Aga Khan University AKU Mock Test 1

Aga Khan University located in Karachi conducted the AKU entry test containing FSC MCQs. AKU conducted an entry test for admission to Aga Khan Medical College. Here you will be able to solve full-length Papers AKU FLPs which are also called AKU FREE mock Tests. AKU university opens admissions for MBBS programs. AKU mock tests are time-based and will give you a complete experience of the AKU Entry Test real exam. At the end of each AKU Mock Test, you will get the result of your AKU exam. PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE AKU Entry test preparations and AKU past papers

AKU Entry Test

The Aga Khan University (AKU) is a private, non-profit international university that was founded in 1983. It has campuses and teaching hospitals in several countries, including Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Afghanistan, and the United Kingdom.

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AKU Mock Test New 1

1 / 101

A faulty register records only $5 for every $8 deposit. If the register shows a total balance of $40, what is the actual balance?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

2 / 101

This year, Roger beat Rafael in 25% of their tennis matches. If Rafael won 18 matches, how many matches did Roger win?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

3 / 101

Richard has seven times as many pineapples as Fred. Nathan has three times as many pineapples as Fred. Richard has 32 more pineappleles than Nathan. How many pineapples does Fred have?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

4 / 101

Victor wants to sell 3 watches, each at the same price. After negotiating with customers, however, he ends up selling one at a 30% discount, one at a 20% discount, and one at a 10% discount. If Victor sold the watches for a total of $240, how much money did he lose by giving the discounts?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

5 / 101

On Friday, Janice read x pages every 30 minutes for 4 hours, and Kim read y pages every 15 minutes for 5 hours. Which of the following represents the total number of pages read by Janice and Kim on Friday?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

6 / 101

Call center A handles 20% fewer calls than Call center B. Call center B handles 20% fewer calls than Call center C. If Call center A handles 1,200 calls, how many calls does Call center C handle?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

7 / 101

At a movie theater, an adult ticket costs $10 and a bag of popcorn costs $6. If a group of adults bought tickets to a movie and 4 bags of popcorn, what expression could be used to determine how much in total the group spent, in dollars?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

8 / 101

A sports equipment manufacturer produced 3,600 footballs and 2,200 basketballs during the fall. In the winter season, it produced 3,060 footballs and a certain number of basketballs. If the manufacturer decreased the production of basketballs by the same percentage as it did for footballs, how many basketballs did it produce in the winter?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

9 / 101

A grocery store has two recycling machines outside. The first recycling machine took in 240 plastic bottles and 180 metal cans. The second took in 30 percent more plastic bottles but 10 percent less metal cans. The second machine recycled what percent more items than the first (rounded to the nearest percent)?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

10 / 101

Of the following four scenarios, which one would result in exponential decay of the total amount of money kept in a safe?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

11 / 101

At a certain pizza restaurant, 8 ounces of cheese is enough for ⅔ of a pizza. Given that there are 16 ounces in a pound, how many pizzas can be produced with 12 pounds of cheese?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

12 / 101

A radioactive element loses 15 percent of its mass and 20 percent of its velocity. By what percent has its kinetic energy decreased?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

13 / 101

The average number of students per classroom, y, at Central High School can be estimated using the equation y = 0.8636x + 27.227, where x represents the number of years since 2004 and x ≤ 10. Which of the following statements is the best interpretation of the number 0.8636 in the context of this problem?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

14 / 101

The lengths of the three sides of a triangle are different prime numbers. If two of the sides have lengths 3 and 11, which of the following could be the length of the third side?



III. 17

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

15 / 101

For a lemonade stand, the total cost c, in dollars, of selling n cups of lemonade is given by c = 100 + 1.5n, What is the best interpretation of the number 100 in this equation?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

16 / 101

To determine whether low lighting affects reading speed, a researcher randomly selected 30 subjects to participate in a study. Half of the subjects were randomly assigned to read an article under low lighting (400 lumens) while the other half read the same article under normal lighting (900 lumens). The resulting data showed that the subjects who read the article under low lighting took significantly longer than those who read the article under normal lighting. Based on the design and results of the study, which of the following is an appropriate conclusion?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

17 / 101

During a trip, Jonathan had driven a total of 75 miles by 6:20 PM and a total of 85 miles by 6:40PM. He drove at the same rate for the entire trip. At what time had he driven a total of 140 miles?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

18 / 101

The table below shows the oil production (in thousands of barrels) for four states from 2010 to 2014.

Based on the table, if an oil barrel was produced in 2012, which of the following is closest to the probability that the barrel was produced in Arkansas?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

19 / 101

A certain pizza restaurant cuts slices out at every 4 inches along the edge of a pizza. What is the maximum number of full pizza slices that can be cut out from a circular pizza with a radius of 10 inches?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

20 / 101

The area of a rectangle is 420 inches and its diagonal is 29 inches. Find its sides.

Mathematics Reasoning
AKU Mathematics Reasoning

21 / 101

A train travelling at an average speed of 80 miles per hour takes 8 hours to complete a given trip. How much time would it take the train to complete the same trip if it traveled at an average speed of 120 miles per hour?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

22 / 101

A rescue helicopter drops a package of emergency ration to a stranded party on the ground. If the helicopter is travelling horizontally at 40 m/s at a height of 100m above the ground, where does the package strike the ground relative to the point it was released? g=9.8m/s2.

AKU Mock 1

23 / 101

A car starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration. During the 5th second of its motion, it covers a distance of 36 meters. What is the acceleration of the car?

AKU Mock 1

24 / 101

If the pressure is increased, the melting point of ice:

AKU Mock 1

25 / 101

The torque will be greater if:

AKU Mock 1

26 / 101

(1): If a body, moving in a circular path has a constant speed, then there is no force acting on it.

(2): The direction of the velocity vector of a body, moving in a circular path, is changing.

AKU Mock 1

27 / 101

In Young’s Double-Slit interference experiment, what is the difference in path length of the light waves from the two slits at the center of the first bright fringe above the central maximum?

AKU Mock 1

28 / 101

Tungsten-176 has a half-life of 2.5 hours. After how many hours will the disintegration rate of a tungsten-176 sample drop to 1/10 of its initial value?

AKU Mock 1

29 / 101

Assume that you have two balls of identical volume, one weighing 2 Newtons and the other 10 Newtons. Both are falling after being released from the same point simultaneously. Which of the following will then be true:

I) The 10 Newton ball falling freely from rest will be accelerated at a greater rate than the 2 Newton ball

II) At the end of 4 seconds of freefall, the 10 Newton ball will have five times the momentum of the 2 Newton ball

III) At the end of 4 seconds of the fall the 10 Newton ball will have twice the kinetic energy as of the 2 Newton ball

IV) The 10 Newton ball possesses more inertia compared to the 2 Newton ball

AKU Mock 1

30 / 101

A satellite is currently orbiting Earth in a circular orbit of radius R; its kinetic energy is K. If the satellite is moved and enters a new circular orbit of radius 2R, what will be it’s kinetic energy?

AKU Mock 1

31 / 101

A nonconducting sphere is given a non zero net electric charge,+Q, and then brought close to a neutral conducting sphere of the same radius. Which of the following will be true?

AKU Mock 1

32 / 101

The time of one vibration of a simple pendulum may be decreased by:

AKU Mock 1

33 / 101

Charges of +2uC, point P, and -2uC, point Q, are 2 meters away from each other. X is a point at the midpoint of both these charges.

Which of the following correctly describes the electric field and the electric potential at point X?

AKU Mock 1

34 / 101

If a bus collides with a fire hydrant, what will be the magnitude of the force experienced by the fire hydrant?

AKU Mock 1

35 / 101

A train is leaving a station at 90 km/h, sounding a whistle of frequency 1000 Hz. What will be the apparent frequency heard by the listener sitting on the platform if the train moves away from the station? (speed of sound = 340 m/s).

AKU Mock 1

36 / 101

What will be the value of gravity if you go a distance equal to the diameter of the Earth from its surface?

AKU Mock 1

37 / 101

As a particle moves in from infinity, the value of Absolute Gravitational Potential energy:

AKU Mock 1

38 / 101

A conductor carrying a current ‘I’ has length ‘L’. When it is placed in a magnetic field ‘B’ at 90°, it experiences a force:

AKU Mock 1

39 / 101

A car going around a certain curve at a speed of 25 km/h has centripetal force of 100 N acting on it. If the speed of the car is doubled, the centripetal force:

AKU Mock 1

40 / 101

A sphere of charge +Q is fixed in a position. A smaller sphere of charge +q is placed near the larger sphere and released from rest. The small sphere will move away from the large sphere with:

AKU Mock 1

41 / 101

In a step-up transformer, the current in the secondary coil is _____ than the current in the primary coil.

AKU Mock 1

42 / 101

Three different cell types were observed under the microscope. The observations are summarized in Table 1. The three cell types were grown in separate cultures with plenty of oxygen and nutrients available. Figure 1 shows their rates of growth. At Time 1, oxygen was no longer available to the cells.

Which of the following equations is cell Type C able to carry out?

I. Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP

II. Water + Light → Oxygen + ATP + NADPH

III. Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP + NADPH → Glucose

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

43 / 101

A submarine uses sound of frequency 6000 Hz to locate obstructions ahead of it in the sea.

A pulse of this sound reflects off an object that is 750m in front of the submarine. The pulse returns to the submarine 1.00s after it is transmitted.
What is the wavelength of this sound in the sea water?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

44 / 101

If only one X chromosome is found in a female person, which of the following symptoms will she show?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

45 / 101

A bar magnet is rotating at a constant rate of 120 revolutions per minute inside a circular coil of wire, causing an induced voltage across the coil. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. Increasing the number of turns of wire on the coil would increase both the maximum value and the frequency of the induced voltage.

2. The direction of the induced voltage in this coil reverses every 0.25 seconds.

3.There is always an induced current in a conductor which is experiencing a change in magnetic field.

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

46 / 101

A human cell containing 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome is probably a:

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

47 / 101

Evolution of a bacterial population occurs much more rapidly than evolution of a human population. This is because:

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

48 / 101

A volunteer was injected intravenously with several test substances to determine the effect of each substance on normal body variables. The results are shown in Table 1.

Under what conditions might substance D be released normally?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

49 / 101

A volunteer was injected intravenously with several test substances to determine the effect of each substance on normal body variables. The results are shown in Table 1. Assume that enough time was allowed between injections so that the substances do not interfere with one another.

Based on the information in Table 1, which of the following is most likely substance B?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

50 / 101

Which two of the following statements about genetic variation are correct?
1. Asexual reproduction always produces genetic variation.

2. Gamete production is the only possible source of genetic variation in sexual reproduction.

3. The environment can cause genetic variation.

4. Mutations can produce genetic variation.

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

51 / 101

During vertebrate development, the principle of induction is illustrated by:

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

52 / 101

Six test tubes were set up. Two different solutions were added to each test tube as shown in the table. The temperature, pH, and all concentrations were optimal.

Which three mixtures would lead to the presence of amino acids in the test tube?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

53 / 101

Refer to the diagram below of a biochemical pathway. Arrows represent reactions catalyzed by the indicated enzyme. Letters represent chemical compounds consumed or produced during the reactions.

If enzyme 3 can process compound C three times faster than enzyme 4 can process compound C, which of the following statements is TRUE?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

54 / 101

What is the most advantageous difference between the ancestral primate skulls and the modern human skull?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

55 / 101

Hot, concentrated aqueous sodium hydroxide and chlorine react as shown in the equation:

6NaOH + 3Cl2 → 5NaCl+ NaClO3 + 3H2O

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. Chlorine has an oxidation state of +5 in NaClO3.

2. This is an example of a disproportionation reaction.

3. Some of the oxygen in the hydroxide ions is oxidised.

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

56 / 101

The compounds BrCl and BrI melt at –66°C and 42°C, respectively.

What is the best explanation for this difference in melting points?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

57 / 101

The reaction between hydrogen and nitrogen in the presence of an iron catalyst is known as the Haber process. It is a reversible reaction. The energy profile for this reaction is shown.

What is the energy change when one mole of ammonia is decomposed into its component elements?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

58 / 101

Three different cell types were observed under the microscope. The observations are summarized in Table 1. The three cell types were grown in separate cultures with plenty of oxygen and nutrients available. Figure 1 shows their rates of growth. At Time 1, oxygen was no longer available to the cells.

Consider Figure 1. Which of the following statements best describes the reason for the difference between the curves for cell Type B and cell Type C?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

59 / 101

Several processes can change the proportion of gases in the atmosphere by adding or removing carbon dioxide or oxygen. Which row is correct?

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

60 / 101

Unfertilized frog oocytes were bathed in a neutral, isotonic solution (Frog Ringer’s solution) to prevent changes in volume due to osmosis. The Frog Ringer’s solution was supplemented with radiolabeled amino acids. A sample of oocytes was taken every 30 minutes and assayed for radioactivity. At Time 1, the oocytes were fertilized. Samples were taken at five-minute intervals after fertilization and assayed for radioactivity. The results are presented in the graph below.

Based on the results of the experiment, the process most likely occurring after fertilization is

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

61 / 101

During tracheotomy (a tube is inserted directly into the trachea), colder and drier air than normal enters the lungs which can cause lung crusting and infection. The primary cause for this is:

AKU Mock 1
Science Reasoning

62 / 101

The correct order of hydration energy is:

AKU Mock 1

63 / 101

Which of the following is not shown by ketones?

AKU Mock 1

64 / 101

The half-life period of C-14 is 5760 years. A 100mg sample of C-14 will be reduced to 25mg in:

AKU Mock 1

65 / 101

Relative acidic strength of alcohol, phenol, water and carboxylic acid is:

AKU Mock 1

66 / 101

Oxidation state of ‘Mn’ in KMnO4, K2MnO4, MnO2 and MnSO4 is in the order:

AKU Mock 1

67 / 101

Which of the following ions will show maximum hydration?

AKU Mock 1

68 / 101

Stronger the oxidizing agent, greater is the:

AKU Mock 1

69 / 101

Choose the best reducing agent among the following:

AKU Mock 1

70 / 101

One of the methods used for the preparation of ethers is:

AKU Mock 1

71 / 101

The correct order of boiling points of the given liquid is:

AKU Mock 1

72 / 101

The chemical name of [Zn(OH)4]2- is:

AKU Mock 1

73 / 101

In an electrolytic cell, a salt bridge is used in order to:

AKU Mock 1

74 / 101

SN1 reactions show first-order kinetics because:

AKU Mock 1

75 / 101

Which of the following properties depends upon the amount of matter present in the system?

AKU Mock 1

76 / 101

The number of electrons present in n = 2, l = 1 and m = -1, 0, +1 are:

AKU Mock 1

77 / 101

Solvent extraction is an equilibrium process and is controlled by:

AKU Mock 1

78 / 101

The Van’t Hoff’s factor ′i′ accounts for:

AKU Mock 1

79 / 101

Which of the following is not a colligative property?

AKU Mock 1

80 / 101

What is the most specific characterization of the reaction shown?

Ca(OH)2 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) → CaSO4 (aq) + H2O (l)

AKU Mock 1

81 / 101

The mobile phase in paper chromatography is usually:

AKU Mock 1

82 / 101

A community includes four different populations with various degrees of interbreeding. Population 1 shares genes only with Population 2. Population 2 shares genes with Populations 1 and 4. Population 3 has no gene flow with other populations. Population 4 shares genes only with Population 2.

Which population(s) is (are) most likely to evolve after a change in its environment?

AKU Mock 1

83 / 101

A cell at telophase stage is observed by a student in a plant brought from the field. He tells his teacher that this cell is not like other cells at telophase stage. There is no formation of cell plate and thus the cell is containing more number of chromosomes as compared to other dividing cells. This would result in:

AKU Mock 1

84 / 101

Homologous structures, which have similar underlying structures but may have different functions, are formed by:

AKU Mock 1

85 / 101

A population of birds (Population A) on a remote, isolated island is studied to determine beak length. The resulting data are plotted in Figure 1. Suppose that 200 years later, the beaks of the birds on the island were again measured (Population B). The data, when plotted, yielded a graph as in Figure 2.

What is the most likely reason for the difference in distribution of beak lengths between the data plotted in Figure 1 and the data plotted in Figure 2?

AKU Mock 1

86 / 101

Ingestion of the insecticide parathion, which blocks acetylcholinesterase function, would cause:

AKU Mock 1

87 / 101

Plants that have true roots, stems, and leaves, as well as flowers and seeds enclosed in fruit, are classified as:

AKU Mock 1

88 / 101

Match the columns:

AKU Mock 1

89 / 101

Label the parts in the diagram below:

AKU Mock 1

90 / 101

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in DNA replication?

AKU Mock 1

91 / 101

In the lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through cell membranes by diffusion. Which row is correct?

AKU Mock 1

92 / 101

Consider the graph of substrate concentration versus product formation shown below. Assume enzyme concentration to be constant. Why does the graph level off at high substrate concentrations?

AKU Mock 1

93 / 101

The following graphs show the growth of two closely related species of paramecia, both when grown alone (Figure 1) and when grown together (Figure 2).

Both species consume bacteria as their food source and reproduce by binary fission as often as several times a day.

The data in Figure 2 indicate that:

AKU Mock 1

94 / 101

Ahmad has a swollen neck. He is losing his weight from last few months drastically. When checked, the heart rate also seems to be increased. He claims that he is not able to sleep properly and he feels restless. What can be the probable diagnosis of this situation?

AKU Mock 1

95 / 101

Choose the correct order of events in a persons response to a bacterial infection:

AKU Mock 1

96 / 101

In chickens, the allele for long tail feathers (T) is dominant over the allele for short tail feathers (t). If a pure-breeding long-tailed chicken (TT) mates with a pure-breeding short-tailed chicken (tt), what percentage of their offspring, if mated with the correct genotype, could give rise to chickens with short tails?

AKU Mock 1

97 / 101

A certain group of pine trees is observed to have a mutation that causes proteins to be retained in the cell instead of being secreted. This may likely indicate a problem with which of the following organelles?

AKU Mock 1

98 / 101

Cnidarians are characterized by which of the following?

I. Acoelomate

II. Radial symmetry

III. Development of a head

AKU Mock 1

99 / 101

Out of the following, which is the stage of meiosis during which sister chromatids are separated?

AKU Mock 1

100 / 101

A stable population exists in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with two alleles, T and t. TT and Tt individuals have the ability to curl their tongues, while tt individuals cannot curl their tongues. The allele frequency of T is 0.8. What is the percentage of individuals that can curl their tongues?

AKU Mock 1

101 / 101

If we were to continue adding monomers to this molecule to increase its size, to which atom would the next portion be bonded?

AKU Mock 1

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The Aga Khan University operates medical colleges, nursing schools, institutes for educational development, and graduate schools, offering programs such as medicine, nursing, education, public health, and media studies, among others. It is committed to producing professionals who can contribute to improving the quality of life in their communities and beyond.

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