NUST Mock Test 4

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NET Mock Test 4

1 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 6 Class 11

Blood pressure of a healthy person is mm Hg.

2 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Solar energy is stored through solar panels in?

3 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

) Melting point of methyl alcohol is:

4 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Primary, Secondary Tertiary alcohols can be distinguished by Lucas test in which .. appear

5 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Which of the following can he used as a source of energy

6 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

In esterification, alcohol reacts with:

7 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

The carbonic acid which Is named after butter is:

8 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Which of the following is used as coagulation for latex in rubber industry

9 / 200

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

For any parabola in the standard form , if the directrix is ? = ? , then its equation is

10 / 200

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

11 / 200

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

12 / 200

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

13 / 200

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

Two conics always intersect each other in ______ points

14 / 200

Category: English Grammar

If you persist in telling lies to me, I shall sue you — slander.

15 / 200

Category: English Grammar

If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must also be — in the sincerity of the other side.

16 / 200

Category: English Grammar

If you work beyond your capacity, you will naturally feel —

17 / 200

Category: English Grammar

The car In which the minister was traveling — with an accident.

18 / 200

Category: English Grammar

Ahmed behaves strangely at times and therefore, nobody gets — to him

19 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 20 Class 12

In hydrogen spectrum, Lyman and Balmer series belong to which region?

20 / 200

Category: Math Ch 10

Distance between the points ?(?, ?) & ?(5,6) is:

21 / 200

Category: Math Ch 10

22 / 200

Category: Math Ch 10

23 / 200

Category: Math Ch 10

???(? + ?) is equal to:

24 / 200

Category: Math Ch 3

11. For the square matrix ? = [???]?×? then ???, ???, ???…??? are:

25 / 200

Category: Math Ch 3

4. If a matrix A has ? rows and ? columns , then order of A is :

26 / 200

Category: Math Ch 3

14. The matrix [?] is :

27 / 200

Category: Intelligence Direction Sense

A man is facing north. Ile turns 45 degree in the clockwise direction and then another 180 degree In the same direction and then 45 degree in the anticlockwise direction. Find which direction he Is facing now?

28 / 200

Category: Intelligence Direction Sense

A, 8, C, D, E are all facing north. If A Is In front or B, B is west to C, D is south of C and E is on left of D. Which letter Is northeast to the letter left to D. ?

29 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Borax bead test is used to separate:

30 / 200

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

31 / 200

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

32 / 200

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

33 / 200

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

The equation ? = ?? − ?? + ? represents ( ? being a parameter )

34 / 200

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

35 / 200

Category: Math Ch 1 Class 12

The graph of linear equation is always a

36 / 200

Category: Math Ch 1 Class 12

37 / 200

Category: Math Ch 1 Class 12

38 / 200

Category: Math Ch 1 Class 12

39 / 200

Category: Intelligence Odd One Out

Pick the odd one out

40 / 200

Category: Intelligence Odd One Out

Which one is odd?

41 / 200

Category: Intelligence Odd One Out

Find the odd one out

42 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

Disintegration of a radioactive element is

43 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

Nuclear fission reaction takes place In controlled conditions by the

44 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

Radiation cause damage in a)

45 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

If three resistances RI, RI and R3 are connected In Parallel to the circuit such that RI> RI > RI. Which of the following will be true for the Equivalent Resistance R’?

46 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7

47 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7

48 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7

49 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

In a pure resistive circuit current and voltage are

50 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

Power of RCL circuit at resonance Is?

51 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

Power factor of the pure capacitive circuit is?

52 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

X-rays have frequency greater than

53 / 200

Category: Intelligence Sequences and Series

Find the missing number in the pattern given below:
21 18 21

22 20 20

24 21 ?

54 / 200

Category: Intelligence Sequences and Series

Use the pattern given below to find the missing number

15 14 13

16 16 12

17 18 ?

55 / 200

Category: Intelligence Sequences and Series

Find the next number In the following sequence: 29, 41, 47, 50 …

56 / 200

Category: Intelligence Sequences and Series

Find the missing number in the pattern given below:

4 9 2

8 5 14

10 8

57 / 200

Category: Intelligence Sequences and Series

Find the missing number In the pattern given below:

If 2 x3 2:812 4 x 5 = 1620 Then 6 x 7 = ?

58 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Cardinal”

59 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Industrious”

60 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word most opposite In meaning to “Abandon”

61 / 200

Category: English Reading Comprehension

Passage 6 Last summer, we decided to spend our vacation at the beach because the weather was very hot in the mountains. The travel agent said that traveling by bus was the cheapest way, but we went by plane because it was faster. We wanted to have more time to spend at the beach. The weather was beautiful, and we had a great time.

We decided to go to the beach because

62 / 200

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

63 / 200

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

The notation ??(?) or ?? is used by

64 / 200

Category: Math Ch 2

Inverse of any element of a group is:

65 / 200

Category: Math Ch 2

A set is a collection of objects which are

66 / 200

Category: Math Ch 2

If ? ∈ ? ∪ ? then

67 / 200

Category: Math Ch 6

2. A sequence is also known as:

68 / 200

Category: Math Ch 6

69 / 200

Category: Math Ch 6

The sum of terms of a sequence is called:

70 / 200

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

71 / 200

Category: English Spellings Correction

  • Choice Correct Spelling

72 / 200

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

73 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Heat of Neutralization is defined as:

74 / 200

Category: Math Ch 4

If sum of all cube roots of unity is equal to ?^? + ? , then ? is equal to:

75 / 200

Category: Math Ch 4

76 / 200

Category: Math Ch 4

The complex cube roots of unity are………………. each other.

77 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 18 Class 12

A type of metals containing alloys, ceramics etc., when heated their temperature reaches to a state called Transition temperature state and their resistance reaches to zero. These types of metals are called:

78 / 200

Category: Math Ch 13

79 / 200

Category: Math Ch 13

80 / 200

Category: Math Ch 13

81 / 200

Category: Math Ch 13

82 / 200

Category: Math Ch 13

83 / 200

Category: Math Ch 13

84 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

85 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

86 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

Two vectors are said to be negative of each other if they have the same magnitude and

87 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

The lines joining the mid-points of any two sides of a triangle is always _____to the third side.

88 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

89 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

90 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

91 / 200

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

Two vectors are said to be negative of each other if they have the same magnitude and

92 / 200

Category: Math Ch 12

93 / 200

Category: Math Ch 12

94 / 200

Category: Math Ch 12

95 / 200

Category: Math Ch 12

96 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

The SI unit of mass is?

97 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Unit of light year Is:

98 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

1 rad is equal to how many degrees

99 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

What are the Dimensions of P^2/m, where P is the momentum and m is the mass?

100 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Pa m2 is the unit of

101 / 200

Category: Math Ch 9

3600th part of ?° is equal to

102 / 200

Category: Math Ch 9

If the rotation of the angle is counter clock wise, then angle is:

103 / 200

Category: Physics

In hot day white clothes are worn because they are good

104 / 200

Category: Physics

Forces In nature always occur in

105 / 200

Category: Physics

Alpha scattering experiment was conducted In which year? •

106 / 200

Category: Physics

Center of gravity of a cup Iles

107 / 200

Category: Physics

What happens to bulk of potential energy of a glass that falls from a table and breaks

108 / 200

Category: Physics

The time duration between two consecutive heartbeats of a normal human being is

109 / 200

Category: Physics

In modern day electrical arrangements, which of the following is connected in series with the others?

110 / 200

Category: Physics

1 pascal = atm

111 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 16 Class 12

The best yield of 502 can be obtained by which of the following:

112 / 200

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

A line bisecting 2nd and 4th quadrants has inclination:

113 / 200

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

If ? 0 then the point ?(−?, −?) lies in the quadrant

114 / 200

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

115 / 200

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

If all the sides of four sided polygon are equal but the four angles are not equal to ??° each
then it is a

116 / 200

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

117 / 200

Category: Math Ch 14

118 / 200

Category: Math Ch 14

119 / 200

Category: Math Ch 14

12. General solution of every trigonometric equation consists of :

120 / 200

Category: Math Ch 14

121 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

In rotation motion the torque is:

122 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

The velocity of a disc at the bottom of an inclined plane is?

123 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

A bicycle wheel of radius 0.70 m is turning at an angular speed of 6.3 rad/s as it rolls on a horizontal surface without slipping. What is the linear speed of the wheel?

124 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

the period of rotation of geosynchronous satellite is

125 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

A particle is moving in a uniform circular path. If its mass is reduced to half of its original mass, the force acting upon it will be?

126 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

What is the work done by a body moving with 1 m/s velocity in circular orbit of radius 10m?

127 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

Angular velocity is measured in

128 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

What will be the energy stored In an inductor of length 2m if a current of 10A passes through it

129 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

When a conductor moves In magnetic field the Induced emf Is

130 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

Which of the following is not major application of electromagnetic induction

131 / 200

Category: Math Ch 1

The numbers which can be written in the form of ?/? , ?, ? ∈ ? , ? ≠ ? are :

132 / 200

Category: Math Ch 1

The set {?, −?} possesses closure property ?. ?. ?

133 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 8 Class 11

Energy of sound waves is proportional to:

134 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Which of the following has the largest dipole moment?

135 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

If the speed of an object is doubled, its Kinetic Energy will

136 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Work done by retarding force is:


137 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

In which of the following case(s) the work done be positive?

138 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Escape velocity of Jupiter is:

139 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

What will be the speed a electron having an energy of 18.2 x10^14 Joule?

140 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Which one of them is not conservative force?

141 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 17 Class 12

In an extrinsic semi-conductor charge carriers are

142 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

Statement of Charles Law:

143 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

Unit of magnetic flux density is

144 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

If current passing through a solenoid is increased, which of the following must increase:

145 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

What is the device which is used to measure magnetic field

146 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

Second’s pendulum has frequency equal to?

147 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

A block of mass m = 2 kg is attached to an ideal spring of spring constant k = 200 Wm. The block is at rest at its equilibrium position. An impulsive force acts on the block, giving it an initial speed of 2 m/s. Find the amplitude of the resulting oscillations.

148 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Black body emits which of the following radiations:

149 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Sunlight will emit photo electrons when striking which of the following

150 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Name the scientist who won the noble prize for discovery of energy quanta

151 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

The maximum Compton shift Is at

152 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Presence of Photon was confirmed by

153 / 200

Category: Math Ch 8

154 / 200

Category: Math Ch 8

The method of induction was given by Francesco who lived from:

155 / 200

Category: Math Ch 8

156 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

cr. be used as a liquid fertilizer?

157 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Defunct : Lifc

158 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Platform : Train a)

159 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Implicate : Incriminate

160 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Pesticide : Plant a)

161 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Badminton : Court

162 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Symphony : Music

163 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Explosion : Destruction

164 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 2 Class 11

If a Force F of magnitude 5N makes an angle of 60 with x-axis, the x-component of the vector will

165 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 2 Class 11

Three books A, 8, C are place on each other with A on top, B in mid and C at bottom. If weight of A is 2N, B is 5N and that of C is 4N, what is the total force being exerted on book B?

166 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 2 Class 11

Two vectors of magnitude 10m and 20m have an angle 30° between them. The component of shorter vector parallel to the longer vector will be:

167 / 200

Category: Math Ch 11

168 / 200

Category: Math Ch 11

169 / 200

Category: Math Ch 11

Period of ???? is

170 / 200

Category: Math Ch 11

Period of ?????? is

171 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

If Kc < 1, then the reaction proceeds:

172 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

If Kc = 1, then reaction is:

173 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

Buffer solution is a solution which resists change in?

174 / 200

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

175 / 200

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

Solution space consisting of all feasible solutions of system of linear in inequalities is called

176 / 200

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

(0,0) is satisfied by

177 / 200

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The point where two boundary lines of a shaded region intersect is called _____ point.

178 / 200

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The feasible solution which maximizes or minimizes the objective function is called

179 / 200

Category: Math Ch 5

Conditional equation ?? + ? = ? holds when ? is equal to:

180 / 200

Category: Math Ch 5

A mixed form of fraction is :

181 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Formula of hydrogen peroxide

182 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which enzyme is used when sugar In molasses is converted to glucose and fructose?

183 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The reaction between borohydride

184 / 200

Category: Chemistry

When was electron discovered?

185 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Hydration energy of sodium Ion Is:

186 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which carbohydrate Is soluble in water?

187 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The indicator is a colored compound?

188 / 200

Category: Chemistry

liquid whose thermodynamic property do not de ti)upon intermolecular forces Is

189 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which one of the following is used as an anesthetic?

190 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following atoms would be diamagnetic?


191 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Water in solution acts as?

192 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The correct order of decreasing solubility of AgCI In A) Water B) 0.1 M NaCi C) 0.1 BaCl2 D) 0.1M NI-43

193 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

Which of the following Is the smallest unit?

194 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

Which one is the correct formula for molar mass of solute In case of boiling point elevation? x

195 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

If a car is moving with constant non-zero velocity, then its displacement time graph will be:

196 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

When a car moves with constant velocity force on it is

197 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

A particle with Initial velocity 40 m/s moving with a constant acceleration 10 m/s  Is distance covered In 5 second will be

198 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

If force of 2.5N changes the velocity from 50 m/s to 100m/s in time 50. the mass of the body’


199 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

A ballistic missile is


200 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Which one has valency other than one?

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