Physics Dawn of Modern Physics MCQs Chapter 8 Class 12

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Physics Ch 19 Class 12 Dawn of Modern Physics

1 / 87

Calculate the energy of a photon of wavelength 6600 Angstroms:

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2 / 87

Momentum of a photon is?

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3 / 87

Scattering of photon by electron is termed as:

4 / 87

According to Einstein, bodies and light rays follow a:

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5 / 87

When an observer moves with velocity of light, relative to a timing device at rest, he would notice:

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6 / 87

Value of Wien’s constant is?

7 / 87

Planck’s constant is analogous to:

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8 / 87

Photocell is similar to:

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9 / 87

If temperature on Kelvin scale Is reduced to half, what would be the effect on the energy of radiations?

10 / 87

Physics is an experimental science which depends heavily on:

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11 / 87

Calculate the energy of a photon, with a frequency of 3.0 x 1018 Hz.
(h = 6.63 x 10-34)

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12 / 87

If Compton shift is half of Compton wavelength, then the scattering angle would be:

13 / 87

The photocell is similar to:

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14 / 87

In Heisenberg Principle:

15 / 87

Gamma-ray (?) can produce ionization in which of the following way/s?

I. It may lose all its energy in a single encounter with the electron of an atom (Photoelectric effect).

II. It may lose only a part of its energy in an encounter (Compton effect).

III. Very few of very high energy ? ray photons may impinge directly on heavy nuclei, be stopped and annihilated giving rise to electron-positron pairs (The materialization of energy).

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16 / 87

Mass of a body with speed of light approaches to:

17 / 87

Which of following has greatest energy

18 / 87

) Twin paradox Is consequence of?

19 / 87

Black body emits which of the following radiations:

20 / 87

In the Compton Scattering experiment the X-ray wavelength change Δλ is ___________. Here h is Planck constant, m rest mass of electron and θ is angle after scattering.

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21 / 87

The energy of an X-ray quantum of wavelength 1.0 x 10-10 m is:

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22 / 87

White light gives spectrum after undergoing:

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23 / 87

The maximum Compton shift Is at

24 / 87

When an electron and its antiparticle positron come close enough to each other, they completely convert into radiation energy in the form of photons, this process is called:

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25 / 87

In order to produce pair production the minimum energy of photon required is:

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26 / 87

Gamma rays cause photoelectric emission when their energy is

27 / 87

Who proposed matter waves?

28 / 87

Electromagnetic wave theory was proposed by:

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29 / 87

Sunlight will emit photo electrons when striking which of the following

30 / 87

Compton shift is maximum at:

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31 / 87

An electron moving with velocity v has momentum 3 x 10 -26 Kg.m/s. The de Broglie wavelength associated with it is ______. Value of h = 6.63 x 10-34 is.

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32 / 87

Anti matter theory was proposed by: a) Einstein b) Bohr

33 / 87

The uncertainty in momentum and position is due to its:

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34 / 87

Light photons, each of energy 3.5 x 10-19J falls on the cathode of a photocell. The current through the cell is reduced to zero by taking the cathode to a potential +0.25 V relative to anode. The work function of the cathode is:

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35 / 87

Which behaves as a particle as well as wave

36 / 87

Which of the following waves has highest speed?

37 / 87

Presence of Photon was confirmed by

38 / 87

The de Broglie wavelength of an electron travelling with a speed of 1.0 x 107m/s is equal to, (h=6.6 x 10-34 Js and me= 9.1 x 10-31 kg)

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39 / 87

A 5 watt LED bulb converts 80% of the power into light photons wavelength 660 nm. What is the number of photons emitted from the bulb in one second.

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40 / 87

The charge of a photon is:

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41 / 87

Heisenberg uncertainty principle states:

42 / 87

Which statement is universally correct?

43 / 87

Which light photon has the least momentum?

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44 / 87

The value and units of the Planck constant ‘h’ can be expressed as:

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45 / 87

The spin of a photon is:

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46 / 87

What will be the energy in Joules, when an electron acquires a speed of 10 m/s?

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47 / 87

Black body radiations were first observed by:

48 / 87

theory of was Relativity proposed by

49 / 87

Candela is the luminous intensity, in the perpendicular direction of a surface _________ square meter of a black body at the temperature of freezing platinum under a pressure of 101325 newtons per square meter.

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50 / 87

The absolute standard of rest is:

51 / 87

In photo-emission from a metal, if light of λ is replaced by light of wavelength λ / 4 , the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons.

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52 / 87

What will be the energy of electron travelling at 10^7 m/s

53 / 87

X-rays are used to investigate:

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54 / 87

The series limit for the Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum occurs at 3664 A. Calculate Ionization energy of hydrogen atom.

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55 / 87

Who was awarded Nobel Prize (1921) for explanation of Photoelectric Effect?

56 / 87

Photoelectric effect is not produced by:

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57 / 87

When photons are incident on a metal, electrons are emitted. The process is called:

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58 / 87

In Compton’s effect the wavelength of the scattered photon is

59 / 87

In Einstein’s theory, the deflection of light is predicted to be exactly as great as it is according to Newton’s theory

60 / 87

Who was awarded Nobel Prize (1921) for explanation of Photoelectric Effect?

61 / 87

Which group consists of only electromagnetic waves?

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62 / 87

The phenomena in which certain metals emit electrons when exposed to high-frequency light is known as?

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63 / 87

The Bohr’s postulate for stationary orbits of Hydrogen atoms _____. Here m is the mass of the electron, v velocity, r orbital, and h is Planck’s constant.

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64 / 87

The existence of positron was discovered in the:

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65 / 87

Which of the following color has maximum energy?

66 / 87

Plank׳s constant is analogus to:

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67 / 87

What would be Compton Wave shift if X-rays are scattered at an angle of 90 degree?

68 / 87

In E = aT4  E stands for??

69 / 87

Minimum energy required to eject an electron from metal surface is called:

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70 / 87

What will the de Broglie wavelength of a 150 g mass moving with a velocity of 50 m/s be?

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71 / 87

Value of h Is:

72 / 87

A photosensitive material would emit electrons if it is excited by a photon beyond a threshold. To cross the threshold, what should be increased?

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73 / 87

Name the scientist who won the noble prize for discovery of energy quanta

74 / 87

Which of the following Is correct?

75 / 87

Einstein was given a Nobel prize for:

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76 / 87

Debroglie wavelength for an electron and proton moving at same speed are L and 1; respectively. And frequencies are Fe and Fp respectively. Which of the following is corrract.

77 / 87

A Black body is?

78 / 87

Earth is a/an frame of reference

79 / 87

The electron shows purely a ____ when free.

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80 / 87

The concept of work function was given by:

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81 / 87

The stopping potential depends on

82 / 87

If frequency of incident light is increased beyond threshold frequency, keeping light intensity constant, then:

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83 / 87

The number of LED segments used in a calculator display:

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84 / 87

Minimum frequency below which no electrons are emitted from the metal surface is called ______ frequency.

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85 / 87

What will be the energy of an X-ray quantum of wave length 1.0 x 10-10 m?

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86 / 87

The energy equivalent to 0.9 mg is? a) 9 x 1091 b) 8.1 x 10″J •

87 / 87

Fluorescence is produced when cathode rays strike on:

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