MDCAT Mock Test New 1

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MDCAT Mock Test New 1

1 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning

Statements (I) The university graduate claims that it is hard to find a job in this era. (II) There is a ratio of unemployment on a large scale

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Logical Reasoning

2 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning

Statement: A large number of students are reported to be dropping out of school in villages as their parents want their children to help them in farms.

Courses of Action:

I. The government should immediately launch a programme to create awareness among the farmers about the value of education.

II. The government should offer incentives to those farmers whose children remain in schools.

III. Education should be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14 and their employment banned.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Logical Reasoning

3 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning

Which one of the following has four sides

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Logical Reasoning

4 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning

Which word does not belong to the group in each of the following questions?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Logical Reasoning

5 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning

Complete the sequence:

2, 15, 41, 80, _____

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Logical Reasoning

6 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning


Pakistan is a multilingual country. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan.


(l) AII Pakistanis should learn many languages. (ll) To be a Pakistani one needs to learn Urdu.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Logical Reasoning

7 / 200

Category: Physics

A longitudinal wave is moving through a medium. Which of the following statements about the direction of the propagation of the wave and displacement of the medium is true?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound

8 / 200

Category: Physics

When a force acts at right angles to the displacement (θ=90°) the work done is zero i.e. the force does not produce work. Identify the example/s from the following when work is zero.

I. It is considered ‘hard work’ to hold a heavy stone stationary at stretched hand

II. A person walks along a level surface while carrying a box

III. when a body moves in circular path

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Forces and Motion

9 / 200

Category: Physics

The sensitivity of a potentiometer can be increased by _____.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

10 / 200

Category: Physics

E/m of an electron is given by the relationship.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

11 / 200

Category: Physics

A particle carrying charge of 2e falls through a potential difference of 3.0 V. Calculate energy acquired by it.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

12 / 200

Category: Physics

The force between two charges Q and q, separated by a distance is F. What will be the force between them when the distance between them is d/2?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

13 / 200

Category: Physics

Three 6 Ω are connected as shown in the diagram What is the resistance between points ‘A’ and ‘B’

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

14 / 200

Category: Physics

What is the wavelength of the wave if the phase angle between two points of the medium is 3pi/4 and they are separated through a distance of 3 cm?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound

15 / 200

Category: Physics

An example of a non-ohmic resistor is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

16 / 200

Category: Physics

When brakes of a car are applied, angular velocity of a flywheel reduces from 900 cycle / min to 720 cycle / min in 6 sec. Angular retardation is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Circular Motion and Momentum

17 / 200

Category: Physics

The half-life of C14 is approximately 5,730 years, while the half-life of C12 is essentially infinite. If the ratio of C14 to C12 in a certain sample is 25% less than the normal ratio in nature, how old is the sample?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Nuclear Physics

18 / 200

Category: Physics

A simple pendulum has mass M, length L, and time period T. What is the period of oscillation of the pendulum with mass 4M and length 0.49L?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound

19 / 200

Category: Physics

A mass of 20 kg is lifted from the floor to a height of 2m in 4.9 sec. Calculate the power in Watts.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Work, Power and Energy

20 / 200

Category: Physics

Electric field lines:

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21 / 200

Category: Physics

If there are “n” capacitors each of capacity “C” connected in parallel to “V” volts source then energy stored is equal to

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

22 / 200

Category: Physics

The path difference for the constructive interference is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound

23 / 200

Category: Physics

A body having translatory motion possesses _____ and _____. In the same way a body having rotatory motion possesses _______ and _______.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Circular Motion and Momentum

24 / 200

Category: Physics

A 100 kg golf ball is moving to the right with a velocity of 20 m/s. It makes a head on collision with an 8 kg steel ball, initially at rest. The two balls get stuck together. What will the velocity of these two balls after collision?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Circular Motion & Momentum

25 / 200

Category: Physics

A shock wave is produced due to an earthquake which makes the buildings move in the direction of the shock wave. Which progressive wave would this be?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound

26 / 200

Category: Physics

The reciprocal of conductance is called:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

27 / 200

Category: Physics

A battery whose emf is 40 V has an internal resistance of 5 Ohms. If this battery is connected to a 15 Ohms resistor ‘R’, what will be the voltage drop across ‘R’:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

28 / 200

Category: Physics

Two railway trucks of masses m and 3m move towards each other in opposite directions with speeds 2v and v respectively. These trucks collide and stick together. What is the speed of the trucks after the collision?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Forces and Motion

29 / 200

Category: Physics

Two radioactive samples ?1 and ?2 have half-lives 3 hours and 7 hours respectively. If they have the same activity at certain instant ?, what is the ratio of the number of atoms of ?1 to ?2 at instant ??

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Nuclear Physics

30 / 200

Category: Physics

A galvanometer acting as a voltmeter will have a coil with ____.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

31 / 200

Category: Physics

When the anti nodes are all at their extreme displacements?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound

32 / 200

Category: Physics

The minimum indivisible unit of charge is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

33 / 200

Category: Physics

The current measuring part of the ammeter consists of a number of low resistors connected _____.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

34 / 200

Category: Physics

A car of mass 1200 kg initially at rest has been accelerated to a speed of 8 m/s in 16 meters. Average acceleration of the car is ______ m/s2? And force is _____ N?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Forces and Motion

35 / 200

Category: Physics

The sum of kinetic energy and the potential energy is always constant provided that _____ .

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Work, Power and Energy

36 / 200

Category: Physics

In an A.C. generator, increase in number of turns in the coil does which of the following?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

37 / 200

Category: Physics

A sample of a radioactive element with an initial mass of 24 gm decayed to 3 gm in 36 minutes. How much of the original sample remained after the first 12 minutes?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Nuclear Physics

38 / 200

Category: Physics

The dimensions of momentum are the same as that of:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Forces and Motion

39 / 200

Category: Physics

What is the speed of 2.0 kg metallic bob at the mean position of a simple pendulum, when released from its extreme position 0.5m high? (g = 10 ms-2)

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Work, Power and Energy

40 / 200

Category: Physics

A bullet of mass 20g leaves the gun with a velocity of 200 m/s. If the mass of gun is 2kg then the speed of recoil of the gun is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Forces and Motion

41 / 200

Category: Physics

For a certain organ pipe, three successive resonance frequencies are observed at 425, 595, and 765 Hz. The speed of the sound in air is 300 m/s. The pipe is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound

42 / 200

Category: Physics

When a train whistling passes near you, a considerable change in the pitch of the sound is heard. When the train is moving away, the pitch of the sound _____ whereas the pitch of the sound _____ when the train is approaching.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound

43 / 200

Category: Physics

There are three bulbs of 60W, 100W, and 200W. Which bulb has the thickest filament?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

44 / 200

Category: Physics

If electron passes through axis of solenoid the movement will be:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

45 / 200

Category: Physics

Projectile, when launched at 90 degree with respect to horizontal, its trajectory is

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Forces and Motion

46 / 200

Category: Physics

Angle between radius vector and centripetal acceleration is

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Circular Motion and Momentum

47 / 200

Category: Physics

Four wires of same material, the same cross-sectional area and the same length when connected in parallel give a resistance of 0.25 ohms. If the same four wires are connected is series the effective resistance will be?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

48 / 200

Category: Physics

Five words are shown below:

Farthest Universe Spontaneously Photon Infinite

These words can be used in the spaces P, Q, R, S and T to complete the sentences below.

The ___P____ is a stable particle and therefore it does not decay ___Q___ into any other particle. Its lifetime is therefore ____R____ so long it does not undergo interaction with other particles and is why photons are supposed to be reaching our earth from ___S____ distances of the universe. Thus most of our information regarding the ___T____ is carried by photons.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Nuclear Physics

49 / 200

Category: Physics

If the engine power is 3.3kW and it is 60% efficient, how much water will it pump in 5s from a height of 10m?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Work, Power & Energy

50 / 200

Category: Physics

The flux through a surface will be zero when angle between E and △A is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

51 / 200

Category: Physics

Ali punches a mattress and then punches a wall with the same force. Why does Ali experience more pain while striking the wall?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Forces and Motion

52 / 200

Category: Physics

The ratio of angular speed of moon around the Earth to its angular speed about its own axis is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Circular Motion and Momentum

53 / 200

Category: Physics

If alpha, beta, and gamma rays carry the same momentum, which has the longest wavelength?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Nuclear Physics

54 / 200

Category: Physics

A uniform horizontal footbridge is 12 m long and weighs 4000 N. It rests on two supports X and Y as shown. A man of weight 600 N is at a distance of 4 m from support X. What is the upward force on the footbridge from support X?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Forces and Motion

55 / 200

Category: Physics

If a wheel of radius r turns through an angle of 30°, then the distance through which any point on its rim moves is?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Circular Motion and Momentum

56 / 200

Category: Physics

One complete circle is equal to:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Circular Motion and Momentum

57 / 200

Category: Physics

When the output power equals to one-half of the input power, efficiency of the transformer becomes:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Work, Power and Energy

58 / 200

Category: Physics

Two positive point charges Q1 = 16 microCoulombs and Q2 = 4 micro Coulombs are seperated in a line by a distance of 3 meters. Find the spot on the line between the charges where the electric field is zero.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

59 / 200

Category: Physics

A potential difference of 10V is applied across a conductor whose resistance is 2.5 Ohms. What is the value of current flowing through it?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Current Electricity

60 / 200

Category: Physics

If magnetic field is given by B= (2i + 3j -8k) and a loop of area 10 sq.m is placed in field in y-z plane, the maximum flux will be:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

61 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following have the same number of molecules?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry

62 / 200

Category: Chemistry

How many molecules are there in 2.1 moles of CO₂:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry

63 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The total number of neutrons in 5g of H2O are:

1 NA = 6.023 x 1023

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

64 / 200

Category: Chemistry

In the reaction;

H2 + CO2 H2O + CO

The decrease in the concentration of reactants and products cause the equilibrium to shift:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

65 / 200

Category: Chemistry

At equilibrium the concentration of reactants and product become:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

66 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Consider the following reaction

N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO (g) Kc- 0.1 at 2000 C

If the original concentration of N2 and O2 were 0.1 M each. Calculate the concentrations of NO at equilibrium.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

67 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The structure of Xenon trioxide is shown below:

With reference to the valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR), the shape of XeO3 is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Bonding

68 / 200

Category: Chemistry

When methylbenzene is treated with bromine in the presence of a catalyst, a mixture of two monobromo isomers is formed. What are the structure of these two isomers?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

69 / 200

Category: Chemistry

What is the value of molecularity and order of SN1 reactions?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Reaction Kinetics

70 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Primary Alcohol is produced by reactions of Grignard’s reagent with _________ followed by hydrolysis in an acidic medium.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

71 / 200

Category: Chemistry

A solid melts sharply just above 100 degree centigrade. it does not conduct electricity even when molten. It has weak Vander waal’s forces. What is the structure of the solid most likely to be?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

72 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which of following is an example of electrophilic attack on alcohols?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

73 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The unit of the rate constant is the same as that of the rate of reaction in:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Reaction Kinetics

74 / 200

Category: Chemistry

CO2 and SO2 both are tri-atomic molecules but heat of vaporization of SO2 is greater than that of CO2 due to:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

75 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following compounds are added to ethanol to make it unfit for drinking?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

76 / 200

Category: Chemistry

In contact process, to which substance adequate quantities of water is added to convert it to sulphuric acid?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

77 / 200

Category: Chemistry

In a zero-order reaction, the rate is independent of:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Reaction Kinetics

78 / 200

Category: Chemistry

1 mole of N2O4 (g) was placed in an empty 1 dm^3 container and allowed to reach equilibrium according to the following equation:

N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)

At equilibrium, x mole Of N2O4 (g) had dissociated. What is the value of the equilibrium constant, Kc, at the temperature of the Experiment?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

79 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) results in the formation of:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Bonding

80 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The product of the concentrations of each ion in a saturated solution of a sparingly soluble salt at 298 K, raised to the power of their relative concentrations is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

81 / 200

Category: Chemistry

In which of the following reagent Cupric citrate complex is formed?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones

82 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following statement about Avogadro’s hypothesis is correct?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry

83 / 200

Category: Chemistry

If the reaction, P + Q → R + S, is described as being of zero-order with respect to P, it means that:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Reaction Kinetics

84 / 200

Category: Chemistry

What does the symbol, || , means ?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

85 / 200

Category: Chemistry

20 cm3of a gaseous hydrocarbon was completely burnt in an excess of oxygen 60 cm3of carbon dioxide and 40 cm3of water vapours were formed, all volumes being measured at the same temperature and pressure. What is the formula of the hydrocarbon?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

86 / 200

Category: Chemistry

In chemistry the work is generally ___.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

87 / 200

Category: Chemistry

If 4.6 gm of ethyl alcohol and 6.0 gm of acetic acid is kept at a constant temperature until equilibrium was established, 2.0 gm of unused acetic acid were present. What is the Kc?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

88 / 200

Category: Chemistry

According to valence shell electron pair repulsion theory, the repulsive forces between the electron pair of central atom of molecule are in the order:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Bonding

89 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Precipitation occurs when the product of ionic concentrations is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

90 / 200

Category: Chemistry

When CH3 is attached to the benzene ring, it makes the ring a:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

91 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following alcohol does not get oxidized when it reacts with K₂Cr₂O₇/H₂SO₄?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

92 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The thermal energy at constant pressure is called:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

93 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The given diagram shows the enthalpy changes during a chemical reaction.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

94 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Identify the common name of the following compound:


PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry

95 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The Unit cell with crystallographic dimensions a = b ≠c ,α = β = γ = 90 degrees is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

96 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The influence of temperature on reaction rate is predicted by:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Reaction Kinetics

97 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which type of isomerism depends on the distribution of carbon atoms on each side of the functional group?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

98 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The amount of energy released by absorbing an electron in the valence shell is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Atomic Structure

99 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The only thing which can predict that if the reaction will be spontaneous or nonspontaneous is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

100 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Consider the following reaction:

R―CHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]OH → R―COONH4 + 2Ag + 2NH3 + H2O This reaction represents one of the following tests.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones

101 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following is an insecticide?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

102 / 200

Category: Chemistry

An intermolecular force of attraction X is relatively stronger than the other intermolecular forces. It stabilizes alpha-helix and Beta-pleated sheets of proteins. The double helical structure of DNA is also stabilized by this force of attraction. Identify X.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Bonding

103 / 200

Category: Chemistry

If 9.8 g of sulfuric acid is dissolved in excess quantity of water, it will yield ____ moles of hydrogen ion (H+) and _____ moles of sulphate ions (SO42-).

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry

104 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Name the orbital n = 5; l = 2; m = 0.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Atomic Structure

105 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The value K for H2(g) + CO2(g) H2O(g) + CO(g) is 1.80 at 1000 C. If 1.0 mole of each H2 and CO2 are placed in 1 litre flask, the final equilibrium concentration of CO at 1000 C will be:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium

106 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The equation shows the reaction between element X and dilute hydrochloric acid.

X(s) + 2HCl(aq) -> XCl2(aq) + H2(g)

What types of bonding is present in element X and in compound XCl2?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Bonding

107 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Red lead is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
s and p Block Elements

108 / 200

Category: Chemistry

If we move down the electrochemical series:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

109 / 200

Category: Chemistry

When does a gas deviate the most from its ideal behavior ?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

110 / 200

Category: Chemistry

A sample of 0.7 moles of metal ‘M’ reacts completely with an excess of fluorine to form 45 g of MF2. How many moles of F are present in it?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry

111 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The table shown below gives the bond dissociation energies of single covalent bonds of carbon atoms with elements A, B, C, and D.
Which of the following has the smallest atom?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Chemical Bonding

112 / 200

Category: Chemistry

When two moles of H2and one mole of O2react to form H2O, 484 KJ heat is evolved. What is Δ Hffor one mole of H2O?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

113 / 200

Category: Chemistry

What is the volume in cm3 of 3.01 x 10^23 molecules of O2 gas at S.T.P.?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

114 / 200

Category: Chemistry

In an adiabatic process:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

115 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Goblets cells are:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Gaseous Exchange

116 / 200

Category: Biology

First step of viral replication is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life

117 / 200

Category: Biology

Eukaryotes can share which of the following structures with prokaryotes:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

118 / 200

Category: Biology

The process by which various components of cells including its organelle can be isolated is called:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

119 / 200

Category: Biology

In humans, ovaries after birth contain:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

120 / 200

Category: Biology

The diagram shows the ultrastructure of a chloroplast as seen in section. What are the functions of P, Q, and R?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

121 / 200

Category: Biology

Viroids lacks?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life

122 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following hormones acts on the uterus wall for thickening?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

123 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following statement is incorrect about skeletal muscle fibres?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Support and Movement

124 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following is false regarding the bacterial membrane?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Kingdom Prokaryote

125 / 200

Category: Biology

FADH2 is produced during which step of the Krebs cycle?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

126 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following is true of both bacterial conjugation and meiosis?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Kingdom Prokaryote

127 / 200

Category: Biology

In ‘Complete Dominance’:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

128 / 200

Category: Biology

The type of gene interaction in which the effect caused by a gene at one locus interfere with the effect caused by another gene at another locus is known as:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

129 / 200

Category: Biology

For respiratory metabolism, a bacterial cell membrane contains:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Kingdom Prokaryote

130 / 200

Category: Biology

The abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter found in the CNS is called?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Coordination and Control

131 / 200

Category: Biology

Which one of the following is a storage plastid?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

132 / 200

Category: Biology

What do the two peaks in the action spectrum represent?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

133 / 200

Category: Biology

They serve as a scaffold for formation of higher order chromatin structure:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

134 / 200

Category: Biology

Enzymes are produced in inactive form by the cell and enclosed in which of the following?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

135 / 200

Category: Biology

Read the code mentioned in the following picture and arrange the sequence of all five codons in which leucine is at 3rd position, while isoleucine is in 4th position. Keep in mind that CUU is the code for leucine, AUU for isoleucine and CAA or glutamine.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

136 / 200

Category: Biology

The following results of a cross between two individuals shown in the picture is:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

137 / 200

Category: Biology

The most abundant intracellular free nucleotide is _____.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Biological Molecules

138 / 200

Category: Biology

Oxaloacetate combines with which molecule to enter the krebs cycle again?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

139 / 200

Category: Biology

PS I has chlorophyll a molecule which absorbs maximum light of __ nm?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

140 / 200

Category: Biology

What contributes to genetic variation during human reproduction?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

141 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

142 / 200

Category: Biology

The difference in photosynthesis spectrum and action spectrum occurs due to?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

143 / 200

Category: Biology

Bacteriochlorophylls does not include which of the following?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

144 / 200

Category: Biology

A student of chemical engineering mistakenly engulfed the toxic compound “A” which was a potent inhibitor of a certain enzyme. He was immediately brought to a hospital where the doctor injected, intravenously, substrate “B” to minimize the toxic effect of Compound A. His life was saved from serious damage. The treatment method shows that compound A was a ______ inhibitor.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

145 / 200

Category: Biology

People who migrated from plains to hills six months back _______________.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Gaseous Exchange

146 / 200

Category: Biology

Cytochromes are electron transport intermediates containing?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

147 / 200

Category: Biology

In electron transport chain, ATP synthesis takes place when electrons move from:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

148 / 200

Category: Biology

Tropical plants such as sugarcane show high efficiency of CO2 fixation because of:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

149 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following cell organelles involved in the synthesis of cell wall and middle lamella?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

150 / 200

Category: Biology

Which combination describes a triglyceride?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Biological Molecules

151 / 200

Category: Biology

Starch is present in tubers, fruits, and grains but absent in animal cells. Instead, animals have a substance stored in liver and muscles known as:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Biological Molecules

152 / 200

Category: Biology

According to the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane, which zone is embedded inside?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Biological Molecules

153 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the statements correctly describes why ions are unable to cross the plasma membrane without channel proteins?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

154 / 200

Category: Biology

Four plants are present in different environmental conditions. Plant A is present in a warm climate with continuous rainfall, plant B is present in a cool forest, plant C is present in a warm climate with little breeze, while plant D is present in a warm climate with high wind speed. Which one of the above plants will have the highest rate of transpiration?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Gaseous Exchange

155 / 200

Category: Biology

The types of gametes produced by two pairs of chromosomes can be?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

156 / 200

Category: Biology

Glucose →2 pyruvic acid + 2H2O

2ADP + 2Pi → 2 ATP

2NAD + 4H → 2NADH + 2H+

These three reactions collectively constitute ______.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

157 / 200

Category: Biology

Pancreas produces secretory granules that help in digestion. These granules, after passing through Endoplasmic reticulum, are pinched off from _____ surface of Golgi apparatus?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

158 / 200

Category: Biology

Which bones meet at the elbow joint and what kind of movement

Do they allow it?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Support and Movement

159 / 200

Category: Biology

Which statement correctly outlines some of the main events in photosynthesis?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

160 / 200

Category: Biology

Which type of bonds are never formed when a substrate fits into the active site of an enzyme?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

161 / 200

Category: Biology

Shape of the maturing phase of the golgi apparatus is?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

162 / 200

Category: Biology

In human females, oocytes are held in the second metaphase until ________.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

163 / 200

Category: Biology

When a nerve impulse jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next in a myelinated neuron, it’s called __________.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Coordination and Control

164 / 200

Category: Biology

Read the passage below to answer the question:

Haemophilia is a disorder in which blood fails to clot. Saad, a male haemophiliac, marries Sara, a normal woman and together they have four children, two boys (Ahmed and Ali) and two girls (Alia and Ayesha). None of the children display the symptoms of Haemophilia.

Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha, and Ali all marry normal individuals and have children. None of Ahmed’s or Ali’s children, male or female, display symptoms of haemophilia, but the sons of Alia and Ayesha display symptoms of haemophilia while the daughters of Alia and Ayesha do not.

Which of the following best explains the reason that Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha and Alia do not display symptoms of haemophilia, even though their father, Saad, is a haemophiliac.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

165 / 200

Category: Biology

Growth movement caused in response to gravitational stimulus is called:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Support and Movement

166 / 200

Category: Biology

What are labelled phases A, B, and C in the below given sigmoidal growth curve?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Kingdom Prokaryote

167 / 200

Category: Biology

Acyl-glycerols like fats and oils are esters formed by condensation reaction between:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Biological Molecules

168 / 200

Category: Biology

What happens to the volume of the thorax and the air pressure in the lungs during breathing in?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Gaseous Exchange

169 / 200

Category: Biology

A 25 years old female with chronic fatigue was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia and low blood count. What is the cause of her fatigue?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Biological Molecules

170 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following organisms have the greatest problem with photorespiration?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

171 / 200

Category: Biology

When phenotype of a heterozygote is in between the phenotypes of both the homozygous parents, it is called:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

172 / 200

Category: Biology

Bacteria plays an important role in:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Kingdom Prokaryote

173 / 200

Category: Biology

Three of the following pairs of the human skeletal parts are correctly matched with their respective inclusive skeletal category and one pair is not matched. Identify the nonmatching pair.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Support and Movement

174 / 200

Category: Biology

Pharynx leads air into _____ through glottis.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Gaseous Exchange

175 / 200

Category: Biology

Carbohydrates are commonly found as starch in plants storage organs. Which of the following five properties of starch make it useful as a storage material?
(1) Easily translocated
(2) Chemically non­reactive
(3) Easily digested by animals
(4) Osmotically inactive
(5) Synthesized during photosynthesis
The useful properties are?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Biological Molecules

176 / 200

Category: Biology

Enzyme-catalyzed modifications are?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

177 / 200

Category: Biology

Menstrual cycle can be divided into:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

178 / 200

Category: Biology

Choose the correct combinations of labeling the carbohydrate molecule involved in the Calvin cycle.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

179 / 200

Category: Biology

Choose the correct combinations of labeling the carbohydrate molecule involved in the Calvin cycle.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

180 / 200

Category: Biology

In cats, the genes controlling coat-color are co-dominant (incompletely dominant) and are carried on the X chromosomes. When a black female was mated with a ginger male the resulting litter consisted of black male and tortoise-shell female kittens. What phenotypic ratio would be expected in the F2 generation?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

181 / 200

Category: Biology

Read the passage below to answer the question:

Hemophilia is a disorder in which blood fails to clot. Saad, a male hemophiliac, marries Sara, a normal woman and together they have four children, two boys (Ahmed and Ali) and two girls (Alia and Ayesha). None of the children display the symptoms of Hemophilia. Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha, and Ali all marry normal individuals and have children. None of Ahmeds or Ali’s children, male or female, display symptoms of hemophilia, but the sons of Alia and Ayesha display symptoms of hemophilia while the daughters of Alia and Ayesha do not.

Which of the following individuals are heterozygous for hemophilia:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

182 / 200

Category: Biology

Cyanide for enzymes act as:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1

183 / 200

Category: Biology

The diagram shows the inheritance of haemophilia in a family.

What is the genotype of person 7?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Variation and Genetics

184 / 200

Category: English

Altimeter: height (analogy)

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Key Vocabulary

185 / 200

Category: English

Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Key Vocabulary

186 / 200

Category: English

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct. The bus stopped too take up three or four people who were waiting by Post office. No error

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Identify errors in sentence

187 / 200

Category: English

Choose the correct sentence from the following:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation

188 / 200

Category: English

Choose the right option to complete the following sentences.

Irony can, after a fashion, become a mode of escape: to laugh at the terrors of life is in some sense to _______ them.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Tenses and Sentence Structure

189 / 200

Category: English

A successful businessman is _______ of the risks.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Fill in the blank

190 / 200

Category: English

Fill in the blank with appropriate option:

The cattle ____ away the crops.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Fill in the blank

191 / 200

Category: English

Choose the CORRECT sentence from the following options:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation

192 / 200

Category: English

He placed the book __________ the vase on the table.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation

193 / 200

Category: English

Choose the right option to complete the sentence:

Shaken by two decades of virtual anarchy, the majority of people were ready to buy ______ at any price.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Fill in the blank

194 / 200

Category: English

In the following question, demonstrate the control of tenses and sentence structure:

To walk, biking and driving are Pat’s favourite ways of getting around.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Tenses and Sentence Structure

195 / 200

Category: English

Read the passage and answer the questions given at the end of the passage:

Recent advances in science and technology have made it possible for geneticists to find out abnormalities in the unborn fetus and take remedial action to rectify some defects which would otherwise prove to be fatal to the child. Though genetic engineering is still at its infancy, scientists can now predict with greater accuracy a genetic disorder. It is not yet an exact science since they are not in a position to predict when exactly a genetic disorder will set in. While they have not yet been able to change the genetic order of the gene in germs, they are optimistic and are holding out that in the near future they might be successful in achieving this feat. However, genetic misinformation can sometimes be damaging for it may adversely affect people psychologically. Genetic information may lead to a tendency to brand some people as inferiors. Genetic information can therefore be abused and its application in deciding the sex of the fetus and its subsequent abortion is now hotly debated on ethical lines. But on this issue geneticists cannot be squarely blamed though this charge has often been levelled at them. It is mainly a societal problem. At present genetic engineering is a costly process of detecting disorders but scientists hope to reduce the costs when technology becomes more advanced. This is why much progress in this area is seen in scientifically advanced and rich countries like the U.S.A, UK and Japan. It remains to be seen if in the future this science will lead to the development of a race of supermen or will be able to obliterate disease from this world.

Which of the following is the same in meaning as the word “obliterate” as used in Passage?

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196 / 200

Category: English

Identify that underlined segment of the sentence, which contains the mistake that needs to be corrected.

Stevens was very delighted to see that he was declared more popular than any talk show just in the USA.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Identify errors in sentence

197 / 200

Category: English

Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions, subject-verb agreement, writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation to clarify meaning.

You must boil those vegetables before ________ in the stew.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Tenses and Sentence Structure

198 / 200

Category: English

In the following question, four alternative meanings of a word are given. Select the nearest correct meaning of the word given.


PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Key Vocabulary

199 / 200

Category: English

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation

200 / 200

Category: English

Shakespeare, a (an) ______ writer, entertained audiences by writing many tragic and comic plays.

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Fill in the blank

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