex
Show Explanation
B) Enzyme complex
Show Explanation
C) Substrate complex
Show Explanation
D) Structural complex
Show Explanation

68 / 198

The process of swallowing is controlled by:

Federal Mock 5
Digestion and Absorption
A) Hypothalamus
Show Explanation
B) Hormones
Show Explanation
C) Medulla oblongata
Show Explanation
D) Sympathetic nervous system
Show Explanation

69 / 198

In aerobic respiration most of the ATP is synthesized during:

Federal Mock 5
Respiration Mechanism – Glycolysis to Electron Transport Chain
A) Oxidation of pyruvic acid
Show Explanation
B) Electron transport chain
Show Explanation
C) Krebs cycle
Show Explanation
D) Glycolysis
Show Explanation

70 / 198

Regarding structure of the human heart, Chordae Tendinae are present in:

Federal Mock 5
A) Atria
Show Explanation
B) Pulmonary valve
Show Explanation
C) Ventricles
Show Explanation
D) Aortic valve
Show Explanation

71 / 198

Adaptations of traits to better fill a niche is known as which of the following?

Federal Mock 5
A) Polymorphism
Show Explanation
B) Gene linkage
Show Explanation
C) Specialization
Show Explanation
D) Replication
Show Explanation

72 / 198

Which of the following is the function of adrenaline?

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) To increase the rate of breathing
Show Explanation
B) To increase the heart rate
Show Explanation
C) To increase the level of calcium in blood
Show Explanation
D) Both A and B
Show Explanation

73 / 198

Fungi may be all of the following EXCEPT

Federal Mock 5
A) Heterotrophic
Show Explanation
B) Autotrophic
Show Explanation
C) Saprophytic
Show Explanation
D) Decomposers
Show Explanation

74 / 198

Fundography is relevant to:

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Heart
Show Explanation
B) Liver
Show Explanation
C) Stomach
Show Explanation
D) Eyes
Show Explanation

75 / 198

The prolactin hormone, responsible for the activation of mammary glands to start producing milk, is a hormone of the:

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Pituitary gland
Show Explanation
B) Pancreas
Show Explanation
C) Thyroid gland
Show Explanation
D) Thymus gland
Show Explanation

76 / 198

Hepatic and Pancreatic secretions are also stimulated by a hormone called:

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Gastrin
Show Explanation
B) Secretin
Show Explanation
C) Insulin
Show Explanation
D) Glucagon
Show Explanation

77 / 198

Which of the following have both internal and external digestion?

Federal Mock 5
Digestion and Absorption
A) Hydra
Show Explanation
B) Jellyfish
Show Explanation
C) Flatworms
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

78 / 198

How many ml of blood is pumped by each contraction of the heart?

Federal Mock 5
A) 80 ml
Show Explanation
B) 90 ml
Show Explanation
C) 70 ml
Show Explanation
D) 60 ml
Show Explanation

79 / 198

Which valve action results from an increase in pressure in the ventricles of the heart?

Federal Mock 5
A) The closing of all the heart valves
Show Explanation
B) The closing of semilunar valves
Show Explanation
C) The opening of the bicuspid valve
Show Explanation
D) The opening of the semilunar valves
Show Explanation

80 / 198

The diagram represents two liquids, separated by a membrane through which osmosis can occur.

What movement of molecules will occur?

Federal Mock 5
A) Molecules of dissolved substance move from left to right.
Show Explanation
B) Molecules of dissolved substance move from right to left.
Show Explanation
C) Overall, water molecules move from left to right.
Show Explanation
D) Overall, water molecules move from right to left.
Show Explanation

81 / 198

Number of bones in skull is:

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) 8
Show Explanation
B) 14
Show Explanation
C) 22
Show Explanation
D) 33
Show Explanation

82 / 198

The number of muscles in a human body is about:

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Types of Muscles
A) 200
Show Explanation
B) 300
Show Explanation
C) 400
Show Explanation
D) 500
Show Explanation
E) 600
Show Explanation

83 / 198

The cementing material between adjacent plant cells is:

Federal Mock 5
Cell Structure and Function
Cell Wall
A) Cellulose
Show Explanation
B) Hemicellulose
Show Explanation
C) Middle lamella
Show Explanation
D) All of the above options are correct
Show Explanation

84 / 198

Deficient production of hormones by adrenal glands results in:

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Cushing’s syndrome
Show Explanation
B) Addison’s disease
Show Explanation
C) Diabetes Mellitus
Show Explanation
D) Goiter
Show Explanation

85 / 198

The propulsive movement of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is:

Federal Mock 5
Digestion and Absorption
A) Peristalsis
Show Explanation
B) Epiglottis
Show Explanation
C) Antiperistalsis
Show Explanation
D) Anus
Show Explanation

86 / 198

The name of the opening at the posterior part skull through which spinal cord passes is:

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Foramen Triosseum
Show Explanation
B) Foramen Magnum
Show Explanation
C) Acetabulum
Show Explanation
D) Ischia Pubic Foramen
Show Explanation

87 / 198

What do we call the cell surface membrane of a muscle fibre?

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) Sarcolemma
Show Explanation
B) Plasma membrane
Show Explanation
C) Sarcoplasm
Show Explanation
D) Myofibrils
Show Explanation

88 / 198

The phase of meiosis during which the non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes may exchange their segments:

Federal Mock 5
Cell Cycle
A) Leptotene
Show Explanation
B) Pachytene
Show Explanation
C) Diplotene
Show Explanation
D) Zygotene
Show Explanation

89 / 198

An enzyme – substrate is the place where enzyme are

Federal Mock 5
A) Formed
Show Explanation
B) Deactivated
Show Explanation
C) Active
Show Explanation
D) Reduced
Show Explanation

90 / 198

Egg-laying mammals are called:

Federal Mock 5
Reproduction in Animals
A) Prototheria
Show Explanation
B) Protozoa
Show Explanation
C) Chordata
Show Explanation
D) Monotremes
Show Explanation
E) Both A and D
Show Explanation

91 / 198

Number of bones in the skull:

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) 22
Show Explanation
B) 26
Show Explanation
C) 24
Show Explanation
D) 28
Show Explanation

92 / 198

Read the passage below to answer the question:

Haemophilia is a disorder in which blood fails to clot. Saad, a male haemophiliac, marries Sara, a normal woman and together they have four children, two boys (Ahmed and Ali) and two girls (Alia and Ayesha). None of the children display the symptoms of Haemophilia.

Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha, and Ali all marry normal individuals and have children. None of Ahmed’s or Ali’s children, male or female, display symptoms of haemophilia, but the sons of Alia and Ayesha display symptoms of haemophilia while the daughters of Alia and Ayesha do not.

Which of the following best explains the reason that Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha and Alia do not display symptoms of haemophilia, even though their father, Saad, is a haemophiliac.

Federal Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Haemophilia is an X-linked disorder, and Saad can only pass on his Y chromosome
Show Explanation
B) Haemophilia is an X-linked disorder, and even though Alia and Ayesha receive a hemophiliac X-chromosome from Saad, Sara gave them a normal X-chromosome.
Show Explanation
C) Haemophilia is a Y -linked disorder, and therefore cannot be displayed in females
Show Explanation
D) Haemophilia is a Y-linked disorder ,and Ahmed and Ali must have received an X Chromosome from Saad
Show Explanation

93 / 198

What is the commercial method of producing millions of seedlings in limited time?

Federal Mock 5
Reproduction in Plants
A) Parthenogenesis
Show Explanation
B) Parthenocarpy
Show Explanation
C) Cutting
Show Explanation
D) Grafting
Show Explanation

94 / 198

One of the functions of the neuroglial cells is to protect and support which of the following?

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Nephrons
Show Explanation
B) Myoid cells
Show Explanation
C) Neurones
Show Explanation
D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

95 / 198

A structure established between the uterine and foetal tissues for the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, waste, nutrients and other materials is:

Federal Mock 5
Reproduction in Females
A) Amnion
Show Explanation
B) Placenta
Show Explanation
C) Endometrium
Show Explanation
D) Uterus
Show Explanation

96 / 198

The massive accumulation of blood within a tissue is called:

Federal Mock 5
A) Haemorrhage
Show Explanation
B) Haematoma
Show Explanation
C) Hepatoma
Show Explanation
D) Haemocoel
Show Explanation

97 / 198

An involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus is called?

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Reflex
Show Explanation
B) Reflex arc
Show Explanation
C) Neuron
Show Explanation
D) Synapse
Show Explanation

98 / 198

In mitochondria, UGA codon act to specify ______ instead stop codon.

Federal Mock 5
Chromosomes and DNA
A) Arginine
Show Explanation
B) Valine
Show Explanation
C) Glutamic acid
Show Explanation
D) Tryptophan
Show Explanation

99 / 198

Antibodies are actually:

Federal Mock 5
A) Globular proteins
Show Explanation
B) Glycoproteins
Show Explanation
C) Fibrous proteins
Show Explanation
D) Glycolipids
Show Explanation

100 / 198

Ileum is about ______ long:

Federal Mock 5
Digestion and Absorption
A) 3.6 centimeters
Show Explanation
B) 3.6 mllimeters
Show Explanation
C) 3.6 inches
Show Explanation
D) 3.6 meters
Show Explanation

101 / 198

The diagram shows some of the muscles and bones of the human arm.

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) OPtion C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

102 / 198

Which of the following bones are present in the palm of the hand:

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) Carpals
Show Explanation
B) Metacarpals
Show Explanation
C) Phalanges
Show Explanation
D) Tarsal
Show Explanation

103 / 198

Read the passage below to answer the question:

Hemophilia is a disorder in which blood fails to clot. Saad, a male hemophiliac, marries Sara, a normal woman and together they have four children, two boys (Ahmed and Ali) and two girls (Alia and Ayesha). None of the children display the symptoms of Hemophilia. Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha, and Ali all marry normal individuals and have children. None of Ahmeds or Ali’s children, male or female, display symptoms of hemophilia, but the sons of Alia and Ayesha display symptoms of hemophilia while the daughters of Alia and Ayesha do not.

Which of the following individuals are heterozygous for hemophilia:

Federal Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Saad, Ahmed, and Ali
Show Explanation
B) Ahmed, Ali, Alia, and Ayesha
Show Explanation
C) Saad and Sara
Show Explanation
D) Alia and Ayesha
Show Explanation

104 / 198

Bile is used in:

Federal Mock 5
Digestion and Absorption
A) Protein digestion
Show Explanation
B) Starch digestion
Show Explanation
C) Fat emulsification
Show Explanation
D) Both A and B
Show Explanation

105 / 198

Which one of the following are “myogenic” type of muscles?

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Types of Muscles
A) Glandular muscles
Show Explanation
B) Cardiac muscles
Show Explanation
C) Skeletal muscles
Show Explanation
D) Smooth muscles
Show Explanation

106 / 198

Centrioles are composed of how many triplets of microtubules?

Federal Mock 5
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) 6
Show Explanation
B) 9
Show Explanation
C) 12
Show Explanation
D) 15
Show Explanation

107 / 198

In the human body, blood circulating from the gut to the heart passes through the:

Federal Mock 5
A) Aorta
Show Explanation
B) Kidneys
Show Explanation
C) Liver
Show Explanation
D) Lungs
Show Explanation

108 / 198

Right ventricle connects with lungs by:

Federal Mock 5
A) Aorta
Show Explanation
B) Pulmonary veins
Show Explanation
C) Pulmonary artery
Show Explanation
D) Dorsal aorta
Show Explanation

109 / 198

The factory of ribosomal synthesis is:

Federal Mock 5
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Cytoplasm
Show Explanation
B) Nucleus
Show Explanation
C) Nucleolus
Show Explanation
D) Endoplasmic reticulum
Show Explanation

110 / 198

Treponema pallidum causes:

Federal Mock 5
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
A) Syphilis
Show Explanation
B) Gonorrhoea
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) Herpes
Show Explanation

111 / 198

Which one of the following types of cell are found in secondary xylem of angiosperms?

Federal Mock 5
Kingdom Plantae
A) Tracheids parenchyma fibres collenchyma but no vessels
Show Explanation
B) Vessels tracheids parenchyma collenchyma but no fibres
Show Explanation
C) Vessels tracheids fibres collenchyma but no parenchyma
Show Explanation
D) Vessels tracheids fibres parenchyma but no collenchyma
Show Explanation

112 / 198

Retrovirus cause diseases in:

Federal Mock 5
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Rodents
Show Explanation
B) Fowls
Show Explanation
C) Cats
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

113 / 198

Nephridia are the excretory organs of members of which phylum?

Federal Mock 5
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Arthropoda
Show Explanation
B) Cnidaria
Show Explanation
C) Annelida
Show Explanation
D) Mollusca
Show Explanation

114 / 198

Hybrid black Guinea pigs are crossed with each other. The resulting offsprings will be:

Federal Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) All black
Show Explanation
B) All white
Show Explanation
C) 3 black, 1 white
Show Explanation
D) 3 white, 1 black
Show Explanation

115 / 198

Nutritional deficiency ( vitamin D ) results in softening of the bones. This disease is called?

Federal Mock 4
Some Common Diseases Related to Nutrition
A) Rickets
Show Explanation
B) Cleft palates
Show Explanation
C) Microcephaly
Show Explanation
D) Down’s syndrome
Show Explanation

116 / 198

Identify the incorrect statement from the following:

Federal Mock 5
A) Apical growth increases the length of stems and roots.
Show Explanation
B) Xylem is situated on the outer side of the cambium ring and the phloem on the inner side.
Show Explanation
C) Secondary growth increases the diameter of stems and roots.
Show Explanation
D) The cells in the elongation phase don’t divide.
Show Explanation

117 / 198

A woman can be bald only when she is

Federal Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Homozygous dominant
Show Explanation
B) Heterozygous
Show Explanation
C) Homozygous recessive
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

118 / 198

In roots, the apoplast pathway of water is disrupted when water reaches:

Federal Mock 5
A) Plasmodesmata
Show Explanation
B) Endodermis
Show Explanation
C) Cortex
Show Explanation
D) Pith
Show Explanation

119 / 198

Covalent modification means change in?

Federal Mock 5
A) Chemical properties
Show Explanation
B) Physical properties
Show Explanation
C) Bonding on amino acids
Show Explanation
D) pH of amino acids
Show Explanation

120 / 198

The egg-laying birds are called:

Federal Mock 5
Reproduction in Animals
A) Oviparous
Show Explanation
B) Viviparous
Show Explanation
C) Monotremes
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

121 / 198

The chemical analysis of a compound having molecular mass 188 gives, C=12.8%, H=2.1% and Br=85.1%. Its molecular formula is:

Federal Mock 5
Theoretical Yield, Actual Yield and Percentage Yield
A) CH2Br
Show Explanation
B) C2H4Br2
Show Explanation
C) C2H4Br
Show Explanation
D) CH2(Br)2
Show Explanation

122 / 198

How many metacarpals are present In the hand?

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) 4
Show Explanation
B) 3
Show Explanation
C) 6
Show Explanation
D) 5
Show Explanation

123 / 198

The end or complete stop of the menstrual cycle is called?

Federal Mock 5
Reproduction in Females
A) Ovulation
Show Explanation
B) Menstruation
Show Explanation
C) Fertilization
Show Explanation
D) Menopause
Show Explanation

124 / 198

A man’s right side of the heart has ______ type of blood.

Federal Mock 5
A) Oxygenated
Show Explanation
B) Deoxygenated
Show Explanation
C) Oxygenated and Deoxygenated
Show Explanation
D) None
Show Explanation

125 / 198

Molluscs have an exoskeleton made up of:

Federal Mock 5
Support and Movement
Locomotion in Protoctista and Invertebrates
A) Protein
Show Explanation
B) Silica
Show Explanation
C) CaCO3
Show Explanation
D) Cuticles
Show Explanation

126 / 198

Gigantism in human beings is caused due to over secretion of:

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Thyrotropin
Show Explanation
B) Corticotropin
Show Explanation
C) Somatotropin
Show Explanation
D) Prolactin
Show Explanation

127 / 198

Which of the following is not the function of the cerebrum?

Federal Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Voluntary digestion
Show Explanation
B) Thinking
Show Explanation
C) Intelligence
Show Explanation
D) Skeletal muscles
Show Explanation

128 / 198

Select the option which correctly represents the following word:

Who is

Federal Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Whos
Show Explanation
B) Whose
Show Explanation
C) Who’s
Show Explanation
D) Whos’
Show Explanation

129 / 198

Select words that describe the word: Glared

Federal Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Frown or blaze
Show Explanation
B) Shine or sparkle
Show Explanation
C) Grin or extinguish
Show Explanation
D) Frown or eliminate
Show Explanation

130 / 198

I’m now going to give you 10 _______ tips for running a really successful website.

Federal Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) Invaluable
Show Explanation
B) Valueless
Show Explanation
C) Unworthy
Show Explanation
D) Unprofitable
Show Explanation

131 / 198

Choose the correct sentence:

Federal Mock 5
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) I don’t like this one bit said Jamil.
Show Explanation
B) “I don’t like this one bit,” said Jamil.
Show Explanation
C) “I don’t like this one bit?” said jamil.
Show Explanation
D) I dont like this one bit, said Jamil.
Show Explanation

132 / 198

Demonstrate the control of tenses and sentence structure:
Last Saturday my father _____ (take) my friends and me to the circus.

Federal Mock 5
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Take
Show Explanation
B) Took
Show Explanation
C) Will take
Show Explanation
D) Has taken
Show Explanation

133 / 198

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

A really sophisticated person would never be _______ enough, to think that he is always right.

Federal Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) Reverent
Show Explanation
B) Naive
Show Explanation
C) Articulate
Show Explanation
D) Humble
Show Explanation

134 / 198

They will bake the pies. Which tense is used here?

Federal Mock 5
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Present
Show Explanation
B) Past
Show Explanation
C) Future
Show Explanation
D) Universal
Show Explanation

135 / 198

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters:


Federal Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Break
Show Explanation
B) Continuity
Show Explanation
C) Injury
Show Explanation
D) Difference
Show Explanation

136 / 198

Demonstrate the correct use of articles and prepositions:

Gold is _______ precious metal.

Federal Mock 5
Grammar and Punctuation
A) A
Show Explanation
B) An
Show Explanation
C) The
Show Explanation
D) No article is needed
Show Explanation

137 / 198

We have ________ small house in _________ village in _________ Netherlands.

Federal Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) The…an…a
Show Explanation
B) An…a…the
Show Explanation
C) A…a….the
Show Explanation
D) A…an…the
Show Explanation

138 / 198

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

Although he studied hard, he couldn’t succeed __________ getting a high score in his test.

Federal Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) In
Show Explanation
B) On
Show Explanation
C) At
Show Explanation
D) To
Show Explanation

139 / 198

Pick the correct option:

Federal Mock 5
Grammar and Punctuation
A) No star is brighter than the moon.
Show Explanation
B) No star is more bright than the moon.
Show Explanation
C) No star is brighter then the moon
Show Explanation
D) No star is brighter than moon.
Show Explanation

140 / 198

_________ people know the town better than old Jake here.

Federal Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) Only few
Show Explanation
B) The few
Show Explanation
C) Only the few
Show Explanation
D) Few
Show Explanation

141 / 198

It ____________ (rain) since last night.

Federal Mock 5
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Raining
Show Explanation
B) Has been raining
Show Explanation
C) Rains
Show Explanation
D) Rained
Show Explanation

142 / 198

Choose the correct sentence:

Federal Mock 5
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) “Trust me, I know what I’m doing,” Bilal said. “Your car is not hard to fix.”
Show Explanation
B) “Trust me, I know what I’m doing,” Bilal said. “your car are not hard to fix.”
Show Explanation
C) “Trust me I know what Im doing,” Bilal said. “Your car is not hard to fix.”
Show Explanation
D) “Trust me, I know what I’m doing,” Bilal said. Your car is not hard to fix.
Show Explanation

143 / 198

Choose the correct spelling:

Federal Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Eccentric
Show Explanation
B) Eckentric
Show Explanation
C) Akcantric
Show Explanation
D) Accentric
Show Explanation

144 / 198

I have already got a ____________ at a hotel in Murree. We shall have no problems.

Federal Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) Prescription
Show Explanation
B) Property
Show Explanation
C) Reserve
Show Explanation
D) Reservation
Show Explanation

145 / 198

Demonstrate the correct use of subject-verb agreement:
There ____ many objections to the plan.

Federal Mock 5
Grammar and Punctuation
A) Is
Show Explanation
B) Are
Show Explanation
C) Was
Show Explanation
D) Be
Show Explanation

146 / 198

The oxidation state of “S’ in the (S2O3)-2 is:

Federal Mock 5
Oxidation Number or State
A) +4
Show Explanation
B) +6
Show Explanation
C) -2
Show Explanation
D) +2
Show Explanation

147 / 198

For a reaction given below

C(s) + O2 (g) -> CO2 (g) + 394 kJ / mol

The enthalpy of reaction is

Federal Mock 5
Enthalpies of Reactions and its Types
A) 394 kJ / mol
Show Explanation
B) -394 kJ / mol
Show Explanation
C) 197 kJ / mol
Show Explanation
D) -197 kJ / mol
Show Explanation

148 / 198

Starting point of Kelvin scale is:

Federal Mock 5
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) 0 K
Show Explanation
B) -400 K
Show Explanation
C) -210 K
Show Explanation
D) -273.15 K
Show Explanation

149 / 198

Heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical reaction does not depend upon?

Federal Mock 5
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) Amount of reactants
Show Explanation
B) Pressure of reaction
Show Explanation
C) Physical state of reactants and products
Show Explanation
D) Temperature
Show Explanation

150 / 198

A solution of 500 ml of 0.2 KOH and 500ml of 0.2M HCl is mixed and stirred; the rise in temperature is T1. The experiment is repeated using 250ml of each of the solution: the temperature rise is T2. Which of the following is true?

Federal Mock 5
Solution and Colloids
A) T1=T2
Show Explanation
B) T1=2T2
Show Explanation
C) T1=4T2
Show Explanation
D) T2=9T1
Show Explanation

151 / 198

The relationship between quantum number n and l is:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) n = l – 1
Show Explanation
B) l = n – 2
Show Explanation
C) l = n – 1
Show Explanation
D) n = l – 2
Show Explanation

152 / 198

Transfer of heat from hot surroundings to a cold refrigerator is an example of:

Federal Mock 5
Spontaneous and Non-Spontaneous Reactions
A) Spontaneous reaction
Show Explanation
B) Non-Spontaneous reaction
Show Explanation
C) First law of thermodynamics
Show Explanation
D) All of the above options are correct
Show Explanation

153 / 198

The RMS speed at NTP of a gas can be calculated from the expression:

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation
E) Option A, B and C
Show Explanation

154 / 198

Molar heat of vaporization is the amount of heat required to convert one mole of:

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Liquids and Water
A) A liquid into its vapours at its boiling point
Show Explanation
B) Liquids into its vapours
Show Explanation
C) Solids into vapours
Show Explanation
D) Solid into liquid at its melting point
Show Explanation

155 / 198

Anything under test or observation in laboratory is called

Federal Mock 5
System, Surrounding and State Function
A) Surrounding
Show Explanation
B) System
Show Explanation
C) Confined space
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

156 / 198

The number of electrons present in n=2 , l = 1 and m = 1, 0, -1 are:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) 2
Show Explanation
B) 6
Show Explanation
C) 8
Show Explanation
D) 10
Show Explanation

157 / 198

When N2+ is form N2 bond-order ……… and when O2+ is formed from O2 bond-order.

Federal Mock 5
Chemical Bonding
Bond Energy and Bond Length
A) Increases increases
Show Explanation
B) Decreases decreases
Show Explanation
C) Increases decreases
Show Explanation
D) Decrease increase
Show Explanation

158 / 198

Quantum number values for ‘2p’ orbitals are:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) n=2, l=1
Show Explanation
B) n=1, l=2
Show Explanation
C) n=1, l=0
Show Explanation
D) n=2, l=0
Show Explanation

159 / 198

When electricity is passed through water in the presence of an acid, oxygen and ______ is produced.

Federal Mock 5
Electrochemical Series
A) Carbon
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) CO2
Show Explanation
D) Hydrogen
Show Explanation

160 / 198

Spectrometry is used when reactants and products absorb _____.

Federal Mock 5
A) Ultraviolet radiations
Show Explanation
B) Visible radiation
Show Explanation
C) Infrared radiation
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

161 / 198

The common oxidation number of halogens is:

Federal Mock 5
Oxidation Number or State
A) -1
Show Explanation
B) +1
Show Explanation
C) -2
Show Explanation
D) 0
Show Explanation

162 / 198

Which enthalpy change is relevant in the following process

Na(s) -> Na (g) ΔH = +107

Federal Mock 5
Standard States and Enthalpy Changes
A) Enthalpy of atomization
Show Explanation
B) Enthalpy of fusion
Show Explanation
C) Enthalpy of vaporization
Show Explanation
D) Enthalpy of formation
Show Explanation

163 / 198

The Neutron was discovered by:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) Goldstein
Show Explanation
B) Rutherford
Show Explanation
C) J.J Thomson
Show Explanation
D) Chadwick
Show Explanation

164 / 198

J.J Thomson determined the:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) Charge of an electron
Show Explanation
B) Mass of an electron
Show Explanation
C) e/m value of an electron
Show Explanation
D) Charge of a proton
Show Explanation

165 / 198

Some substances lack definite heats of fusion. These substances are:

Federal Mock 5
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) Isomorphs
Show Explanation
B) Polymorphs
Show Explanation
C) Amorphous solids
Show Explanation
D) Crystalline solids
Show Explanation

166 / 198

During oxidation process, oxidation number of an element:

Federal Mock 5
Oxidation Number or State
A) Decreases
Show Explanation
B) Increases
Show Explanation
C) Remains constant
Show Explanation
D) Both decreases and increases
Show Explanation

167 / 198

The ground state of an atom corresponds to a state of :

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Plancks Quantum Theory
A) Maximum energy
Show Explanation
B) Minimum energy
Show Explanation
C) Negative energy
Show Explanation
D) Positive energy
Show Explanation

168 / 198

What is the temperature at which the volume of gas is said to be zero?

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Non Ideal Behaviour Of Gases
A) 0 C
Show Explanation
B) 4 C
Show Explanation
C) -273.16 C
Show Explanation
D) -173.16 C
Show Explanation

169 / 198

The given diagram shows the enthalpy changes during a chemical reaction.

Federal Mock 5
Standard States and Enthalpy Changes
A) An endothermic reaction
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B) An exothermic reaction
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C) An isothermic process
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D) A non-spontaneous process
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170 / 198

What assumptions are made in the Kinetic Theory about an ideal gas?

There are no forces of attraction between molecules
the molecules are in a state of continuous random motion
the size of the molecule is negligible
Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gases
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171 / 198

The atomic mass, molecular mass, ionic mass or formula mass of a substance expressed in grams is called:

Federal Mock 5
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Introduction to the Atom
A) Mole of a substance
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B) Weight of substance
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C) Mass of substance
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D) Molar mass of substance
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172 / 198

Common Ion effect is a useful application in?

Federal Mock 5
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) Qualitative salt analysis
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B) Quantitative salt analysis
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C) Both A and B
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D) None of the above
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173 / 198

What volume in dm3 of KCl is obtained in the following equation if the volume of KCIO3 at the beginning of the reaction is 20 dm3?

2KClO3 -> 2KCl + 3O2

Federal Mock 5
A) 2 dm3
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B) 74.5 dm3
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C) 50 dm3
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D) 40 dm3
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E) 20 dm3
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174 / 198

If the difference between electronegativity values between two atoms is less than 1.7 , the bond is necessarily:

Federal Mock 5
Chemical Bonding
Electron Affinity and Electronegativity
A) Ionic
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B) Covalent
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C) Electrovalent
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D) Polar
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175 / 198

Lattice Energy of ionic compounds are found by

Federal Mock 5
Born-Haber Cycle
A) Hess’ law
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B) Born Habers Cycle
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C) Law of Mass action
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D) Law of conservation of mass
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176 / 198

The Unit cell with crystallographic dimensions a = b ≠c ,α = β = γ = 90 degrees is:

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Crystal Lattice and Lattice Energy
A) Cubic
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B) Tetragonal
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C) Monoclinic
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D) Hexagonal
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177 / 198

How will the equilibrium of the following reaction be affected if additional nitrogen is added?

N2(g) + 3H2(g)⇌ 2NH3(g)

Federal Mock 5
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) It will be shifted to the right.
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B) It will be shifted to the left.
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C) it will be unaffected.
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D) The effect on the equilibrium cannot be determined without more information.
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178 / 198

1 liter of a gas weighs 2 g at 300 K and 1 atm pressure. If the pressure is made 0.75 atm, at which of the following temperatures will 1 L of the same gas weigh 1 g?

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) 450 K
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B) 800 K
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C) 600 K
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D) 900 K
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179 / 198

The radius of the third Bohr orbit is:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Bohrs Model of Atom
A) 0.529 Å
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B) 0.529 / 4 Å
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C) 0.529 x 2 Å
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D) 0.529 x 32 Å
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180 / 198

In electrochemical series, elements are arranged in order of their standard electrode potentials, the correct decreasing reactivity order for metals is:

Federal Mock 5
Electrochemical Series
A) Gold, silver, magnesium, aluminum
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B) Mercury, calcium, sodium, magnesium
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C) Sodium, aluminum, lead, copper
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D) Potassium, silver, magnesium, aluminum
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181 / 198

Which of the following substances has giant covalent structure?

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Types of Solids
A) Iodine crystal
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B) Solid CO2
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C) Silica
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D) White phosphorus
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182 / 198

Find the mass in grams of 1.69 mol of phosphoric acid.

Federal Mock 5
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Analysis of a Compound – Empirical And Molecular Formulas
A) 165.6 g
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B) 157 g
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C) 148 g
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D) 138 g
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183 / 198

Natural gas in homes burns in excess of oxygen, what is the limiting reactant in this case?

Federal Mock 5
Limiting and Non Limiting Reagents
A) Oxygen
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B) Natural gas
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C) Air
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D) There is no limiting reactant
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184 / 198

106 gram of Na2CO3 per dm3 of the solution of Na2CO3 in water, the concentration of the solution will be:

Federal Mock 5
Limiting and Non Limiting Reagents
A) 1N
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B) 0.1 M
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C) 1M
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D) 0.02M
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185 / 198

Matter changes from one state to another state on change in ___________.

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
States of Matter
A) density
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B) pressure
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C) viscosity
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D) all
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186 / 198

Which of the following are the fundamental ways of transferring energy?

Federal Mock 5
Spontaneous and Non-Spontaneous Reactions
A) Pressure and work
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B) Volume and pressure
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C) Heat and work
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D) Pressure and heat
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187 / 198

A correct formula must:

Federal Mock 5
A) Be balanced with proper coefficients
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B) Always have subscripts
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C) Always conform to the valency rules
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D) Always conforms to the law of multiple proportions
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188 / 198

For a given mass of gas, if the pressure is reduced to half and its temperature is doubled, then volume V will become?

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) 4V
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B) 2V2
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C) V/4
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D) 8V
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189 / 198

The atomic number Z of an atom represents the:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) Number of protons
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B) Number of electrons and protons
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C) Number of neutrons
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D) Sum of protons and neutrons
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190 / 198

A solid melts sharply just above 100 degree centigrade. It does not conduct electricity even when molten. It has weak Vander waal’s forces. What is the structure of the solid most likely to be?

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Types of Solids
A) An atomic crystal
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B) ionic crystal
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C) a molecular crystal
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D) metallic
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191 / 198

When two moles of H2 and one mole of O2 react to form H2O, 484 KJ heat is evolved. What is Δ Hf for one mole of H2O?

Federal Mock 5
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) -484 KJmol-1
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B) -242 KJmol-1
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C) -121 KJmol-1
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D) +242 KJmol-1
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192 / 198

Shape of the orbital occupied by an electron is defined by:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) Principal quantum number
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B) Azimuthal quantum number
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C) Spin quantum number
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D) Magnetic quantum number
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193 / 198

Through what phenomenons does heat flow?

Federal Mock 5
Standard States and Enthalpy Changes
A) Conduction
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B) Convection
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C) Radiation
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D) All of these
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194 / 198

Nitrogen and phosphorus have 3 of their valence electrons unpaired because of:

Federal Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) Auf bau principle
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B) Heisenberg’s principle
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C) Hund’s rule
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D) Planck’s statement
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195 / 198

Which of the following pairs of gases have same rate of diffusion:

Federal Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Diffusion And Effusion
A) CO2 and N2O
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B) CO2 and CO
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C) NO2 and CO2
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D) CO2 and N2O4
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196 / 198

In a vessel, 10 g N2, 10 g H2 and 10g O2 are present. Which one will have least number of atoms?

Federal Mock 5
Limiting and Non Limiting Reagents
A) H2
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B) N2
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C) O2
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D) Both H2 and N2
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197 / 198

The efficiency of chemical reaction can be expressed as:

Federal Mock 5
Theoretical Yield, Actual Yield and Percentage Yield
A) Theoretical yield
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B) Actual yield
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C) % yield
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D) Maximum yield
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198 / 198

A mole of a substance contains _____ particles.

Federal Mock 5
A) 6.2×1022
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B) 6.22×1022
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C) 6.02×1023
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D) 6.5×1022
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