Sindh MDCAT Mock Test 4

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Sindh DUHS MDCAT Mock Test 4

1 / 200

Electric charge is measured in:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Farad
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B) Coulomb
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C) None of these
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D) Newton
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2 / 200

Two capacitors C1 ( 12 uf ) and C2 (24 uf) are in series connected across a 360 volts d.c. supply. Calculate the charges on C1 and C2 respectively.

Sindh Mock 5
A) 2880 x 10-6C , 2880 x 10-6
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B) 4770 x 10-6C, 4770 x 10-6
Show Explanation
C) 5810 x 10-6, 6610 x 10-6
Show Explanation
D) 7170 x 10-6, 8140 x 10-6
Show Explanation

3 / 200

Which one of the following waves needs a medium to travel?

Sindh Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
Electromagnetic Waves
A) X rays
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B) Gamma rays
Show Explanation
C) None of these
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D) Beta rays
Show Explanation

4 / 200

A coil of 600 turns is threaded by a flux of 8×10-5 webers if this flux is reduced to 3×10-5 webers in 0.015 seconds. The average induced e.m.f. is:

Sindh Mock 5
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) -2.0 volts
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B) -3.0 volts
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C) +2.0 volts
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D) +2.5 volts
Show Explanation

5 / 200

An electromagnetic wave travels in a straight line through a vacuum. The wave has a frequency of 6.0 THz. What is the number of wavelengths in a distance of 1.0 m along the wave?

Sindh Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
Electromagnetic Waves
A) 5.0 × 10–5
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B) 2.0 × 101
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C) 2.0 × 104
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D) 5.0 × 107
Show Explanation

6 / 200

A 400 gram ball is tied to the end of a cord and whirled in à horizontal circle of radius 0.6 m. If the ball makes five complete revolutions in 2 s, what is the ball’s linear speed?

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 4.42 m/s
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B) 5.42 m/s
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C) 7.42 m/s
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D) 8.42 m/s
Show Explanation
E) 9.42 m/s
Show Explanation

7 / 200

Joule/coulomb is a unit of:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Electric Potential Difference
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B) Electric Field Strength
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C) Magnetic Field Strength
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D) Energy
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8 / 200

A block with a mass of 0.1 kg is attached to a spring and placed on a horizontal frictionless table. The spring is stretched 20 cm when a force of 5 N is applied, the spring constant is:

Sindh Mock 5
Forces and Motion
A) 50 Nm-1
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B) 25 Nm-1
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C) 75 Nm-1
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D) 100 Nm-1
Show Explanation

9 / 200

The earth rotates on its axis once a day. Suppose, by some process the earth contracts so that it’s radius is only half as large as at present, then how long the earth will take to complete it’s rotation?

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 24 hours
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B) 18 hours
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C) 6 hours
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D) 12 hours
Show Explanation

10 / 200

The process of natural decay of some heavy nuclides is because of the phenomenon:

Sindh Mock 5
Nuclear Physics
A) Emission Spectra
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B) Nuclear fusion
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C) Nuclear fission
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D) Radioactivity
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11 / 200

What will be the energy in Joules, when an electron acquires a speed of 10 m/s?

Sindh Mock 5
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) 3.61 x 10-19J
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B) 4.55 x 10-29 J
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C) 5.13 x 10-19J
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D) 6.13 x 10-19J
Show Explanation

12 / 200

The shortest wavelength photon emitted in Balmer series is:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) 1.0974 nm
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B) 4 nm
Show Explanation
C) 364.6 nm
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D) 3.64 m
Show Explanation

13 / 200

Which of the following is an instrument for monitoring radiations:

Sindh Mock 5
Nuclear Physics
Biological Effects and Uses of Radiation
A) GM tube
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B) Radar
Show Explanation
C) Wilson cloud chamber
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D) Both A and C
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14 / 200

The physical quantity which produces angular acceleration in the body is

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Force
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B) Moment of inertia
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C) Impulse
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D) Torque
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15 / 200

According to the first law of thermodynamics, ΔU = Q + W, where ΔU Is the increase in internal energy of the system, Q is the heat transferred to the system and W is the external work done on the system.
Which of the following is NOT a correct expression?

Sindh Mock 5
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) At constant temperature: Q = -W
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B) When no work is done: ΔU = Q
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C) Work done on the system: ΔU = Q + P Δ V
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D) When work is done by the system: ΔU = Q + W
Show Explanation

16 / 200

A jeep travelling at a constant speed of 108 km/hr rounds a curve of radius 100 m. Find its acceleration.

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 3 m/s2
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B) 6 m/s2
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C) 7 m/s2
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D) 8 m/s2
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E) 9m/s2
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17 / 200

In what form is the energy stored in a charged capacitor?

Sindh Mock 5
Energy Stored in a Capacitor
A) gravitational
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B) electrical potential
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C) magnetic field
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D) potential
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18 / 200

Coulomb’s law is true for:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Atomic Distance
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B) Nuclear Distance
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C) Charged Particle
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D) All of the Distances
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19 / 200

If the body is rotating with uniform angular velocity, then its torque is:

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Zero
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B) 90
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C) 1
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D) -1
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20 / 200

Two capacitors C1 = 2μF and C2 = 4μF, are connected in series across a 100 V supply.

Find the effective capacitance:

Sindh Mock 5
A) ½ μF
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B) 3/2 μF
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C) 5/2 μF
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D) 4/3 μF
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21 / 200

In rotational motion, angular momentum plays a role which is analogous to that played by _____ in linear motion.

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Linear velocity
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B) Linear momentum
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C) Linear acceleration
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D) Inertia
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22 / 200

What is the flux density at a point 3 cm from the long straight wire, when there is a current of 25 A in a wire: (u0= 4? x10-7)

Sindh Mock 5
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
A) 0.23×10-1 T
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B) 1.67x 10-4 T
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C) 2.99×10-6 T
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D) 3.63×10-8 T
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23 / 200

The half-life of a radioactive element depends upon:

Sindh Mock 5
Nuclear Physics
A) Amount of element present
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B) Pressure
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C) Temperature
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D) None of the above options are correct
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24 / 200

A circuit in which there is a current of 5 amp is changed so that the current falls to zero in 0.1s. If an average e.m.f of 200 volts is induced, what is the self-inductance of the circuit?

Sindh Mock 5
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Mutual and Self Induction
A) 4 henrys
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B) 8 henrys
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C) 12 henrys
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D) 16 henrys
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25 / 200

The half-life of C14 is about:

Sindh Mock 5
Nuclear Physics
A) 1637 years
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B) 892 years
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C) 10 years
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D) 100 years
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E) 5730 years
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26 / 200

Projectile must be launched at which angle with the horizontal to attain maximum range?

Sindh Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 90 degrees
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B) 45 degrees
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C) 75 degrees
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D) 105 degrees
Show Explanation

27 / 200

One complete circle is equal to:

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 2 radian
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B) 3 radian
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C) 5 radian
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D) 6 radian
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28 / 200

The frequency of a man’s voice is 300 Hz. If velocity of sound is 336 m/s, the wavelength of the sound is:

Sindh Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 1.12 m
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B) 300 m
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C) 330 m
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D) 112 m
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29 / 200

A body moves on a circular path subtending an angle of 2 radians at the center of a circle of radius 3.5 meters. The linear displacement of the body is _________.

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 6.5 m
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B) 7.0 m
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C) 7.5 m
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D) 1.75 m
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30 / 200

Which one of the following requires no medium?

Sindh Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
Electromagnetic Waves
A) Beta rays
Show Explanation
B) Alpha rays
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C) Gamma rays
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

31 / 200

If, the speed of waves is 10m/sec and its frequency is 5Hz. Find its wavelength.

Sindh Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 1
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B) 2
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C) 4
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D) 6
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32 / 200

A player throws a ball at an initial velocity of 36 m/second. The maximum distance the ball can reach (assume ball is caught at the same height at which it was released) is:

Sindh Mock 5
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 146 m
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B) 130 m
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C) 132 m
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D) 129 m
Show Explanation

33 / 200

Radiation can cause:

Sindh Mock 5
Nuclear Physics
Biological Effects and Uses of Radiation
A) leukemia
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B) radiation sickness
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C) skin cancer
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D) gene mutations
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E) all of the above
Show Explanation

34 / 200

The deviation of I-V graph from straight line is due to:

Sindh Mock 5
Current Electricity
Ohms Law
A) Decrease in temperature and decrease in resistance
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B) Increase in temperature and increase in resistance
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C) Decrease in temperature and increase in resistance
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D) Increase in temperature and decrease in resistance
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35 / 200

Sodium nucleus consists of 11 protons and 12 neutrons. The conventional symbol of this nucleus is?

Sindh Mock 5
Nuclear Physics
Composition of Atomic Nuclei
A) 11Na11
Show Explanation
B) 12Na12
Show Explanation
C) 11Na23
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D) 12Na23
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36 / 200

A sound wave with a frequency of 343 Hz travels through the air. What is its wavelength? (speed of sound through air = 343 m/s)

Sindh Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 1 m
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B) 2 m
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C) 3 m
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D) 4 m
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37 / 200

The atomic spectra deals with the measurement of?

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Wavelengths
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B) Intensities of electromagnetic radiations emitted by atoms
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C) Intensities of electromagnetic radiations absorbed by atoms
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D) All of these options
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38 / 200

In a certain circuit, a transistor has a collector current of 10mA and a base current of 40μA. What is the current gain of the transistor?

Sindh Mock 5
A) 150
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B) 200
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C) 250
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D) 300
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39 / 200

A battery has an e.m.f of 6.0 volts and an internal resistance of 0.4 ohm. It is connected to a 2.6 ohm resistor through a SPST (single pole, single throw switch):

When the switch is closed, the potential difference between the terminal Is, in volts is:

Sindh Mock 5
Current Electricity
Electomotive Force and Potential Difference
A) 0
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B) 0.8
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C) 2.6
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D) 5.2
Show Explanation

40 / 200

For adiabatic process, the first law of thermodynamics is:

Sindh Mock 5
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) w =∆u = Q
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B) Q = -w
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C) Q = w
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D) w = -∆u
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41 / 200

A car starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration. During the 5th second of its motion, it covers a distance of 36 meters. What is the acceleration of the car?

Sindh Mock 5
Forces and Motion
A) 12.5 m/s2
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B) 8 m/s2
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C) 15 m/s2
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D) 16 m/s2
Show Explanation

42 / 200

The amount of heat provided to a system at constant pressure (qp) is equal to _______.

Sindh Mock 5
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) Change in internal energy (ΔE)
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B) Change in enthalpy (ΔH)
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C) Change in free energy (ΔG)
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D) Change ín temperature only (ΔT)
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43 / 200

The following question belongs to the topic of momentum:

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Current
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B) Length
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C) Angular momentum
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D) Torque
Show Explanation

44 / 200

SI unit of permittivity of free space is:

Sindh Mock 5
A) N – m / C²
Show Explanation
B) C² / N – m²
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C) C² / (N – m)²
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D) C² / N – m
Show Explanation

45 / 200

Example(s) of spin motion is/are:

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) The daily rotation of the earth about its own axis
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B) Jumping of a paratrooper from an helicopter
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C) Flow of a viscous liquid
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D) Rotation of flywheel about its axle
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E) Both the daily rotation of the earth and flywheel about its own axis
Show Explanation

46 / 200

The property due to which substances attract or repel each other is called:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Friction
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B) Charge
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C) Current
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D) Resistance
Show Explanation

47 / 200

A 10 nanofarad (10 x 10-9 F) parallel plate capacitor holds a charge of magnitude 50 µC on each plate.If the plates are separated by a distance of 0.885mm, what is the area of each plate?

Sindh Mock 5
A) 1.0 m2
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B) 3.0 m2
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C) 5.5 m2
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D) 7.5 m2
Show Explanation

48 / 200

Force exerted by a unit charge is called:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Electric field intensity
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B) Magnetic field
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C) Magnetic flux
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D) Charge
Show Explanation

49 / 200

A battery whose emf is 40 V has an internal resistance of 5 Ohms. If this battery is connected to a 15 Ohms resistor ‘R’, what will be the voltage drop across ‘R’:

Sindh Mock 5
Current Electricity
Electrical Power and Power Dissipation in Resistors
A) 10 V
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B) 30 V
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C) 40 V
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D) 50 V
Show Explanation

50 / 200

Electromagnetic wave theory was proposed by:

Sindh Mock 5
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) Huygen
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B) Fraunhoffer
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C) Fresnel
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D) Coulomb
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E) Maxwell
Show Explanation

51 / 200

In microwave ovens ____ is used to heat the food

Sindh Mock 5
Wave Motion and Sound
Electromagnetic Waves
A) X-rays
Show Explanation
B) Beta rays
Show Explanation
C) Gamma rays
Show Explanation
D) Electromagnetic rays
Show Explanation

52 / 200

The torque will be greater if:

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Both magnitude of force and moment arm are smaller
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B) Both magnitude of force and moment arm are greater
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C) Only magnitude of force is greater
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D) Only moment arm is greater
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53 / 200

A car 500 kg is travelling at a constant speed of 9 m/s round a curve of 100m. What is the centripetal force?

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 205N
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B) 305N
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C) 405N
Show Explanation
D) 505N
Show Explanation

54 / 200

A semiconductor photodiode is a:

Sindh Mock 5
A) reverse biased junction diode
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B) forward biased junction diode
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C) half wave rectifier
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D) full wave rectifier
Show Explanation

55 / 200

The autonomic nervous system controls all of the following activities except:

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Digestion of food
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B) Heart beat
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C) Contraction of pupil of eye
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D) Thought
Show Explanation

56 / 200

The cell wall of most of the bacteria have a unique macromolecule called_______.

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Cellulose
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B) Chitin
Show Explanation
C) Fibres
Show Explanation
D) Fats
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E) Peptidoglycan
Show Explanation

57 / 200

Which of the following is not the function of the cerebrum?

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Voluntary digestion
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B) Thinking
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C) Intelligence
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D) Skeletal muscles
Show Explanation

58 / 200

A _____ is a junction between two neurons or between a motor neuron and a muscle cell:

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Impulse
Show Explanation
B) Synapse
Show Explanation
C) Axon
Show Explanation
D) Cleft
Show Explanation

59 / 200

The table shows some characteristics of four different vertebrates. Which vertebrate is a reptile?

✓= feature present

x = feature absent

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

60 / 200

Electronic configuration of M2+ ion is 2, 8, 14 and its atomic weight is 56 amu. The number of neutrons in its nucleus are:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) 30
Show Explanation
B) 32
Show Explanation
C) 42
Show Explanation
D) 52
Show Explanation

61 / 200

Deficient production of hormones by adrenal glands results in:

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Cushing’s syndrome
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B) Addison’s disease
Show Explanation
C) Diabetes Mellitus
Show Explanation
D) Goiter
Show Explanation

62 / 200

The movement of plants in response to touch stimulus is called:

Sindh Mock 5
Support and Movement
Support & Movement in Plants
A) Hydrotropism
Show Explanation
B) Chemotropism
Show Explanation
C) Geotropism
Show Explanation
D) Thigmotropism
Show Explanation

63 / 200

The prolactin hormone, responsible for the activation of mammary glands to start producing milk, is a hormone of the:

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Pituitary gland
Show Explanation
B) Pancreas
Show Explanation
C) Thyroid gland
Show Explanation
D) Thymus gland
Show Explanation

64 / 200

The phytohormones controlling the plant movements are?

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Coordination in Plants
A) Auxins
Show Explanation
B) Gibberellins
Show Explanation
C) Abscisic acid
Show Explanation
D) Cytokinins
Show Explanation
E) All of the above
Show Explanation

65 / 200

Which of the following is correctly matched?

Sindh Mock 5
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

66 / 200

The botanical name of Imli is:

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Plantae
Evolution of Seed Habit
A) Cassia fistula
Show Explanation
B) Mimosa pudica
Show Explanation
C) Tamarindus indica
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D) Datura alba
Show Explanation

67 / 200

The prolactin hormone, responsible for the activation of mammary glands to start producing milk, is a hormone of the:

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Pituitary gland
Show Explanation
B) Pancreas
Show Explanation
C) Thyroid gland
Show Explanation
D) Thymus gland
Show Explanation

68 / 200

In the pea plants, the factors round and yellow seeds (RRYY) is dominant over wrinkled and green seeds (rryy). Keeping this in mind, identify the seed that has the genotype round and green.

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) Rryy
Show Explanation
B) rrYy
Show Explanation
C) RrYy
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

69 / 200

The diagram shows some organs of the digestive system.

Where is amylase present?

Sindh Mock 5
Digestion and Absorption
A) 1,4 and 5
Show Explanation
B) 1,2 and 3
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C) 2,6 and 4
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D) 3,5 and 4
Show Explanation

70 / 200

Which of the following occurs in the body in response to the secretion of Glucagon?

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Conversion of glucose to glycogen in liver cells
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B) Decrease in blood glucose concentration
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C) Increased uptake of glucose by muscle cells
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D) Production of cyclic AMP in target cells
Show Explanation

71 / 200

Which one of the following is a fish?

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Flying fish
Show Explanation
B) Salmon
Show Explanation
C) Sea horse
Show Explanation
D) All of the above
Show Explanation

72 / 200

Semilunar valves are not present:

Sindh Mock 5
A) At the base of the pulmonary trunk
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B) At the base of the aorta
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C) In veins
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D) In the coronary arteries
Show Explanation

73 / 200

Lysosomes function in:

Sindh Mock 5
Cell Structure and Function
A) Protein synthesis
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B) Processing
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C) Intracellular digestion
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D) Lipid synthesis
Show Explanation

74 / 200

Identify the incorrect statement about Charles Darwin’s theory:

Sindh Mock 5
A) The individual of species have variations among them.
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B) There is always a tendency of over reproduction in a species.
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C) Vast gradual changes result in the origin of a new species.
Show Explanation
D) Favorable variations survive and unfavorable will be exterminated.
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E) Intra-specific competition occurs between different species and interspecific competition occurs among the individuals in a species.
Show Explanation

75 / 200

IUPAC Nomenclature of:

CH3 – CH = CH – CH2 – CH = CH2 is:

Sindh Mock 5
Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons
A) 2 – pentene
Show Explanation
B) 1 , 4 – hexadiene
Show Explanation
C) 3 – methyl butane
Show Explanation
D) 1, 3, 5 – heptatriene
Show Explanation

76 / 200

A bean seed contains all of the following except:

Sindh Mock 5
Growth and Development
Growth and Development in Plants
A) A seed coat
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B) An epicotyl
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C) A hypocoty
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D) A hypha
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77 / 200

All of the following are sexually transmitted diseases except:

Sindh Mock 5
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
A) Syphilis
Show Explanation
B) Gonorrhea
Show Explanation
C) Alzheimer’s Disease
Show Explanation
D) Genital Herpes
Show Explanation

78 / 200

Haemophilia is a sex-linked _____ trait.

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Dominant
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B) Codominant
Show Explanation
C) Pleiotropic
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D) Recessive
Show Explanation

79 / 200

Closely related species are grouped together into ______ .

Sindh Mock 5
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Families
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B) Orders
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C) Phyla
Show Explanation
D) Kingdom
Show Explanation
E) Genus
Show Explanation

80 / 200

Choose the correct combinations of labeling the carbohydrate molecule involved in the Calvin cycle.

Sindh Mock 5
A) A – RuBP, B – Triose phosphate, C – PGA
Show Explanation
B) A – PGA, B – RuBP, C – Triose Phsophate
Show Explanation
C) A – PGA, B – Triose Phosphate, C – RuBP
Show Explanation
D) A – RuBP, B – PGA, C – Triose Phosphate
Show Explanation

81 / 200

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding a nucleus?

I.Stores wastes and other Substances

II.Contains genetic material

III.Helps in cellular transport system

IV.Control centre of the cell

Sindh Mock 5
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) I only
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) II & IV
Show Explanation

82 / 200

The diagram below represents the process of:

Sindh Mock 5
Biological Molecules
A) Hydrolysis
Show Explanation
B) Condensation
Show Explanation
C) Neutralization
Show Explanation
D) Metabolism
Show Explanation

83 / 200

The main process that occurs in the dark reaction in photosynthesis is:

Sindh Mock 5
Light Independent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
A) That water is split.
Show Explanation
B) Light energy is converted into chemical energy.
Show Explanation
C) That glucose is oxidized.
Show Explanation
D) That carbon-dioxide is fixed.
Show Explanation

84 / 200

An organism appears to be a segmented worm. Upon observation, it is determined that the organism has a closed circulation, a mouth, and an anus and does not have an exoskeleton. The organism most likely belongs to the phylum:

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Mollusca
Show Explanation
B) Annelida
Show Explanation
C) Echinodermata
Show Explanation
D) Arthropoda
Show Explanation

85 / 200

The quantum numbers +½ and -½ for the electron spin represent:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Plancks Quantum Theory
A) Rotation of the electron in clockwise and anticlockwise direction respectively
Show Explanation
B) Rotation of the electron in anticlockwise and clockwise direction respectively
Show Explanation
C) Magnetic movement of the electron pointing up and down respectively
Show Explanation
D) Two quantum mechanical spin states which have no classical analogue
Show Explanation

86 / 200

The law of dominance is illustrated in the garden pea by:

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) Homozygous tall x heterozygous tall
Show Explanation
B) Heterozygous tall x heterozygous tall
Show Explanation
C) Homozygous tall x homozygous tall
Show Explanation
D) Pure short x pure short
Show Explanation
E) Homozygous tall x pure short
Show Explanation

87 / 200

_________ is sometimes given by injection as an emergency treatment in cardiac arrest:

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Acetylcholine
Show Explanation
B) Dopamine
Show Explanation
C) Serotonin
Show Explanation
D) Epinephrine
Show Explanation

88 / 200

In cats, the genes controlling coat-color are co-dominant (incompletely dominant) and are carried on the X chromosomes. When a black female was mated with a ginger male the resulting litter consisted of black male and tortoise-shell female kittens. What phenotypic ratio would be expected in the F2 generation?

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Exceptions To Mendelian Inheritance
A) 1 black male : 1 ginger male : 2 tortoise – shell females
Show Explanation
B) 1 black male : 1 ginger male : 1 tortoise – shell female : 1 black female
Show Explanation
C) 2 black males : 1 tortoise – shell female : 1 ginger female
Show Explanation
D) 1 black male : 1 tortoise – shell female : 1 ginger female : 1 black female
Show Explanation

89 / 200

During condensation polymerization, two monomers may be joined by the removal of a molecule of:

Sindh Mock 5
Biological Molecules
A) Carbon Dioxide
Show Explanation
B) Hydrogen
Show Explanation
C) Oxygen
Show Explanation
D) Water
Show Explanation

90 / 200

Platyhelminthes means:

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Flat worms
Show Explanation
B) Roundworms
Show Explanation
C) Segmented worms
Show Explanation
D) None of the above
Show Explanation

91 / 200

The “d” and “D” alleles are used for lighter and darker skin colour in humans, respectively. By keeping in view the inheritance pattern of skin colour in human beings, choose which combination showing medium skin colour from the following picture:

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Polygenic Inheritance And Epistasis
A) Column A
Show Explanation
B) Column C
Show Explanation
C) Row B
Show Explanation
D) Row C
Show Explanation

92 / 200

A characteristics features of Echinoderm is:

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Canal system
Show Explanation
B) Water vascular system
Show Explanation
C) Tracheal system
Show Explanation
D) Blood vascular system
Show Explanation

93 / 200

A characteristics features of Echinoderm is:

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Canal system
Show Explanation
B) Water vascular system
Show Explanation
C) Tracheal system
Show Explanation
D) Blood vascular system
Show Explanation

94 / 200

A/An _______ is mostly a non-protein chemical compound that is required for the protein’s biological activity.

Sindh Mock 5
A) Active site
Show Explanation
B) Substrate
Show Explanation
C) Cofactor
Show Explanation
D) Enzyme
Show Explanation

95 / 200

Ileum is about ______ long:

Sindh Mock 5
Digestion and Absorption
A) 3.6 centimeters
Show Explanation
B) 3.6 mllimeters
Show Explanation
C) 3.6 inches
Show Explanation
D) 3.6 meters
Show Explanation

96 / 200

Growth movement caused in response to gravitational stimulus is called:

Sindh Mock 5
Support and Movement
Support & Movement in Plants
A) Nutation
Show Explanation
B) Geotropism
Show Explanation
C) Nastic movement
Show Explanation
D) Tropic movement
Show Explanation

97 / 200

The massive accumulation of blood within a tissue is called:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Haemorrhage
Show Explanation
B) Haematoma
Show Explanation
C) Hepatoma
Show Explanation
D) Haemocoel
Show Explanation

98 / 200

A group of biologically active molecules formed from amino acids which interact with the surface of the lipid bilayer of cell membranes are called:

Sindh Mock 5
Cell Structure and Function
Plasma Membrane
A) Integral Proteins
Show Explanation
B) Peripheral proteins
Show Explanation
C) Cell wall
Show Explanation
D) Plasmodesmata
Show Explanation

99 / 200

The lymph vessels empty in:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Arteries
Show Explanation
B) Veins
Show Explanation
C) Capillaries
Show Explanation
D) None of the given options
Show Explanation

100 / 200

Bacterial pilli help in:

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Locomotion
Show Explanation
B) Conjugation
Show Explanation
C) Phagocytosis
Show Explanation
D) Pinocytosis
Show Explanation

101 / 200

Steroids consist of _____ 6 membered carbon rings and one 5 membered carbon ring.

Sindh Mock 5
Biological Molecules
A) Four
Show Explanation
B) Three
Show Explanation
C) Two
Show Explanation
D) Five
Show Explanation

102 / 200

Bacteria having a tuft of flagella at one end are called:

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Prokaryote
Motility and Nutrition in Bacteria
A) Peritrichous
Show Explanation
B) Monotrichous
Show Explanation
C) Lophotrichous
Show Explanation
D) Amphitrichous
Show Explanation

103 / 200

In which model do proteins float in membrane-like iceberg in sea:

Sindh Mock 5
Cell Structure and Function
Plasma Membrane
A) Lock and key model.
Show Explanation
B) Induced fit model.
Show Explanation
C) Fluid mosaic model.
Show Explanation
D) Lotka volterra model.
Show Explanation

104 / 200

The following sequence of events occurs at the neuromuscular junction.

nerve impulse → release of V→ end plate potential → W produced in muscle fibre → X released from sarcoplasmic reticulum→ formation of Y → muscle contraction

Which one of the following shows the correct sequence from V-Y?

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

105 / 200

The process of replacing or supplementing the defective allele with a functional, normal allele is known as ______.

Sindh Mock 5
Gene Therapy
A) Allele transplant
Show Explanation
B) Physiotherapy
Show Explanation
C) Gene therapy
Show Explanation
D) Mutation
Show Explanation

106 / 200

What are the functions of the inter, motor and sensory neurons in a reflex response?

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

107 / 200

Haemoglobin carries more oxygen than plasma by:

Sindh Mock 5
Gaseous Exchange
Transport of Gases
A) 50 times
Show Explanation
B) 20 times
Show Explanation
C) 70 times
Show Explanation
D) 100 times
Show Explanation

108 / 200

Highly condensed portions of the chromatin are called:

Sindh Mock 5
Chromosomes and DNA
Types & Composition of Chromosomes
A) Euchromatin
Show Explanation
B) Heterochromatin
Show Explanation
C) Nucleosome
Show Explanation
D) Super coils
Show Explanation

109 / 200

The following sequence of events occurs at the neuromuscular junction. nerve impulse -> release of V -> end plate potential -> W produced in muscle fibre -> X release from sarcoplasmic reticulum -> Formation of Y -> muscle contraction.Which one of the following shows the correct sequence from V -> Y?

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

110 / 200

In the Hardy – Weinberg principle, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 . q2 represents the frequency of the:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Homozygous dominant
Show Explanation
B) Heterozygous dominant
Show Explanation
C) Heterozygous recessive
Show Explanation
D) Homozygous recessive
Show Explanation

111 / 200

In the pedigree of a family shown above, brown eyes are indicated as white circles and blue eyes as dark circles. Javeria and Juhi are twins. From this chart, it can be determined that:

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Sex Linkage
A) Tahir and Mary are homozygous for brown eyes
Show Explanation
B) Jawaria and Juhi are identical twins
Show Explanation
C) Juhi is heterozygous for blue eyes
Show Explanation
D) Juhi is homozygous for blue eyes
Show Explanation

112 / 200

Read the passage below to answer the question:

Hemophilia is a disorder in which blood fails to clot. Saad, a male hemophiliac, marries Sara, a normal woman and together they have four children, two boys (Ahmed and Ali) and two girls (Alia and Ayesha). None of the children display the symptoms of Hemophilia. Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha, and Ali all marry normal individuals and have children. None of Ahmeds or Ali’s children, male or female, display symptoms of hemophilia, but the sons of Alia and Ayesha display symptoms of hemophilia while the daughters of Alia and Ayesha do not.

Which of the following individuals are heterozygous for hemophilia:

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Saad, Ahmed, and Ali
Show Explanation
B) Ahmed, Ali, Alia, and Ayesha
Show Explanation
C) Saad and Sara
Show Explanation
D) Alia and Ayesha
Show Explanation

113 / 200

How many meninges cover the human brain?

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) 5
Show Explanation
B) 4
Show Explanation
C) 3
Show Explanation
D) 2
Show Explanation

114 / 200

The propulsive movement of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is:

Sindh Mock 5
Digestion and Absorption
A) Peristalsis
Show Explanation
B) Epiglottis
Show Explanation
C) Antiperistalsis
Show Explanation
D) Anus
Show Explanation

115 / 200

The spinal nerves are functionally:

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Sensory nerves
Show Explanation
B) Motor nerves
Show Explanation
C) Mixed nerves
Show Explanation
D) Unknown
Show Explanation

116 / 200

The electronic configuration of iron is:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) 1s2 , 2s2 , 2p6 , 3s2 , 3p6 , 3d5 , 4s2
Show Explanation
B) 1s2, 2s2 , 2p6 , 3s2 , 3p6 , 3d5, 4s1
Show Explanation
C) 1s2 , 2s2, 2p6 , 3s2 , 3p6 , 3d6 , 4s2
Show Explanation
D) 1s2 , 2s2 , 2p6 , 3s2 , 3p6 , 3d3 , 4s2
Show Explanation

117 / 200

Which group of organisms has the following features?

I. three pairs of jointed legs

II. three-part segmented body

III. one pair of antennae

Sindh Mock 5
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) arachnids
Show Explanation
B) crustaceans
Show Explanation
C) Insects
Show Explanation
D) myriapods
Show Explanation

118 / 200

Which of the following neurotransmitters function, both as neurotransmitter and hormones, decreasing our perception of pain?

Sindh Mock 5
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Epinephrine
Show Explanation
B) Serotonin
Show Explanation
C) Dopamine
Show Explanation
D) Endorphins
Show Explanation

119 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct:

Haven’t you buy too many pieces of furniture for your new house. No error

Sindh Mock 5
Identify errors in sentence
A) Haven’t
Show Explanation
B) Buy
Show Explanation
C) Pieces
Show Explanation
D) Furniture
Show Explanation

120 / 200

Which one is NOT an involuntary function

Sindh Mock 5
Support and Movement
Types of Muscles
A) Breathing
Show Explanation
B) Pumping of blood
Show Explanation
C) Skeletal muscle movement
Show Explanation
D) Blinking of eyes
Show Explanation

121 / 200

Read the passage and answer the following question:

“What a silly boy you are!” cried the miller. “I really don’t know what is the use of sending you to school. You seem not to learn anything. If little Hans came up here and saw our warm fire, our good supper, and our great cask of red wine, he might get envious. Envy is the most terrible thing and would spoil anybody’s nature. I certainly will not allow Hans’s nature to be spoiled. I am his best friend, and I will always watch over him, and see that he is not led into any temptations. Besides, if Hans came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on credit, and that I could not do. Flour is one thing and friendship is another and they should not be confused. Why? The words are spelt differently and mean quite different things. Everybody can see that.”

What does the statement “ Flour is one thing, and friendship is another” tell about the nature of miller?

Sindh Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Very kind
Show Explanation
B) Selfish
Show Explanation
C) Friendly
Show Explanation
D) Caring
Show Explanation

122 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct:

Sindh Mock 5
Identify errors in sentence
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

123 / 200

Read the passage to answer the question:

The names of three men – an Englishman, a German, and an Italian stand out from the many who have opened up for us this new path of progress: James Clerk Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz, and Guglielmo Marconi Maxwell prophesied wireless, discovering its principles. Hertz discovered and demonstrated those waves which are its secret, and Marconi invented the instruments which put these ideas to practical use. A crowd of other brilliant men have made their different contributions. Sir Oliver Lodge came very near to doing what Marconi did; indeed, a year before Marconi invented his instrument, Lodge demonstrated the possibility of sending a signal by these Hertzian waves but turned aside under pressure from other work. Professor Righi, Marconi’s science master, experimented in the laboratory and showed young Marconi the potentialities Oliver Heaviside, the English telegraphic engineer, subsequently revealed to us the amazing fact that these wireless waves are thrown back to the earth from the two curious ‘mirrors’ which, moving in the depth of the sky hundreds of miles from the surface of the earth, act as a kind of double sounding board. These are but a few of the men whose work all over the earth has brought the miracle of wireless to its present stage. But the three names stand pre-eminent.

Which of the following is mentioned in the paragraph as the contribution of Heinrich Hertz?

Sindh Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Invented the instruments for the practical use of wireless waves
Show Explanation
B) Demonstrated the possibility of sending signal
Show Explanation
C) That the waves are thrown back to the earth
Show Explanation
D) Discovered and demonstrated the wireless waves
Show Explanation

124 / 200

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.

The recent discoveries of medical science have_______ life and health to millions of people.

Sindh Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) Brought
Show Explanation
B) Bring
Show Explanation
C) Had bought
Show Explanation
D) Bringing
Show Explanation

125 / 200

Identify purine and pyrimidines from the following figures

Sindh Mock 5
Chromosomes and DNA
The Chemical Nature of DNA
A) A and B purines,
C, D, and E pyrimidines.

Show Explanation
B) D and B purines,
C, A, and E pyrimidines

Show Explanation
C) A and E purines,
C, D, and B pyrimidines.

Show Explanation
D) A and C purines,
B, D, and E pyrimidines.

Show Explanation

126 / 200

A cross between a black cat and a tan cat produces a tabby pattern (black and tan fur together). What percent of kittens would have tan fur if a tabby cat is crossed with a black cat?

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) 100%
Show Explanation
B) 50%
Show Explanation
C) 25%
Show Explanation
D) 0%
Show Explanation

127 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct.

The guests broke a dozen glass at the party. No error

Sindh Mock 5
Identify errors in sentence
A) The guests
Show Explanation
B) broke
Show Explanation
C) glass
Show Explanation
D) at
Show Explanation

128 / 200

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each:
We must ______ back by six o’clock.

Sindh Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) Be
Show Explanation
B) Can
Show Explanation
C) Has
Show Explanation
D) Have
Show Explanation

129 / 200

Pituitary gland releases ______ hormone and _______ hormone while ovaries produce _______ and progesterone.

Sindh Mock 5
Reproduction in Females
A) Follicle-stimulating and luteinizing, estrogen
Show Explanation
B) Estrogen and follicle-stimulating, luteinizing
Show Explanation
C) Luteinizing arid estrogen, follicle-stimulating
Show Explanation
D) Follicle-stimulating and estrogen, luteinizing
Show Explanation

130 / 200

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.
The doctor is going ______ vaccinate me tomorrow.

Sindh Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) Of
Show Explanation
B) To
Show Explanation
C) On
Show Explanation
D) As
Show Explanation

131 / 200

The category of organisms which are able to make their own food is called:

Sindh Mock 5
A) Heterotrophs
Show Explanation
B) Autotrophs
Show Explanation
C) Consumers
Show Explanation
D) Decomposers
Show Explanation

132 / 200

Read the passage and answer the following question:

“What a silly boy you are!” cried the miller. “I really don’t know what is the use of sending you to school. You seem not to learn anything. If little Hans came up here and saw our warm fire, our good supper, and our great cask of red wine, he might get envious envy is the most terrible thing and would spoil anybody’s nature. I certainly will not allow Hans’s nature to be spoiled. I am his best friend, and I will always watch over him, and see that he is not lead into any temptations. Besides, if Hans came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on credit, and that I could not do. Flour is one thing and friendship is another and they should not be confused. Why? The words are spelt differently and mean quite different things. Everybody can see that.”

Why does Miller not want Hans to come inside his home?

Sindh Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Because Miller thinks that after seeing the luxuries of his home Hans will get envious
Show Explanation
B) Because Miller thinks that Hans will ask for flour
Show Explanation
C) Because miller thinks that his house was not worth visiting
Show Explanation
D) Both A and B
Show Explanation

133 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct.

It’s too late to go for a walk now; besides, it’s beginning to rain.

Sindh Mock 5
Identify errors in sentence
A) It’s
Show Explanation
B) go
Show Explanation
C) besides
Show Explanation
D) beginning
Show Explanation
E) No Error
Show Explanation

134 / 200

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


Sindh Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Dark
Show Explanation
B) Bright
Show Explanation
C) Unexciting
Show Explanation
D) Faint
Show Explanation

135 / 200

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized one.


Sindh Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Gradual
Show Explanation
B) Stable
Show Explanation
C) Measured
Show Explanation
D) Sudden
Show Explanation

136 / 200

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized one.


Sindh Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) stop
Show Explanation
B) permit
Show Explanation
C) verify
Show Explanation
D) Confirm
Show Explanation

137 / 200

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized one.

Sindh Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) strong
Show Explanation
B) pale
Show Explanation
C) tough
Show Explanation
D) powerful
Show Explanation

138 / 200

Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option:

There _____ many students waiting to hear the results of the test.

Sindh Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) has
Show Explanation
B) have
Show Explanation
C) was
Show Explanation
D) are
Show Explanation

139 / 200

Choose the word nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized one.


Sindh Mock 5
Key Vocabulary
A) Loud
Show Explanation
B) Quiet
Show Explanation
C) Soft
Show Explanation
D) Noiseless
Show Explanation

140 / 200

The passageways of the respiratory system have mucous secreting cells called:

Sindh Mock 5
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Tracheal cells
Show Explanation
B) Goblet cells
Show Explanation
C) Surfactant cells
Show Explanation
D) Pleural cells
Show Explanation

141 / 200

A man who has type AB blood cannot father a child with type ___ blood, because he would pass on either the ___ or the B allele to all of his offspring.

Sindh Mock 5
Variation and Genetics
Blood Group System
A) A,O
Show Explanation
B) O,A
Show Explanation
C) B, O
Show Explanation
D) B, A
Show Explanation

142 / 200

Identify errors in the sentences:

Because of their identical appearance and dress, the twins were often mistaken for each other.

Sindh Mock 5
Identify errors in sentence
A) Because of
Show Explanation
B) identical
Show Explanation
C) and dress
Show Explanation
D) were
Show Explanation
E) No error
Show Explanation

143 / 200

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices.

Two airplanes crashed ______ the fog yesterday?

Sindh Mock 5
Fill in the blank
A) on
Show Explanation
B) of
Show Explanation
C) in
Show Explanation
D) to
Show Explanation

144 / 200

In sexual reproduction, sex cells contain _____ chromosomes when compared to other cells of the body

Sindh Mock 5
Chromosomes and DNA
Types & Composition of Chromosomes
A) same
Show Explanation
B) half
Show Explanation
C) double
Show Explanation
D) all of the above
Show Explanation

145 / 200

The Management of School M has decided to give free breakfast from next academic year to all the students in its primary section through its canteen even though they will not get any government grant.
Courses of Action:
I. The school will have to admit many poor students who will seek admission for the next academic year.
II. The canteen facilities and utensils have to be checked and new purchases to be made to equip it properly.
III. Funds will have to be raised to support the scheme for years to come.

Sindh Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Only II and III follows
Show Explanation
B) Only III and I follow
Show Explanation
C) Only I and II follow
Show Explanation
D) Only I follows
Show Explanation

146 / 200

What should come next: save, secure, protect, —–

Sindh Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Logical Problems
A) Guard
Show Explanation
B) Lock
Show Explanation
C) Conserve
Show Explanation
D) Humble
Show Explanation

147 / 200

Statement: Most of the steel producing companies in the country have made considerable profit during the last financial year.

Many Asian countries have been importing huge quantities of steel from Pakistan

Sindh Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Cause and Effect
A) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect
Show Explanation
B) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
Show Explanation
C) Both the statements I and II are independent causes
Show Explanation
D) Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause
Show Explanation

148 / 200


I) No rabbit is lion.

II) Some horses are lions.

III) All rabbits are tables.

I) Some tables are lions.
II) Some horses are rabbits.
III) No lion is table.

Sindh Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Logical Problems
A) None follows
Show Explanation
B) Only either I or III follow
Show Explanation
C) Only II and III follow
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

149 / 200

Statement: A large number of students are reported to be dropping out of school in villages as their parents want their children to help them in farms.
Courses of Action:
I. The government should immediately launch a programme to create awareness among the farmers about the value of education.
II. The government should offer incentives to those farmers whose children remain in schools.
III. Education should be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14 and their employment banned.

Sindh Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Only I and II follow
Show Explanation
B) Only II and III follow
Show Explanation
C) Only I and III follow
Show Explanation
D) All follow
Show Explanation

150 / 200

If ‘-’ means ‘+’, ‘+’ means ‘-’, ‘*’ means ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ means ‘*’ then which of the following will be the correct equation?

Sindh Mock 5
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) 10 + 5 – 14 ÷ 10 * 15 = 158
Show Explanation
B) 30 + 5 + 14 – 10 * 15 = 122
Show Explanation
C) 30 – 5 + 14 ÷ 10 * 15 = 162
Show Explanation
D) 30 * 5 – 4 ÷ 10 + 15 = 31
Show Explanation

151 / 200

What is the volume in cm3 of 3.01 x 10^23 molecules of O2 gas at S.T.P.?

Sindh Mock 5
A) 1000 cm3
Show Explanation
B) 11000 cm3
Show Explanation
C) 1120 cm3
Show Explanation
D) 11200 cm3
Show Explanation

152 / 200

Cl + e —-> Cl-
ΔH = -348kJ/mol
The value -348KJ/mol in this case will be:

Sindh Mock 5
Standard States and Enthalpy Changes
A) Ionization energy
Show Explanation
B) Electronegativity
Show Explanation
C) Electron affinity
Show Explanation
D) Entropy
Show Explanation

153 / 200

The general formula for an aldehyde is:

Sindh Mock 5
Aldehydes and Ketones
Introduction to Aldehydes and Ketones
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) R-X
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

154 / 200

SN2 reactions can be best carried out with:

Sindh Mock 5
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) Primary alkyl halides
Show Explanation
B) Secondary alkyl halides
Show Explanation
C) Tertiary alkyl halides
Show Explanation
D) Both primary and tertiary alkyl halides
Show Explanation

155 / 200

1 calorie = ______ Joules.

Sindh Mock 5
Chemistry of Life
Minerals of Biological Signifance
A) 200 Joules
Show Explanation
B) 2000 Joules
Show Explanation
C) 4.184 Joules
Show Explanation
D) 4180 Joules
Show Explanation

156 / 200

When 18 x 10-3 moles/dm3 of acetic acid react with 22 x 10-3 moles/dm3 of ethyl alcohol to form 40 x 10-3 moles/dm3 of ethyl acetate and 40 x 10-3 moles/dm-3 of water. Find the value of equilibrium constant (kc):

Sindh Mock 5
Chemical Equilibrium
Equilibrium Constant
A) 4.04
Show Explanation
B) 3.14
Show Explanation
C) 3.04
Show Explanation
D) 2.02
Show Explanation

157 / 200

For the equilibrium reaction 2 NO2 N2O4 (g) (-61 kJ), increase of temperature would:

Sindh Mock 5
Chemical Equilibrium
State of Chemical Equilibrium
A) Favour the Formation of N2O4
Show Explanation
B) Favour the Decomposition of N2O4
Show Explanation
C) No Effect on Equilibrium
Show Explanation
D) Stop the Reaction
Show Explanation

158 / 200

Ethers show the phenomenon of:

Sindh Mock 5
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) Position isomerism
Show Explanation
B) Functional group isomerism
Show Explanation
C) Metamerism
Show Explanation
D) Cis-trans isomerism
Show Explanation

159 / 200

______ is needed in thyroxine, the hormone of thyroid gland.

Sindh Mock 5
Chemistry of Life
Minerals of Biological Signifance
A) Mg2+
Show Explanation
B) K+
Show Explanation
C) Ca2+
Show Explanation
D) Iodine
Show Explanation

160 / 200

The unit of viscosity is:

Sindh Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Viscocity and Surface Tension
A) Joule
Show Explanation
B) N/m2
Show Explanation
C) Dynes/cm
Show Explanation
D) Poise
Show Explanation

161 / 200

Paramagnetic elements contain:

Sindh Mock 5
d and f Block Elements
A) All paired electrons
Show Explanation
B) All unpaired electrons
Show Explanation
C) Few unpaired electrons.
Show Explanation
D) Unequal electrons and protons
Show Explanation

162 / 200

________ is used as a preservative for life specimens.

Sindh Mock 5
Introduction and Structure of Polymers
A) H2SO4
Show Explanation
B) Ammonia
Show Explanation
C) Methanol
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
E) Formalin
Show Explanation

163 / 200

Metallic character of the elements:

Sindh Mock 5
Periodicity in Elements
Periodic Trends
A) decreases down the groups
Show Explanation
B) increases down the groups
Show Explanation
C) decreases across the periods
Show Explanation
D) increases across the periods
Show Explanation

164 / 200

Most abundant salt of sodium in nature is:

Sindh Mock 5
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) NaNO3
Show Explanation
B) Na2SO4
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) NaCl
Show Explanation

165 / 200

In the reaction 2Fe+Cl2 2FeCl3

Sindh Mock 5
Redox Equations
A) Fe is reduced
Show Explanation
B) Fe is oxidized
Show Explanation
C) Cl2 oxidized
Show Explanation
D) None of the above
Show Explanation

166 / 200

H2S is an example of ______ hydride.

Sindh Mock 5
Chemical Bonding
Hydrogen Bonding
A) Ionic
Show Explanation
B) Covalent
Show Explanation
C) Complex
Show Explanation
D) Metallic
Show Explanation

167 / 200

– ROR is the nucleophile of

Sindh Mock 5
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Alcohols
Show Explanation
B) Esters
Show Explanation
C) Cyanides
Show Explanation
D) Ethers
Show Explanation

168 / 200

Sigma bond is formed by:

Sindh Mock 5
Chemical Bonding
Intermolecular Forces
A) Transferring the electrons
Show Explanation
B) Head-on overlapping of atomic orbitals
Show Explanation
C) Mutual but unequal sharing of electrons
Show Explanation
D) Parallel overlapping of atomic orbitals
Show Explanation

169 / 200

The net heat change in a chemical reaction is the same whether it is brought about in two or more different ways in one or several steps. This is known as:

Sindh Mock 5
Hess’s Law
A) Henry’s law
Show Explanation
B) Hess’s law.
Show Explanation
C) Joule’s principle
Show Explanation
D) Dalton’s law
Show Explanation

170 / 200

The chemical properties of Sulphuric Acid is/are:

Sindh Mock 5
Acids, Bases and Salts
A) Acidic properties
Show Explanation
B) Oxidizing properties
Show Explanation
C) Dehydrating properties
Show Explanation
D) Sulfonating properties
Show Explanation
E) All of these
Show Explanation

171 / 200

Law of conservation of momentum states that:

I. there is no external force applied to a system, then the total momentum of that system remains constant

II. if there is an external force applied to a system, then the total momentum of that system remains constant

III. if there is no external force applied to a system, then the total momentum of that system keeps changing

Sindh Mock 5
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) I only
Show Explanation
B) I and II only
Show Explanation
C) I and III only
Show Explanation
D) III only
Show Explanation

172 / 200

When an element exists in more than one crystalline form, the phenomenon is termed as:

Sindh Mock 5
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Crystalline Solids
A) Isomorphism
Show Explanation
B) Pollymorphism
Show Explanation
C) Isomerism
Show Explanation
D) Anisotropy
Show Explanation

173 / 200

Catenation is a process in which carbon shows the properties of:

Sindh Mock 5
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) Making single bond
Show Explanation
B) Hybridization
Show Explanation
C) Making chains or rings of carbon atoms
Show Explanation
D) Isomerism
Show Explanation

174 / 200

Oxidation number of Nitrogen in HNO3, is:

Sindh Mock 5
Oxidation Number or State
A) +4
Show Explanation
B) +2
Show Explanation
C) +6
Show Explanation
D) +5
Show Explanation

175 / 200

EDTA ion is a ________ ligand.

Sindh Mock 5
d and f Block Elements
A) Monodentate
Show Explanation
B) Bidentate
Show Explanation
C) Tridentate
Show Explanation
D) Polydentate
Show Explanation

176 / 200

The oxidation number of all the elements in the free state is:

Sindh Mock 5
Oxidation Number or State
A) 1
Show Explanation
B) 3
Show Explanation
C) 0
Show Explanation
D) -1
Show Explanation

177 / 200

For the reaction, (where X is halogen)
2M + X2 -> 2MX
If M is metal, it is more likely to be:

Sindh Mock 5
s and p Block Elements
A) Alkaline earth metal
Show Explanation
B) Alkali Metal
Show Explanation
C) Outer transition metal
Show Explanation
D) Inner transition metal
Show Explanation

178 / 200

Tritium, an isotope of hydrogen contains:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) An equal number of electrons and neutrons
Show Explanation
B) An equal number of electrons, protons and neutrons
Show Explanation
C) The number of neutrons is double the number of protons
Show Explanation
D) The number of protons is double the number of neutrons.
Show Explanation

179 / 200

RMgX is an organometallic compound, generally known as:

Sindh Mock 5
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Grignard Reagent
A) Grignard’s Reagent
Show Explanation
B) Baeyer’s Reagent
Show Explanation
C) Ether
Show Explanation
D) Ester
Show Explanation

180 / 200

The chief ore of aluminium is:

Sindh Mock 5
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) Na3AlF6
Show Explanation
B) Al2O3NH2O

Show Explanation
C) Al2O3
Show Explanation
D) Al2O3.H2O
Show Explanation

181 / 200

The maximum number of electrons that an orbital can accommodate is/are:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) 0
Show Explanation
B) 1
Show Explanation
C) 2
Show Explanation
D) 3
Show Explanation

182 / 200

2 grams of H2 molecules contain ______ molecules.

Sindh Mock 5
A) 12.04 x 1023
Show Explanation
B) 6.02 x 1023
Show Explanation
C) 3.01 x 1023
Show Explanation
D) 1.008
Show Explanation

183 / 200

If the reaction, P + Q → R + S, is described as being of zero-order with respect to P, it means that:

Sindh Mock 5
Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
A) P is a catalyst in this reaction
Show Explanation
B) No P molecules possess sufficient energy to react
Show Explanation
C) The concentration of P does not change during the reaction
Show Explanation
D) The rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of P
Show Explanation

184 / 200

The unit of rate of reaction is:

Sindh Mock 5
Reaction Kinetics
Rate and velocity of chemical reaction
A) Mole (dm3) sec
Show Explanation
B) Mole (dm3) sec-1
Show Explanation
C) Mole(dm-3) sec -1
Show Explanation
D) Mole(dm3)sec-2
Show Explanation

185 / 200

Identify the type of isomerism:

Sindh Mock 5
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) Chain Isomerism
Show Explanation
B) Position Isomerism
Show Explanation
C) Functional group isomerism
Show Explanation
D) Metamerism
Show Explanation

186 / 200

Sp hybrid orbitals are formed by the mixing of:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) One s and two p
Show Explanation
B) One s and three p
Show Explanation
C) One s and one p
Show Explanation
D) Two s and two p
Show Explanation

187 / 200

Which of the following values of heat of formation indicates that the product is least stable?

Sindh Mock 5
Standard States and Enthalpy Changes
A) -393.5 KJ
Show Explanation
B) -972.7 KJ
Show Explanation
C) +89.9 KJ
Show Explanation
D) +272.2 KJ
Show Explanation

188 / 200

Given the reaction:

C3H6 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O

At STP, how many litres of O2 are needed to completely burn 5.0 litres of C3H6?

Sindh Mock 5
A) 5
Show Explanation
B) 10
Show Explanation
C) 10.5
Show Explanation
D) 15
Show Explanation
E) 25
Show Explanation

189 / 200

Which of the following statements about H2S is false:

Sindh Mock 5
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
A) It is a covalent compound
Show Explanation
B) It is a gas with a bad smell
Show Explanation
C) It is a strong reducing agent
Show Explanation
D) It is a molecule which is non linear
Show Explanation
E) It is a weak base in water
Show ExplanationA

190 / 200

The chemical name of K2[Zn(OH)4] is:

Sindh Mock 5
d and f Block Elements
A) Potassium tetrahydroxyzinc (II)
Show Explanation
B) Potassium tetrahydroxozincate (II)
Show Explanation
C) Potassium tetrahydroxyzincate (VI)
Show Explanation
D) Potassium hydroxyzinc (II)
Show Explanation

191 / 200

The maximum possible number of electrons a shell ‘n’ can accommodate is given by:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) n
Show Explanation
B) n2
Show Explanation
C) 2n2
Show Explanation
D) n3
Show Explanation

192 / 200

“The sum of all the exponents to which the molar concentration in terms in the rate equation are raised” defines:

Sindh Mock 5
Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
A) Rate of reaction
Show Explanation
B) Order of reaction
Show Explanation
C) Type of reaction
Show Explanation
D) Product of reaction
Show Explanation

193 / 200

Benzene can be prepared from:

Sindh Mock 5
Benzene and its Preparation
A) From Petroleum
Show Explanation
B) From Coal
Show Explanation
C) From Acetylene
Show Explanation
D) From Phenol
Show Explanation
E) All of these
Show ExplanationA

194 / 200

Primary Alcohol is produced by reactions of Grignard’s reagent with _________ followed by hydrolysis in an acidic medium.

Sindh Mock 5
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Carbon dioxide
Show Explanation
B) Formaldehyde
Show Explanation
C) Acetaldehyde
Show Explanation
D) Ketone
Show Explanation

195 / 200

Which one of the following is NOT a nucleophile?

Sindh Mock 5
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) H2S
Show Explanation
B) BF3
Show Explanation
C) NH3
Show Explanation
D) CN-
Show Explanation

196 / 200

For, the reaction:

N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3

The production of NH3 will be favored at:

Sindh Mock 5
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) High pressure and catalyst
Show Explanation
B) Low pressure only
Show Explanation
C) Low pressure and catalyst
Show Explanation
D) High pressure only
Show Explanation
E) Catalyst only
Show Explanation

197 / 200

The mass of an electron is:

Sindh Mock 5
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) 1.008 amu
Show Explanation
B) 1.009 amu
Show Explanation
C) 0.000550 amu
Show Explanation
D) 0.5500 amu
Show Explanation

198 / 200

The structural formula of picric acid is:

Sindh Mock 5
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B.
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation
E) Option E
Show Explanation

199 / 200

What would be the major product of the following reaction?

Sindh Mock 5
Benzene and its Preparation
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

200 / 200

What is the product of the reaction below?

Sindh Mock 5
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

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