Biology Gaseous Exchange MCQs Chapter 13 Class 11

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Biology Ch 13 Class 11 Gaseous Exchange

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Booklungs serve the function of respiration in:

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Number of spiracles present in cockroach is

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The glycolate produced diffuses into the membrane bounded organelles called

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During breathing air from Pharynx enters to:

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Thick, waxy & leathery cuticle around leaves is present in which of the following?

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Vocal cords, which help in voice production are two thin edged fibrous bands, present in:

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Breathing is considered as a:

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The most important cause of many of the respiratory disorders is:

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In most birds air sacs are _____ in number

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Which one of the following is a genetic disorder in which abnormally thick mucus is produced in the lungs and other parts of the body?

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_________ respiration is directly involved in the production of energy, necessary for all living activities.

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______ respiration is the process by which cell utilized oxygen and produces CO2

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Guard cells function as:

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Gaseous exchange through the skin is known as ______ respiration.

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Chest cavity is bounded by ribs and muscles on the sides, while the floor of chest cavity is called:

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The gas-exchange portion of the human respiratory system is the:

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The infection of lungs is called:

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Parabronchi are open at ______ end/s

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Diaphragm is a sheet of:

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The blood enters the _____ side of heart

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Lungs are spongy due to the presence of million of

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Number of spiracles present in the thorax of cockroach is

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Which of the following is the respiratory surface in human beings?

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Xerophytes have small thick leaves to;

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The respiratory pigment, which has much higher affinity to combine with oxygen is:

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Water is _____ times viscous than air

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The oxygen-binding protein present in skeletal muscles is:

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Lungs are covered with double layered thin membranous sac called

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There are ______ stomata per square cm of leaf surface in Tobacco plants.

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A disease caused by gradual breakdown of the thin walls of alveoli is;

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Which of the following is not an infection of the lungs/respiratory tract?

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Hemoglobin can absorb maximum oxygen at sea level, which is _____ ml/100 ml of blood.

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As pH of blood decreases, H+ ions increases, which combine the proteins part of hemoglobin, to decrease its ability to bind with:

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The maximum amount of oxygen which normal human blood absorbs and carries at sea level is how many ml per 100 ml of blood?

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Of the following, which one is better respiratory medium.

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Smaller the animals:

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Active site of Rubisco is evolved to bind

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The voice box leads to the trachea which is also called

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Which of the following correctly explains the structure of myoglobin:

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Most oxygen is transported in the blood:

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Pharynx leads air into _____ through glottis.

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During inspiration, the diaphragm:

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As pH of blood decreases, H+ ions increases, which combine the proteins part of hemoglobin, to decrease its ability to bind with:

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Oxygen is transported by combining with ……….. in Hb.

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Oxygen, released into the atmosphere, comes from:

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The irritant substances of smoke cause smoker’s cough which weakened and bursts:

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Functional units of lungs are called

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The air spaces may comprise upto ______ of total volume of leaf surface.

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Chest cavity is bounded by ribs and muscles on the sides, while the floor of chest cavity is called:

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During inspiration, the space inside the chest cavity is increased due to:

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Nicotine in tobacco:

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The structural and functional unit of the lungs is:

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Oxygen contents per liter of air is

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Four plants are present in different environmental conditions. Plant A is present in a warm climate with continuous rainfall, plant B is present in a cool forest, plant C is present in a warm climate with little breeze, while plant D is present in a warm climate with high wind speed. Which one of the above plants will have the highest rate of transpiration?

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In which of the following are book lungs found?

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Gaseous exchange in plants takes place through the:

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Vocal cords are stretched across

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Haemoglobin carries more oxygen than plasma by:

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Lungs are separated from abdominal cavity by a muscular sheath called:

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The passageways of the respiratory system mucous secreting cells called:

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When abdomen expands, the number of spiracles open is

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Carbon dioxide is carried in the blood, mainly as:

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The number of stomata present per cm2 of leaf is:

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The function of respiratory passage, Cilia is to keep the airways clear of:

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