Mathematics Practice Tests 1

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Math Practice Test 1

1 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6

A sequence is function whose domain is

2 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

3 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

The point P in the plane that corresponds to the ordered pair (?, ?) is called:

4 / 100

Category: Math Ch 13

5 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6

The last term of an infinite sequence is called :

6 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6

The sum of terms of a sequence is called:

7 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

8 / 100

Category: Math Ch 10

???(???° + ?)???(??° − ?) =

9 / 100

Category: Math Ch 9

60th part of ?° is equal to

10 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

11 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7

How many signals can be given by 5 flags of different colors , using 3 at a time

12 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

13 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

Let ?(?? , ??) not lying on the line ?: ?? + ?? + ? = ? then point P lies above if

14 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2

Squaring a number is a:

15 / 100

Category: Math Ch 11

Curves of the trigonometric functions repeat after fixed intervals because trigonometric
functions are

16 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3

11. For the square matrix ? = [???]?×? then ???, ???, ???…??? are:

17 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3

The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called:

18 / 100

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The symbols used for inequality are

19 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

20 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

21 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

22 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

23 / 100

Category: Math Ch 12

A triangle which is not right is called:

24 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

25 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

26 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

27 / 100

Category: Math Ch 5

The quotient of two polynomials ?(?)/?(?), ?(?) ≠ ? is called :

28 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

29 / 100

Category: Math Ch 11

Range of ? = ???? is

30 / 100

Category: Math Ch 1

The numbers which can be written in the form of ?/? , ?, ? ∈ ? , ? ≠ ? are :

31 / 100

Category: Math Ch 9

Sexagesimal system is also called

32 / 100

Category: Math Ch 11

33 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7

If ? is negative then ?! is

34 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

35 / 100

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The graph of corresponding linear equation of the linear inequality is a line called________

36 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2

? → ? is called converse of

37 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7

The number of diagonals in 10-sided figure is

38 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

If ? and ? have opposite signs then the point ?(?, ?) lies the quadrants

39 / 100

Category: Math Ch 11

Smallest +??? number which when added to the original circular measure of the angle
gives the same value of the function is called:

40 / 100

Category: Math Ch 9

Straight line angle is equal to

41 / 100

Category: Math Ch 8

42 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

? = ? is the straight line

43 / 100

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

44 / 100

Category: Math Ch 9

The common starting point of two rays is called:

45 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

The lines lying in the same plane are called

46 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

47 / 100

Category: Math Ch 1 Class 12

When we say that ? is function from set ? to set ?, then ? is called

48 / 100

Category: Math Ch 14

49 / 100

Category: Math Ch 13

50 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3

51 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7

Let ? = {?, ?, ?, … , ??} the probability that a number is divided by 4 is :

52 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

The focal chord is a chord which is passing through

53 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2

In a proposition if ? → ? ???? ? → ? is called

54 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7

Probability of non-occurrence of an event E is equal to :

55 / 100

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The graph of a linear equation of the form ?? + ?? = ? is a line which divides the whole
plane into ______ disjoints parts.

56 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

57 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

58 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

The point P in the plane that corresponds to the ordered pair (?, ?) is called:

59 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3

12. For a square matrix ? = [???]if all ??? = ?, ? ≠ ? and all ??? = ?(??? − ????) for ? = ? then
A is called:

60 / 100

Category: Math Ch 1 Class 12

The term “Function” was recognized by______ to describe the dependence of one quantity
to another.

61 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

The circle whose radius is zero is called:

62 / 100

Category: Math

A recurring decimal represents_____

63 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

A stationary point is called ______ if it is either a maximum point or a minimum point

64 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4

9. Sum of all cube roots of 64 is :

65 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

If all the sides of four sided polygon are equal but the four angles are not equal to ??° each
then it is a

66 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2

If ? ⊆ ? then ?(? ∩ ?) =

67 / 100

Category: Math Ch 11

68 / 100

Category: Math Ch 9

69 / 100

Category: Math Ch 9

If the rotation of the angle is counter clock wise, then angle is:

70 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3

The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called:

71 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

72 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

73 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4

74 / 100

Category: Math Ch 11

The graph of trigonometric functions have:

75 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

76 / 100

Category: Math Ch 1

(?, ?)(?, ?) =

77 / 100

Category: Math

Every function is:

78 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

The chord containing the centre of the circle is

79 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

80 / 100

Category: Math Ch 12

Which can be reduced to Pythagoras theorem,

81 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3

If a matrix A has only one column then it is called:

82 / 100

Category: Math Ch 5

A mixed form of fraction is :

83 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

84 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

The point where the medians of a triangle intersect is called_________ of the triangle.

85 / 100

Category: Math Ch 8

86 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

The vector whose magnitude is 1 is called

87 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

The lines represented by the equation ??^? + ???? + ??? = ? are coincident if

88 / 100

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

89 / 100

Category: Math Ch 14

90 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

The maximum value of the function ?(?) = ?^? − ? − ? is

91 / 100

Category: Math Ch 5

If an equation is true for all values of the variable, then it is called:

92 / 100

Category: Math Ch 9

An angle is in standard position , if its vertex is

93 / 100

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

If three lines pass through one common point then the lines are called

94 / 100

Category: Math Ch 10

Distance between the points ?(?, ?) & ?(5,6) is:

95 / 100

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

96 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3

The vertical lines of numbers in a matrix are called:

97 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3

. The multiplicative inverse of a matrix exist only if it is:

98 / 100

Category: Math Ch 6

No term of a ?. ?., is:

99 / 100

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

∫???+?? =

100 / 100

Category: Math Ch 10

???(?? − ?) =

Your score is

The average score is 42%


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