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1 / 200

Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

Federal Mock 4
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) If a person believes that wearing some kind of charm will prevent him from having bad luck, he will wear it.
Show Explanation
B) If a person believed that wearing some kind of charm will prevent him from having bad luck, he will wear it.
Show Explanation
C) If a person believes that wearing some kind of a charm will prevent him to have bad luck. He will wear it.
Show Explanation
D) If a person believed that wearing some kind of charm will prevent him from having bad luck, he would wear it.
Show Explanation

2 / 200

Choose the correct spelling of the word:

Federal Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Annehilate
Show Explanation
B) Anihilate
Show Explanation
C) Annihilate
Show Explanation
D) Anehilate
Show Explanation

3 / 200

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

My father often ______ here.

Federal Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Come
Show Explanation
B) Came
Show Explanation
C) Comes
Show Explanation
D) Coming
Show Explanation

4 / 200

Select the most suitable synonym for the given word:

Federal Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Justify
Show Explanation
B) Compare
Show Explanation
C) Expos
Show Explanation
D) Jettison
Show Explanation

5 / 200

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

I am in London this Summer, I ___________ English.

Federal Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Learn
Show Explanation
B) Learns
Show Explanation
C) Am learning
Show Explanation
D) Learning
Show Explanation

6 / 200

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

A really sophisticated person would never be _______ enough, to think that he is always right.

Federal Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Reverent
Show Explanation
B) Naive
Show Explanation
C) Articulate
Show Explanation
D) Humble
Show Explanation

7 / 200

Choose the related word for Rat on the analogy of Elephant : Stride.

Federal Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Scamper
Show Explanation
B) Loiter
Show Explanation
C) Whimper
Show Explanation
D) Gallop
Show Explanation

8 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct.

You cannot leave now. The lions and tigers will appear in a minute.

Federal Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) You
Show Explanation
B) The lions
Show Explanation
C) Tigers
Show Explanation
D) Appear
Show Explanation
E) No error
Show Explanation

9 / 200

Each sentence below has a blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in with the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

The provost was utterly _______ about having the students keep their books tidily in their lockers, yet her desk was very ________.

Federal Mock 4
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Apathetic …comfortable
Show Explanation
B) Bewildered … bizarre
Show Explanation
C) Determined …disorderly
Show Explanation
D) Considerate…modern
Show Explanation

10 / 200

Which one is grammatically correct? Read carefully.

Federal Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Both are correct
Show Explanation
B) Speak up! I can’t hear you because your dog is making too much noise.
Show Explanation
C) Both are wrong
Show Explanation
D) Speak up! I can’t hear you because your dog is making much too noise.
Show Explanation

11 / 200

Jack is six years old, but he ________ French and Spanish.

Federal Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation
A) Speaking
Show Explanation
B) Is speaking
Show Explanation
C) Speaks
Show Explanation
D) Speak
Show Explanation

12 / 200

Select the most suitable synonym for the given word:

Federal Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Useless
Show Explanation
B) Careless

Show Explanation
C) Dauntless
Show Explanation
D) Fearless
Show Explanation

13 / 200

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

Everyone __________ done his or her homework.

Federal Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Has
Show Explanation
B) Have
Show Explanation
C) Had
Show Explanation
D) Non
Show Explanation

14 / 200

In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative, out of the four as your answer.

Ravens appear to behave ______, actively helping one another to find food.

Federal Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) mysteriously
Show Explanation
B) warily
Show Explanation
C) aggressively
Show Explanation
D) defensively
Show Explanation

15 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct:

The stories that she makes out for her children ought to be written down and published.

Federal Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) That
Show Explanation
B) Makes out
Show Explanation
C) Ought to
Show Explanation
D) Written down
Show Explanation

16 / 200

A person who leaves his country and settles in another country is called:

Federal Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Emigrant
Show Explanation
B) Immigrant
Show Explanation
C) Migrant
Show Explanation
D) Aborigine
Show Explanation

17 / 200

In each of the following questions, four alternative sentences are given.

Choose the CORRECT option.

Federal Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) He chastised the team from their lack of commitment.
Show Explanation
B) He chastised the team to their lack of commitment.
Show Explanation
C) He chastised the team of their lack of commitment.
Show Explanation
D) He chastised the team for their lack of commitment.
Show Explanation

18 / 200

Each sentence below has a blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in with the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

The air in a room that contains several houseplants can be more ______ oxygen than in a room that contains no plants.

Federal Mock 4
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Complicated by
Show Explanation
B) Exhausted with
Show Explanation
C) Obscured by
Show Explanation
D) Saturated with
Show Explanation

19 / 200

Which one forms the raw material for coenzymes:

Federal Mock 4
A) Vitamins
Show Explanation
B) Carbohydrates
Show Explanation
C) Lipids
Show Explanation
D) Proteins
Show Explanation

20 / 200

All of the following coelenterates show alternation of generation except?

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Hydra
Show Explanation
B) Obelia
Show Explanation
C) Aurellia
Show Explanation
D) All of these options are correct
Show Explanation

21 / 200

The brain is protected by:

Federal Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) sacrum
Show Explanation
B) Cranium
Show Explanation
C) humerus
Show Explanation
D) scapula
Show Explanation

22 / 200

The number of spinal nerves along the spinal cord is:

Federal Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) 16 pairs
Show Explanation
B) 20 pairs
Show Explanation
C) 31 pairs
Show Explanation
D) 33 pairs
Show Explanation

23 / 200

If lipopolysaccharides did not appear in the wall of bacteria on staining then it will be known as ________.

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Gram negative
Show Explanation
B) Gram positive
Show Explanation
C) Capsule
Show Explanation
D) Both Gram positive & negative
Show Explanation

24 / 200

First infectious disease against which effective method of prevention developed was a _______:

Federal Mock 4
Variety of Life
A) Bacterial disease
Show Explanation
B) Viral disease
Show Explanation
C) Protozoan disease
Show Explanation
D) Viroid disease
Show Explanation

25 / 200

HIV is also known as:

Federal Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

26 / 200

Gigantism in human beings is caused due to over secretion of:

Federal Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Thyrotropin
Show Explanation
B) Corticotropin
Show Explanation
C) Somatotropin
Show Explanation
D) Prolactin
Show Explanation

27 / 200

An example of competitive inhibition of an enzyme is the inhibition of;

Federal Mock 4
A) Succinic dehydrogenase by malonic acid
Show Explanation
B) Cytochrome oxidase by cyanide
Show Explanation
C) Hexokinase by glucose
Show Explanation
D) Carbonic anhydrase by carbon dioxide
Show Explanation

28 / 200

Enzymes that are functioning within the cell are called:

Federal Mock 4
Chemistry of Life
A) Endoenzymes
Show Explanation
B) Exoenzymes
Show Explanation
C) Holoenzymes
Show Explanation
D) Both A & C
Show Explanation

29 / 200

A sponge of Antarctica which is more than a meter tall is known as?

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Euplectella
Show Explanation
B) Spongilla
Show Explanation
C) Leucosolenia
Show Explanation
D) Scolymastra joubini
Show Explanation

30 / 200

The primary electron acceptor in cyclic photophosphorylation is:

Federal Mock 4
Light Dependent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
A) Carbon dioxide
Show Explanation
B) A protein that contains iron and sulphur
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

31 / 200

Oxygen, released into the atmosphere, comes from:

Federal Mock 4
Introduction to Photosynthesis
A) CO2
Show Explanation
B) H2O
Show Explanation
C) C6H12O6
Show Explanation
D) CO2 and H2O
Show Explanation

32 / 200

The sex pili is formed in which of the following processes?

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Growth and Reproduction in Bacteria
A) Sexual reproduction
Show Explanation
B) Binary fission
Show Explanation
C) Mitosis
Show Explanation
D) Conjugation
Show Explanation

33 / 200

At which site does digestion of starches begin?

Federal Mock 4
Digestion and Absorption
A) 3
Show Explanation
B) 7
Show Explanation
C) 8
Show Explanation
D) 12
Show Explanation

34 / 200

The notochord is

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Present in adult chordates
Show Explanation
B) Present in all echinoderms
Show Explanation
C) Present in chordates during embryological developents
Show Explanation
D) Always a vestigial organ in chordates
Show Explanation

35 / 200

In which type of cells, cell wall is not present?

Federal Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cell Wall
A) Plant cells
Show Explanation
B) Fungal cells
Show Explanation
C) Bacterial cells
Show Explanation
D) Liver cells
Show Explanation

36 / 200

Venous blood en route from the kidneys to the heart must pass through the:

Federal Mock 4
A) Iliac vein
Show Explanation
B) Inferior vena cava
Show Explanation
C) Liver
Show Explanation
D) Hepatic vein
Show Explanation

37 / 200

Premature birth or miscarriage is usually caused by the disturbance in secretion of which of the following hormone?

Federal Mock 4
Disorders of the Reproductive System
A) Estrogen
Show Explanation
B) Progesterone
Show Explanation
C) Lactogen
Show Explanation
D) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Show Explanation

38 / 200

Tay Sach’s disease is caused by absence of enzyme required to breakdown ____________.

Federal Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Lipids
Show Explanation
B) Glycogen
Show Explanation
C) Glucose
Show Explanation
D) Proteins
Show Explanation

39 / 200

The joints that allow movement in two directions are called:

Federal Mock 4
Support and Movement
Types of Joints
A) Ball and Socket joint
Show Explanation
B) Hinge joint
Show Explanation
C) Cartilaginous joint
Show Explanation
D) Fibrous joint
Show Explanation

40 / 200

Which of the following most appropriately describes haemophilia?

Federal Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Chromosomal disorder
Show Explanation
B) Dominant gene disorder
Show Explanation
C) Recessive gene disorder
Show Explanation
D) X-­linked recessive gene disorder
Show Explanation

41 / 200

The mechanism that causes a gene to move from one linkage group to another is called:

Federal Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
Gene Linkage and Crossing Over
A) Inversion
Show Explanation
B) Duplication
Show Explanation
C) Translocation
Show Explanation
D) Crossing­ over
Show Explanation

42 / 200

A metal cofactor which is used in synthesis of glycolysis is?

Federal Mock 4
A) Fe+3
Show Explanation
B) Mn+2
Show Explanation
C) Co+2
Show Explanation
D) Mg+2
Show Explanation

43 / 200

Which of the following is true in case of induced fit model?

Federal Mock 4
A) The substrate changes its shape slightly.
Show Explanation
B) The enzyme changes its shape slightly.
Show Explanation
C) None of them changes shape.
Show Explanation
D) Both changes shape.
Show Explanation

44 / 200

Which of the following animals can survive without drinking water?

Federal Mock 4
Heterotrophic Nutrition
A) Kangaroo rat
Show Explanation
B) Pig
Show Explanation
C) Kangaroo
Show Explanation
D) Camel
Show Explanation

45 / 200

Which of the following is an exception to cell theory?:

Federal Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Introduction to Cell and it’s theory
A) Bacteria
Show Explanation
B) Viruses
Show Explanation
C) Protists
Show Explanation
D) Protozoans
Show Explanation

46 / 200

The rate of photosynthesis and respiration may equal one another at what time?

Federal Mock 4
Introduction to Photosynthesis
A) Dawn
Show Explanation
B) Noon
Show Explanation
C) Dusk
Show Explanation
D) Dawn and dusk
Show Explanation

47 / 200

Which statement correctly describes the alimentary canal of hydra?

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) The alimentary canal is formed from the endodermal cells
Show Explanation
B) The alimentary canal has a single opening.
Show Explanation
C) The alimentary canal is saclike.
Show Explanation
D) All of the above.
Show Explanation

48 / 200

The area on the left hemisphere related to speech is called?

Federal Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Amygdala
Show Explanation
B) Broca’s area
Show Explanation
C) Hypothalamus
Show Explanation
D) Occipital lobe
Show Explanation

49 / 200

Holoenzyme is?

Federal Mock 4
A) Protein moiety of enzyme
Show Explanation
B) Non-protein moiety of enzyme
Show Explanation
C) Complete enzyme
Show Explanation
D) Inactive enzyme
Show Explanation

50 / 200

Which of the following is correct for the given structure?

Federal Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) These are small structures which work like oars
Show Explanation
B) It is covered with plasma membrane
Show Explanation
C) Its core is called axoneme
Show Explanation
D) All of the above
Show Explanation

51 / 200

Chlorophyll molecule resemble the haem group of hemoglobin, the main difference between these two molecule is that chlorophyll has ____ ion.

Federal Mock 4
A) Fe2+
Show Explanation
B) Mg2+
Show Explanation
C) Mn2+
Show Explanation
D) Ca2+
Show Explanation

52 / 200

A combination of alpha interferon and ribavirin is used for the treatment of hepatitis:

Federal Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Hepatitis B
Show Explanation
B) Hepatitis A
Show Explanation
C) Hepatitis D
Show Explanation
D) Hepatitis C
Show Explanation

53 / 200

Bacteria that live in intestine and produce vitamin K belong to?

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Importance and Control of bacteria
A) Vibrio
Show Explanation
B) Cocci
Show Explanation
C) Spirilla
Show Explanation
D) Bacilli
Show Explanation

54 / 200

The animals of division Radiata are which of the following?

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Grade Radiata & Grade Bilateria
A) triploblastic
Show Explanation
B) diploblastic
Show Explanation
C) radioblast
Show Explanation
D) all of these
Show Explanation

55 / 200

The optimum pH for the functioning of enzyme pepsin is:

Federal Mock 4
A) 2
Show Explanation
B) 3
Show Explanation
C) 4
Show Explanation
D) 5
Show Explanation

56 / 200

Hypothalamus initiates the release of hormones, by their releasing factors, while ________ is directly released by it.

Federal Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) Dopamine
Show Explanation

57 / 200

A non­-proteinaceous enzyme is:

Federal Mock 4
A) Lysozyme
Show Explanation
B) Ribozyme
Show Explanation
C) Ligase
Show Explanation
D) Deoxyribonuclease
Show Explanation

58 / 200

Which type of chlorophyll is found in all types of algae?

Federal Mock 4
Photosynthetic pigments
A) Chlorophyll a
Show Explanation
B) Chlorophyll b
Show Explanation
C) Chlorophyll c
Show Explanation
D) Chlorophyll d
Show Explanation

59 / 200

Which of the following structures provides greater pathogenicity to the bacteria?

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Importance and Control of bacteria
A) Slime
Show Explanation
B) Cell Wall
Show Explanation
C) Cell Membrane
Show Explanation
D) Capsule
Show Explanatio

60 / 200

The absorption and use of calcium are regulated by

Federal Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Parathormone
Show Explanation
B) Adrenaline
Show Explanation
C) Thyroxin
Show Explanation
D) Thiamin
Show Explanation
E) Prolactin
Show Explanation

61 / 200

Which property of water helps to maintain the integrity of lipid-containing membranes?

Federal Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Plasma Membrane
A) Specific Heat Capacity
Show Explanation
B) Hydrogen Bonding
Show Explanation
C) Cohesion and Adhesion
Show Explanation
D) Hydrophobic exclusion
Show Explanation

62 / 200

The diencephalon comprises of:

Federal Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Pons and medulla
Show Explanation
B) Thalamus and limbic system
Show Explanation
C) Pons and medulla
Show Explanation
D) Hypothalamus and limbic system
Show Explanation

63 / 200

Some enzymes require the presence of a non protein molecule to behave catalytically. An enzyme devoid of this molecule is called a(n):

Federal Mock 4
A) Holoenzyme
Show Explanation
B) Apoenzyme
Show Explanation
C) Coenzyme
Show Explanation
D) Zymoenzyme
Show Explanation

64 / 200

Vaccines for all of these have been developed EXCEPT:

Federal Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Polio
Show Explanation
B) Mumps
Show Explanation
C) Measles
Show Explanation
D) Cancer
Show Explanation

65 / 200

The oxygen and carbon dioxide crosses the plasma membrane by the process of:

Federal Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Plasma Membrane
A) Active diffusion
Show Explanation
B) Facilitated diffusion
Show Explanation
C) Passive diffusion
Show Explanation
D) Random diffusion
Show Explanation

66 / 200

All of the following statements about arteries are true except:

Federal Mock 4
A) They are thick-walled
Show Explanation
B) They pulsate
Show Explanation
C) They contain much elastic fiber tissue
Show Explanation
D) They carry blood away from the heart
Show Explanation
E) They contain valves
Show Explanation

67 / 200

Detoxification of drugs is the function of _____ in a cell.

Federal Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) R.E.R
Show Explanation
B) S.E.R
Show Explanation
C) Liver cells
Show Explanation
D) Lysosome
Show Explanation

68 / 200

A disease caused by an autosomal primary non-disjunction is:

Federal Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Klinefelter’s syndrome
Show Explanation
B) Turner’s syndrome
Show Explanation
C) Sickle cell anaemia
Show Explanation
D) Down’s syndrome
Show Explanation

69 / 200

The rate of breathing is controlled by the:

Federal Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Lungs
Show Explanation
B) Cerebellum
Show Explanation
C) Pons
Show Explanation
D) Medulla oblongata
Show Explanation

70 / 200

In the following human pedigree, the filled symbols represent the affected individuals. Identify the type of given pedigree.

Federal Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Autosomal recessive
Show Explanation
B) X-­linked dominant
Show Explanation
C) Autosomal dominant
Show Explanation
D) X-­linked recessive
Show Explanation

71 / 200

A woman with normal colour vision, whose father was red green colour blind, married a red green colour blind man. What is the probability of her born child being red green colour blind?

Federal Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) 1.0
Show Explanation
B) 0.75
Show Explanation
C) 0.50
Show Explanation
D) 0.25
Show Explanation

72 / 200

The shape of gray matter is:

Federal Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Spherical
Show Explanation
B) Butterfly
Show Explanation
C) Mosquito
Show Explanation
D) Rectangular
Show Explanation

73 / 200

Lipid emulsification is done by:

Federal Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Pancreatic juice
Show Explanation
B) Intestinal juice
Show Explanation
C) All of these
Show Explanation
D) Bile
Show Explanation

74 / 200

___________ accepts hydrogen from malate

Federal Mock 4
Respiration Mechanism – Glycolysis to Electron Transport Chain
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

75 / 200

Irreversible modifications require the synthesis of which of the following?

Federal Mock 4
A) Enzymes
Show Explanation
B) Carbohydrates
Show Explanation
C) Vitamins
Show Explanation
D) Proteins
Show Explanation

76 / 200

Which of the following is the first group of invertebrates which have developed a closed circulatory system?

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Nematodes
Show Explanation
B) Arthropods
Show Explanation
C) Annelids
Show Explanation
D) Molluscs
Show Explanation

77 / 200

The Porifera are pore – bearing animals, commonly called:

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Corals
Show Explanation
B) Sponges
Show Explanation
C) Hydras
Show Explanation
D) Anemones
Show Explanation

78 / 200

The diagram is taken from an electron of a cell, name the organelle labeled D:

Federal Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function
Compare the structure of a typical plant and animal cell
A) Nucleus
Show Explanation
B) Lysosomes
Show Explanation
C) Golgi complex
Show Explanation
D) Mitochondria
Show Explanation

79 / 200

Suggest which among the following is not a function attributed to endoplasmic reticulum?

Federal Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Detoxification of poisons and drugs
Show Explanation
B) Digestion/egestion of foreign materials outside the cell
Show Explanation
C) Manufacture of fat and lipid molecules
Show Explanation
D) Biogenesis of membrane proteins
Show Explanation

80 / 200

In which of the following is the organic compound COOH (carboxyl) group found?

(I) Carbohydrate

(II) Lipid

(III) Protein

Federal Mock 4
Biological Molecules
Introduction to Biological Molecules
A) I only
Show Explanation
B) II only
Show Explanation
C) I and II only
Show Explanation
D) II and III only
Show Explanation

81 / 200

For respiratory metabolism, a bacterial cell membrane contains:

Federal Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Proteins
Show Explanation
B) Lipids
Show Explanation
C) Enzymes
Show Explanation
D) Chemicals
Show Explanation

82 / 200

Which of the following is the least likely to be involved in stabilizing the three­ dimensional folding of most proteins?

Federal Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Hydrogen bonds
Show Explanation
B) Electrostatic interaction
Show Explanation
C) Hydrophobic interaction
Show Explanation
D) Ester bonds
Show Explanation

83 / 200

Which of the following is not the type of cells of gastric gland?

Federal Mock 4
Digestion and Absorption
A) Zymogenic
Show Explanation
B) Parietal
Show Explanation
C) Sinusoidal
Show Explanation
D) Mucous neck
Show Explanation

84 / 200

Lack of relaxation between successive stimuli in sustained muscle contraction is known as:

Federal Mock 4
Support and Movement
Disorders of Skeleton
A) Tetany
Show Explanation
B) Tonus
Show Explanation
C) Spasm
Show Explanation
D) Fatigue
Show Explanation

85 / 200

A structure established between the uterine and foetal tissues for the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, waste, nutrients and other materials is:

Federal Mock 4
Reproduction in Females
A) Amnion
Show Explanation
B) Placenta
Show Explanation
C) Endometrium
Show Explanation
D) Uterus
Show Explanation

86 / 200

Nutrition refers to the processes involved in:

Federal Mock 4
Digestion and Absorption
A) Taking in of food
Show Explanation
B) Utilization of food elements
Show Explanation
C) Growth, repair, and maintenance
Show Explanation
D) All of the above options are correct
Show Explanation

87 / 200

The direction of the restoring force is always towards ____.

Federal Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Right hand
Show Explanation
B) Upwards
Show Explanation
C) Rest or mean position
Show Explanation
D) Extreme position
Show Explanation

88 / 200

A particle having the charge of 20 electrons on its falls through a potential difference of 100 volts.Calculate the energy acquired by it in electron volt (eV).

Federal Mock 4
Electron Volt
A) 2.0 x 10^-2 eV
Show Explanation
B) 2.0 x 10^-3 eV
Show Explanation
C) 2.0 x 10^2 eV
Show Explanation
D) 2.0 x 10^3 eV
Show Explanation

89 / 200

Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiations are emitted from a radioactive substance:

Federal Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) When it is heated
Show Explanation
B) When it is subjected to high pressure
Show Explanation
C) When it interacts with another particle
Show Explanation
D) Spontaneously
Show Explanation

90 / 200

The length and radius of an electric resistance of a certain wire are doubled simultaneously, then the:

Federal Mock 4
Current Electricity
Wire Wound Variable Resistors
A) Resistance will be doubled and specific resistance will be halved
Show Explanation
B) Resistance will be halved and specific resistance will remain uncharged
Show Explanation
C) Resistance will be halved and specific resistance will be doubled
Show Explanation
D) Resistance and specific resistance will both remain uncharged
Show Explanation

91 / 200

A metallic circular ring is suspended by a string and is kept in a vertical plane. When a magnet is approached towards the ring, then it will:

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) Remain stationary
Show Explanation
B) Get displaced away from the magnet
Show Explanation
C) Get displaced towards the magnet
Show Explanation
D) Nothing can be said
Show Explanation

92 / 200

A solenoid is cut into two halves. Magnetic induction due to same current in each half will be:

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) Half of the original
Show Explanation
B) Double of the original
Show Explanation
C) Same as original
Show Explanation
D) Four times of the original
Show Explanation

93 / 200

An object is moving along a circular path of radius 4m. What will be its angular displacement if it moves 14 m on this circular path?

Federal Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 5.0 radians
Show Explanation
B) 3.5 radians
Show Explanation
C) 4.5 radians
Show Explanation
D) 5.5 radians
Show Explanation

94 / 200

A force of 20 N acts on a body through a distance of 10m. What must be the angle between force and displacement such that work comes out to be 100 J?

Federal Mock 4
Work, Power & Energy
A) 90
Show Explanation
B) 0
Show Explanation
C) 30
Show Explanation
D) 60
Show Explanation

95 / 200

The diameter of a nucleus is:

Federal Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
Composition of Atomic Nuclei
A) 10^-12m
Show Explanation
B) 10^-20m
Show Explanation
C) 10^-10m
Show Explanation
D) 10^-15 m
Show Explanation

96 / 200

A solenoid 15 cm long has 300 turns of wire. A current of 5 A flows through it.
What is the magnitude of the magnetic field inside the solenoid?

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) 75 x 107 T
Show Explanation
B) 60 x 10+3 T
Show Explanation
C) 4π x 10-3
Show Explanation
D) 750π x 10+3
Show Explanation

97 / 200

If a photon is absorbed by a nucleus, the energy of nucleus _____.

Federal Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) Remains same
Show Explanation
B) Increase slightly
Show Explanation
C) Decreases slightly
Show Explanation
D) It will pass the nucleus
Show Explanation

98 / 200

Power developed by a person on eating 100g of ice per minute is (Latent heat of ice is 80 cal/g):

Federal Mock 4
Work, Power & Energy
A) 130 W
Show Explanation
B) 560 cal/sec
Show Explanation
C) 560 J/sec
Show Explanation
D) none of these
Show Explanation

99 / 200

The phase angle between two points is 3 pi. The distance between these points is 15 cm. What is the wavelength of the wave?

Federal Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 10.5
Show Explanation
B) 3cm
Show Explanation
C) 13cm
Show Explanation
D) 10cm
Show Explanation

100 / 200

A first harmonic stationary sound wave is produced in the air of the cylinder, which is half filled with water. More water is added to the cylinder, now first harmonic stationary wave is produced with a different frequency. What is the change in frequency and the nature of displacement in air at the water surface?

Federal Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) nature of displacement= antinode change in frequency= decrease
Show Explanation
B) nature of displacement= antinode change in frequency= increase
Show Explanation
C) nature of displacement= node change in frequency= increase
Show Explanation
D) nature of displacement= node change in frequency = decrease
Show Explanation

101 / 200

Newton’s first law falsified:

Federal Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) Theory of relativity
Show Explanation
B) Aristotle’s theory
Show Explanation
C) Einstein’s theory
Show Explanation
D) Maxwell’s theory
Show Explanation

102 / 200

The magnetic lines of force are directed in a manner that they:

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
A) Originate at south pole and terminate at north pole
Show Explanation
B) Pass through the magnet
Show Explanation
C) Originate at north pole and terminate at south pole
Show Explanation
D) Go away from both the poles
Show Explanation

103 / 200

The path difference for the constructive interference is:

Federal Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) (n-1) λ
Show Explanation
B) (n+1) λ
Show Explanation
C) n λ/2
Show Explanation
D) nλ.
Show Explanation

104 / 200

Which row describes the oscillations of two moving particles in a stationary wave that are separated by a distance of half a wavelength?

Federal Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D
Show Explanation

105 / 200

Consider two capacitors with capacitance 2yF and 4yF. With which type of connection will the 4yF capacitor have a greater amount of stored energy than the 2yF capacitor?

Federal Mock 4
A) Series
Show Explanation
B) Parallel
Show Explanation
C) Either series or parallel
Show Explanation
D) Neither series nor parallel
Show Explanation

106 / 200

Astronomers calculate the speed of distant stars moving away from us using:

Federal Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Beats
Show Explanation
B) Interference
Show Explanation
C) Superposition principle
Show Explanation
D) Doppler effect
Show Explanation

107 / 200

The kinetic energy of a projectile at the highest point is half of its kinetic energy. The angle of projection is

Federal Mock 4
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 00
Show Explanation
B) 300
Show Explanation
C) 600
Show Explanation
D) 450
Show Explanation

108 / 200

The resistivity of a wire is _____ohm-m if 0.75 A current flows through it by applying a 1.5 V potential difference. Take length and cross-section as 5m and 2.5 X 10-7 m2.

Federal Mock 4
Current Electricity
Resistivity and its Dependence upon Temperature
A) 1 X 10-7
Show Explanation
B) 2.63 x 10-8
Show Explanation
C) 19 X 10-8
Show Explanation
D) 7.85 X 10-8
Show Explanation

109 / 200

What is true about acceleration of an object undergoing simple harmonic motion?

Federal Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Acceleration is minimum when velocity is maximum
Show Explanation
B) acceleration is proportional to the frequency of oscillation
Show Explanation
C) acceleration is in opposite direction to its velocity
Show Explanation
D) acceleration is minimum when potential energy is maximum
Show Explanation

110 / 200

Which of the following is a unit of impulse?

Federal Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) Nm/s
Show Explanation
B) Kgm/s
Show Explanation
C) N/s
Show Explanation
D) N/m
Show Explanation

111 / 200

The necessary centripetal force to the moving around a copper track is provided by:

Federal Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Centrifugal force
Show Explanation
B) Gravitational force
Show Explanation
C) Coulumbs force
Show Explanation
D) Frictional force
Show Explanation

112 / 200

Dark plastic handlers often used on kitchen utensils because:

Federal Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
Biological Effects and Uses of Radiation
A) The balc material is good in radiation
Show Explanation
B) The plastic is good insulator
Show Explanation
C) The plastic is a good conductor
Show Explanation
D) The plastic soften gradually with excessive heat
Show Explanation

113 / 200

Light of wavelength 400 nm is incident continuously on a cesium ball (work function 1.9 eV). The maximum potential to which the ball will be charged is:

Federal Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
Photoelectric Effect
A) 3.1 V
Show Explanation
B) 1.2 V
Show Explanation
C) Zero
Show Explanation
D) Infinite
Show Explanation

114 / 200

For static electric field

Federal Mock 4
A) Vx E=0
Show Explanation
B) V.E=0
Show Explanation
C) (VxE)xE=0
Show Explanation
D) V.|E|42=0
Show Explanation

115 / 200

Angle between radius vector and centripetal acceleration is

Federal Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 0°
Show Explanation
B) π
Show Explanation
C) 2π
Show Explanation
D) none of these
Show Explanation

116 / 200

The magnetic field, B, produced in a solenoid depends on:

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Uniform Magnetic Field
A) its length
Show Explanation
B) its length and current in it
Show Explanation
C) Its length and number of turns in it
Show Explanation
D) Its length, number of turns and current in it
Show Explanation

117 / 200

If a wheel of radius r turns through an angle of 30°, then the distance through which any point on its rim moves is?

Federal Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) r(π/3)
Show Explanation
B) r(π/6)
Show Explanation
C) r(π/30)
Show Explanation
D) r(π/180)
Show Explanation

118 / 200

Alpha rays are nuclear radiations. They are in fact same as the __________ nuclei.

Federal Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) Hydrogen
Show Explanation
B) Deuterium
Show Explanation
C) Tritium
Show Explanation
D) Helium
Show Explanation

119 / 200

Magnetic force on a charged particle is:

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic Field
A) QvBl
Show Explanation
B) None of these
Show Explanation
C) QvB cosθ
Show Explanation
D) QvB sinθ
Show Explanation

120 / 200

Instantaneous acceleration of system executing SHM is directed:

Federal Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Towards the mean position
Show Explanation
B) Away from the mean position
Show Explanation
C) Perpendicular to the mean position upward
Show Explanation
D) Perpendicular to the mean position downward
Show Explanation

121 / 200

In the direction indicated by an electric field line:

Federal Mock 4
A) The electric field strength must increase
Show Explanation
B) The electric field strength must decrease
Show Explanation
C) The potential must decrease
Show Explanation

122 / 200

What happens to the pressure of a sample of helium gas if the temperature is increased from 200 K to 800 K with no change volume?

Federal Mock 4
Heat and Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of Gases
A) Pressure increases by a factor of 4
Show Explanation
B) Pressure decreases by a factor of 4
Show Explanation
C) Pressure decreases by a factor of 2
Show Explanation
D) Pressure increases by a factor of 2
Show Explanation

123 / 200

If K.E of free electron is doubled its de broglie wavelength becomes?

Federal Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) 1/√8
Show Explanation
B) √2
Show Explanation
C) 1/√2
Show Explanation
D) 2
Show Explanation

124 / 200

A container is divided into two equal portions. One portion contains an ideal gas at pressure P and temperature T while the other portion is a perfect vacuum. If a hole is opened between the two portions

Federal Mock 4
Heat and Thermodynamics
Internal Energy
A) There will be a change in internal energy
Show Explanation
B) There will be a change in temperature
Show Explanation
C) There will be no change in internal energy
Show Explanation
D) The external pressure will increase
Show Explanation

125 / 200

What should be the ratio of kinetic energy to total energy for simple harmonic

Federal Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) 1 − (x 2 / xo 2 )
Show Explanation
B) 1
Show Explanation
C) (xo 2 − x 2 )
Show Explanation
D) ½ (x 2
Show Explanation

126 / 200

Ten complete waves passes through a point in 2 seconds. If the wavelength is 20 cm, what is the speed of the wave?

Federal Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 1 m/s
Show Explanation
B) 10 cm/s
Show Explanation
C) 2 m/s
Show Explanation
D) 40 cm/s
Show Explanation

127 / 200

The half-life of radium is about 1600 years. Of 100 g of radium existing now, 25 g will remain unchanged after _____.

Federal Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) 2400 years
Show Explanation
B) 3200 years
Show Explanation
C) 6400 years
Show Explanation
D) 4800 years
Show Explanation

128 / 200

If the number of turns of a solenoid circular coil is doubled, but the current in the coil and radius of the coil remains the same, then what will be the magnetic flux density produced by the coil?

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Induced EMF and Induced Current
A) Magnetic flux density will be halved
Show Explanation
B) Magnetic flux density increases by different amount at different points
Show Explanation
C) Magnetic flux density remains unchanged
Show Explanation
D) Magnetic flux density will be doubled
Show Explanation

129 / 200

The diagram shows a small magnet hanging on a thread near the end of a solenoid carrying a steady current ‘I’. What happens to the magnet as the iron core is inserted into the solenoid?

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) It moves towards solenoid and rotates through 180˚
Show Explanation
B) It moves towards the solenoid
Show Explanation
C) It moves away from solenoid
Show Explanation
D) It moves away from solenoid and rotates through 180˚
Show Explanation

130 / 200

Newton’s third law is derived from:

Federal Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) Newton’s first law
Show Explanation
B) Both of these
Show Explanation
C) None of these
Show Explanation
D) Newton’s second law
Show Explanation

131 / 200

The voltage that is applied across X-plates is provided by a circuit callee

Federal Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Audio generator
Show Explanation
B) Time base generator
Show Explanation
C) Signal generator
Show Explanation
D) Linear generator
Show Explanation

132 / 200

Four wires of same material, the same cross-sectional area and the same length when connected in parallel give a resistance of 0.25 ohms. If the same four wires are connected is series the effective resistance will be?

Federal Mock 4
Current Electricity
Ohms Law
A) 1 ohm
Show Explanation
B) 2 ohm
Show Explanation
C) 3 ohm
Show Explanation
D) 4 ohm
Show Explanation

133 / 200

A particle carrying a charge of 3e, accelerates through a potential difference of 2V. The energy acquired by it is:

Federal Mock 4
Electron Volt
A) 1.6 X 10-19 J
Show Explanation
B) 9.6 X 10-19 J
Show Explanation
C) 9.6 X 10-18 J
Show Explanation
D) 1.6 X 10-18 J
Show Explanation

134 / 200

A small and a large raindrops are falling through air

Federal Mock 4
Fluid Dynamics
A) The small drop will evaporate
Show Explanation
B) The large drop moves faster
Show Explanation
C) The small drop moves faster
Show Explanation
D) Both move with the same speed
Show Explanation

135 / 200

An automobile is moving forwards with uniform velocity due to the force exerted by its engine. If the force is doubled with the velocity remaining constant what happens to its total power?

Federal Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) It is squared
Show Explanation
B) It is halved
Show Explanation
C) It is doubled
Show Explanation
D) It does not change
Show Explanation

136 / 200

An ambulance siren emits a sound of frequency 1800 Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s. The ambulance moves towards a stationary observer at a constant speed of 50 m/s. What is the frequency heard by the observer?

Federal Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) (1800 * 290)/ 330
Show Explanation
B) (1800 * 330) / 370
Show Explanation
C) (1800 * 330) / 280
Show Explanation
D) (1800 * 330) / 380
Show Explanation

137 / 200

The dual nature of light is exhibited by:

Federal Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
Photoelectric Effect
A) diffraction and photoelectric effect
Show Explanation
B) diffraction and reflection
Show Explanation
C) diffraction and interference
Show Explanation
D) photoelectric effect
Show Explanation

138 / 200

A car is moving in a circular track of radius 20m at a constant speed of 20m/sec. Find the centripetal acceleration?

Federal Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 20 m/s^2
Show Explanation
B) 40 m/s^2
Show Explanation
C) 30 m/s^2
Show Explanation
D) 10 m/s^2
Show Explanation

139 / 200

A body of mass 1 kg is rotated in a horizontal circle of radius 1 m and moves with a velocity of 2m/s. The work done in 10 revolutions is:

Federal Mock 4
Work, Power & Energy
A) 40 J
Show Explanation
B) 20 J
Show Explanation
C) 4×2π (10)J
Show Explanation
D) zero
Show Explanatio

140 / 200

If the engine power is 3.3kW and it is 60% efficient, how much water will it pump in 5s from a height of 10m?

Federal Mock 4
Work, Power & Energy
A) 60kg
Show Explanation
B) 100kg
Show Explanation
C) 75kg
Show Explanation
D) 80kg
Show Explanation

141 / 200

Statement I: There is unprecedented increase in the number of young unemployed in comparison to the previous year.

Statement II: A large number of candidates submitted applications against an advertisement for the post of manager issued by a bank.

Federal Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Cause and Effect
A) Statement I is the cause and statement 2 is its effect
Show Explanation
B) Statement Il is the cause and statement I is its effect
Show Explanation
C) Both statements I and Il are independent causes
Show Explanation
D) Both statements I and II are effects of independent causes
Show Explanation

142 / 200

Making Judgements:

Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence.

1.lnfection 2.Consultation 3.Doctor 4.Treatment 5.Recovery

Federal Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Logical Problems
A) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2
Show Explanation
B) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
Show Explanation
C) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Show Explanation
D) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4
Show Explanation

143 / 200


Measure is to caliper as direction is to

Federal Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) Speed
Show Explanation
B) Hiking
Show Explanation
C) Needle
Show Explanation
D) Compass
Show Explanation

144 / 200


Measure is to caliper as direction is to

Federal Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) Speed
Show Explanation
B) Hiking
Show Explanation
C) Needle
Show Explanation
D) Compass
Show Explanation

145 / 200

8, 10, 14, 18, ___ , 34, 50 , 66:

Federal Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Letters and Symbols Series
A) 24
Show Explanation
B) 25
Show Explanation
C) 26
Show Explanation
D) 27
Show Explanation

146 / 200

Verbal Classification
What will the area of a triangle will be when a = lm, b = 2m, c = 3m, a, b, c being lengths of respective sides?

Federal Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking
A) 0 sq m
Show Explanation
B) 3 sq m
Show Explanation
C) 2 sq m
Show Explanation
D) Both A and B
Show Explanation

147 / 200

A catalyst is a substance which:

Federal Mock 4
Reaction Kinetics
A) Stops the reaction
Show Explanation
B) Decreases the rate of reaction
Show Explanation
C) Alters the rate of reaction
Show Explanation
D) Increases the rate of reaction
Show Explanation

148 / 200

Which of the following statements about the reaction given below are correct.

IO3-(aq) + 2I-(aq) + 6H+(aq) + 6Cl-(aq) -> 3ICl2-(aq) + 3H2O(l)

Federal Mock 4
Redox Equations
A) The oxidation number of iodine in the iodate ion,IO3-(aq), changes from +5 to +1
Show Explanation
B) The oxidation number of iodine in the iodide ion I-, changes from -1 to +2
Show Explanation
C) The oxidation number of chlorine in the iodide ion I- , changes from -1 to -2
Show Explanation
D) Iodate ions are oxidized
Show Explanation

149 / 200

Anything under study during a chemical reaction in thermodynamics is called ___.

Federal Mock 4
System, Surrounding and State Function
A) Analyte
Show Explanation
B) System
Show Explanation
C) Surrounding
Show Explanation
D) Boundary
Show Explanation

150 / 200

Which of the following processes is endothermic?

Federal Mock 4
Standard States and Enthalpy Changes
A) The condensation of steam
Show Explanation
B) The electrolysis of water
Show Explanation
C) The freezing of the water
Show Explanation
D) ??(?)+ 2?2O (I) ??2 (aq)+ ?2 (g)
Show Explanation

151 / 200

Which one of the following organic compound has the least carbon – carbon bond length?

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
Bond Energy and Bond Length
A) Ethene
Show Explanation
B) Ethane
Show Explanation
C) Ethyne
Show Explanation
D) Methane
Show Explanation

152 / 200

In an Irreversible reaction the tendency of it to go in reverse direction is

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium
Reversible and Irreversible Reactions
A) High
Show Explanation
B) Low
Show Explanation
C) Negligible
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

153 / 200

The crystals formed as a result of Van der waals interactions are:

Federal Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Molecular crystals
Show Explanation
B) Covalent crystals
Show Explanation
C) Metallic crystals
Show Explanation
D) Ionic crystals
Show Explanation

154 / 200

Which of the following contains the coordinate covalent bond?

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
Co-ordinate or dative covalent bond
A) N2H5+
Show Explanation
B) BaCl2
Show Explanation
C) HCl
Show Explanation
D) H2O
Show Explanation

155 / 200

1 liter of a gas weighs 2 g at 300 K and 1 atm pressure. If the pressure is made 0.75 atm, at which of the following temperatures will 1 L of the same gas weigh 1 g?

Federal Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) 450 K
Show Explanation
B) 800 K
Show Explanation
C) 600 K
Show Explanation
D) 900 K
Show Explanation

156 / 200

In which of the following situations is it impossible to predict how the pressure will change for a gas sample?

Federal Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) The gas is cooled at a constant volume.
Show Explanation
B) The gas is heated at a constant volume
Show Explanation
C) The gas is heated, and the volume is simultaenously increased
Show Explanation
D) The gas is cooled, and the volume is simultaneously increased.
Show Explanation

157 / 200

In the electrolysis of molten ZnCl2, how much Zn can be deposited at the cathode by the passage of 0.01 ampere for one hour?

Federal Mock 4
Redox Equations
A) 0.002 g
Show Explanation
B) 0.123 g
Show Explanation
C) 0.012 g
Show Explanation
D) 0.004 g
Show Explanation

158 / 200

FIX THIS:One of the isomers of C6 H12 (A) has chiral carbon but on hydrogenation it losses is chirality. A is

Federal Mock 4
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) 2- methyl -2- pentene
Show Explanation
B) 2,3-Dimethyl -2-butene
Show Explanation
C) 3-methyl-1-pentene
Show Explanation
D) 3,3 Di methyl-1- butane
Show Explanation

159 / 200

The process of depositing a thin layer of expensive metals on ordinary or inexpensive metals is called:

Federal Mock 4
A) Electroplating
Show Explanation
B) Conductivity
Show Explanation
C) Galvanizing
Show Explanation
D) Metallurgy
Show Explanation

160 / 200

The value of surface tension of isopropyl alcohol is:

Federal Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Less than water
Show Explanation
B) Less than ethylene glycol
Show Explanation
C) Less than methyl alcohol
Show Explanation
D) Same as ethyl alcohol
Show Explanation

161 / 200

Which carbon of amino acids bond to nitrogen of another in peptide linkage

Federal Mock 4
Chemistry of Life
A) α-Carbon
Show Explanation
B) ẞ-Carbon
Show Explanation
C) Side chain carbon
Show Explanation
D) Carbonyl carbon
Show Explanation

162 / 200

Regular coiling or zigzagging of polypeptide through hydrogen bonding is its.

Federal Mock 4
Chemistry of Life
A) Quaternary structure
Show Explanation
B) Secondary structure
Show Explanation
C) Tertiary structure
Show Explanation
D) Primary structure
Show Explanation

163 / 200

Which order reaction obey the expression t1/2= 1/Ka

Federal Mock 4
Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
A) First
Show Explanation
B) Second
Show Explanation
C) Third
Show Explanation
D) Zero
Show Explanation

164 / 200

Which is not a meta directing group:

Federal Mock 4
Reactions of Benzene
A) -NO2
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) -NH2
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

165 / 200

FIX THIS:Chlorine in Vinyl chloride is not very reactive because

Federal Mock 4
A) C−Cl bond develops partial double bonds
Show Explanation
B) Of resonance
Show Explanation
C) Sp2 hybridized carbon has more acidic character than sp3 hybridized carbon
Show Explanation
D) All of the above
Show Explanation

166 / 200

A water soluble compound of molecular formula C3H6O gives yellow crystalline solid on heating with I and Na2CO3 , the compound is

Federal Mock 4
Show Explanation
B) CH2 OCH = CH2
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

167 / 200

One Calorie is equivalent to:

Federal Mock 4
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) 0.4184J
Show Explanation
B) 41.84 J
Show Explanation
C) 4.184 J
Show Explanation
D) 418.4 J
Show Explanation

168 / 200

Which statement is true about electron affinity?

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
Electron Affinity and Electronegativity
A) The value of electron affinity is always positive
Show Explanation
B) The value of electron affinity is always negative
Show Explanation
C) The value of first electron affinity is always positive
Show Explanation
D) The value of first electron affinity is always negative
Show Explanation

169 / 200

The RMS speed at NTP of a gas can be calculated from the expression:

Federal Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gases
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation
E) Option A, B and C
Show Explanation

170 / 200

For a given mass of gas, if the pressure is reduced to half and its temperature is doubled, then volume V will become?

Federal Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) 4V
Show Explanation
B) 2V2
Show Explanation
C) V/4
Show Explanation
D) 8V
Show Explanation

171 / 200

When the number of moles of reactants and products are equal in reversible reactions which parameter would not affect at equilibrium?

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) Temperature
Show Explanation
B) Pressure
Show Explanation
C) Volume
Show Explanation
D) Catalyst
Show Explanation

172 / 200

A crystal system having all sides (a, b and c) unequal and anglesα = β = γ= 90 is:

Federal Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Crystal Lattice and Lattice Energy
A) Cubic
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B) Rhombohedral
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C) Orthorhombic
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D) Hexagonal
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173 / 200

The nitrides of alkaline earth metals hydrolyse with water to form:

Federal Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
A) NH3
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B) H2
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C) N2
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174 / 200

In addition to water, which of the following could be found during the incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon?

Federal Mock 4
A) Carbon, carbon monoxide and hydrogen
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B) Carbon and oxygen
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C) Carbon monoxide and hydrogen
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D) Carbon and carbon monoxide
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175 / 200

Metallic character depends on ________ ?

Federal Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) Electron Affinity
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B) Ionization energy
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C) Electronegativity
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D) All of these
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176 / 200

The smallest part of a crystal lattice showing all the properties of a crystal is called a ___.

Federal Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Crystal Lattice and Lattice Energy
A) Crystallite
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B) Unit cell
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C) Unit crystal
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D) Monomer
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177 / 200

The relation between first and second ionization potentials of a given atom is:

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
Ionization Energy
A) I1 I2
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C) I1= I2
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D) None of these options
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178 / 200

Secondary structure of protein includes

Federal Mock 4
Chemistry of Life
A) α-helix
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B) Both A. and C.
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C) β-sheets
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D) 3-dimensioal folding
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179 / 200

Upon which factor is vapour pressure not dependent:

Federal Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Boiling Point and Vapor Pressure
A) Temperature
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B) Intermolecular forces
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C) Density of liquid
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D) Surface area of liquid
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180 / 200

The shape of CO2 molecule is similar to:

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
Bond Energy and Bond Length
A) H2S
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B) SO2
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C) SnCl2
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D) BeF2
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181 / 200

Which of the following represents the equation for the reaction between ethane and chlorine in the presence of UV radiation?

Federal Mock 4
Alkanes and Paraffins
A) C2H4 + Cl2 -> C2H2Cl2 + H2
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B) C2H4 + Cl2 -> C2H3Cl + HCl
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C) C2H4 + Cl2 -> 2CH3Cl
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D) C2H4 + O2 -> 2CH2Cl + 2HCl
Show Explanation

182 / 200

Maleic acid and fumaric acid are:

Federal Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Cis Trans isomers
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B) Chain isomers
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C) Position isomers
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D) Metamers
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183 / 200

Conversion of Electrical energy into chemical energy is

Federal Mock 4
Types of Electrochemical Cells
A) Mechanical Energy
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B) Electromechanical Energy
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C) Electrochemistry
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D) Chemical Energy
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184 / 200

Beryllium(Be) shows the diagonal relationship with:

Federal Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) Al
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B) B
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C) Mg
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D) Na
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185 / 200

The reactant which is consumed completely in a reaction is known as a ___ reactant.

Federal Mock 4
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) Fractional
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B) Initial
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C) Limiting
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D) Minor
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186 / 200

Which class of halogenoalkane can react with alkali by an SN2 mechanism?

Federal Mock 4
Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) Primary and secondary
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B) Secondary and tertiary
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C) Primary and tertiary
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D) Primary, secondary and tertiary
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187 / 200

All of the following react with KMNO4 but:

Federal Mock 4
A) Ethane
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B) Ethyne
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C) Ethyl benzene
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D) Ethene
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188 / 200

At equilibrium, which of the following reactions is not affected by pressure?

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium
State of Chemical Equilibrium
A) ½ N2(g) + ½ O2 (g) ⇌ NO(g)
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B) PCl5(g) ⇌ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
Show Explanation
C) 2NO2 (g) ⇌ N2O4(g)
Show Explanation
D) SO2Cl2(g) ⇌ SO2(g) + Cl2(g)
Show Explanation

189 / 200

Grignard reagent when reacts with CO₂, it forms:

Federal Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Carboxylic acid
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B) Aldehyde
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C) Alkyl Halide
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D) Ketone
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190 / 200

Buffer solutions resist change in their ___________ ?

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium
A) Temperature
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B) Solubility
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C) Volatility
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D) pH
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191 / 200

Which of the following method is used to prepare acetic acid?

Federal Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Distillation
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B) Fermentation
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C) Dehydration
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D) Ozonolysis
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192 / 200

In IUPAC naming, alcohols are named as ___.

Federal Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Alkanal
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B) Alkyl alcohols
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C) Alkanol
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D) Alkenol
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193 / 200

When N2+ is form N2 bond-order ……… and when O2+ is formed from O2 bond-order.

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
Bond Energy and Bond Length
A) Increases increases
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B) Decreases decreases
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C) Increases decreases
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D) Decrease increase
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194 / 200

How many atoms of carbon are present in 18 g of glucose, ?6 ?12 ?6?

Federal Mock 4
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) 6.0 x 1022
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B) 3.6 x 1023
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C) 6.0 x 1023
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D) 3.6 x 1024
Show Explanation

195 / 200

As compared to K, Na has.

Federal Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) Larger atomic radius
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B) Higher ionization potential
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C) Lower melting point
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D) Lower electronegativity
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196 / 200

The shape of SnCl2 is:

Federal Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
A) Linear
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B) Tetrahedral
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C) Angular
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D) Trigonal Planar
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197 / 200

Which one of the following phenol is more soluble in aq: NaCHO3

Federal Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) 2,4-Dihydrox acetophenone
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B) 2,4,6-Tricyano phenol
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C) 3,4- Dicyano phenol
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D) P-Cyano phenol
Show Explanation

198 / 200

Which reagent gives a colorless homogeneous solution when added tp phenol?

Federal Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Aqueous bromine
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B) Aqueous sodium carbonate
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C) Aqueous sodium hydroxide
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D) Aqueous sodium hydroxide and benzoyl chloride
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199 / 200

The test used to distinguish among Primary, Secondary and Tertiary alcohols.

Federal Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) 2, 4 – DNPH test
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B) Tollen’s test
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C) Lucas test
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D) Fehling’s solution test
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200 / 200

Which class of the compounds is represented by the type formula ROR’?

Federal Mock 4
Aldehydes and Ketones
Introduction to Aldehydes and Ketones
A) Esters
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B) Ethers
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C) Aldehydes
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D) Ketones
Show Explanation

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