English MCQs Grammar Topic

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English Grammar

1 / 50

Category: English Grammar

She — a brief appearance at the end of party.

2 / 50

Category: English Grammar

This book Is quite similar —

3 / 50

Category: English Grammar

Some regions of our country still remain — to the average man.

4 / 50

Category: English Grammar

His father•In-law — him up in business.

5 / 50

Category: English Grammar

Many — decisions were taken at the meeting.

6 / 50

Category: English Grammar

This, partly, explains how the Nawaz family has been able to –its lavish lifestyle in recent times, despite the fact that all Its assets have been —

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Category: English Grammar

If you work beyond your capacity, you will naturally feel —

8 / 50

Category: English Grammar

) Life is to death as pleasure Is to —

9 / 50

Category: English Grammar

The ruling party will have to put its own house — order

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Category: English Grammar

Teachers are up — some major problems these days

11 / 50

Category: English Grammar

Quaid e Azam spent his last days –Ziarat residency.

12 / 50

Category: English Grammar

  • The miser gazed — at the pile of gold coins in front of him.

13 / 50

Category: English Grammar

Owing to the power cut in the area, factories are being forced to –men

14 / 50

Category: English Grammar

Success in this examination depends                       hard work alone.

15 / 50

Category: English Grammar

He passed the examination in the first class because he —

16 / 50

Category: English Grammar

The machine is difficult to build easy to maintain.

17 / 50

Category: English Grammar

The telephone — several times before I answered it.

18 / 50

Category: English Grammar

If you smuggle goods into the country, — they may be, by the customs authority.

19 / 50

Category: English Grammar

err is — to forgive divine

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Category: English Grammar

Man does not live by alone

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Category: English Grammar

of old paintings Is a job of experts

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Category: English Grammar

Man must — to stop pollution.

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Category: English Grammar

I haven’t eaten an apple — a long while.

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Category: English Grammar

  • Fate smiles — those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life.

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Category: English Grammar

I have not seen you –a week.

26 / 50

Category: English Grammar

16) The paths of glory lead _ to the grave.

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Category: English Grammar

I hate sitting — him as he always smells of garlic.

28 / 50

Category: English Grammar

A crescendo of metallic thuds arose from the market, where the ironsmiths were — the pieces of metals.

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Category: English Grammar

The parliament invested the new organization — judicial authority.

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Category: English Grammar

During Eid festival the shops are — of people


31 / 50

Category: English Grammar

in a little-publicized deal, Pepsi, Cola has– the entire soft drink market In Afghanistan

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Category: English Grammar

If our friends are not able to take us in their car, we must make airport- arrangements to go to the

33 / 50

Category: English Grammar

  • The grapes are now ‘ enough to be picked.

34 / 50

Category: English Grammar

The non-cooperative attitude of the members can only– the image of the society.

35 / 50

Category: English Grammar

  • I saw a — of cows in the field.

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Category: English Grammar

The answer was written — blue ink.

37 / 50

Category: English Grammar

The car In which the minister was traveling — with an accident.

38 / 50

Category: English Grammar

He was sent to the prison for his —

39 / 50

Category: English Grammar

If you persist in telling lies to me, I shall sue you — slander.

40 / 50

Category: English Grammar

It — that Miraal will not be selected for the post  some major problems these days..

41 / 50

Category: English Grammar

Ahmed behaves strangely at times and therefore, nobody gets — to him

42 / 50

Category: English Grammar

Those who persist In the endeavor at long last triumph – the odds of life.

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Category: English Grammar

Sania Is quite Intelligent but rather —

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Category: English Grammar

Rida and Raa are twin           but they do not look

45 / 50

Category: English Grammar

If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must also be — in the sincerity of the other side.

46 / 50

Category: English Grammar

— works of reference are valuable as Encyclopedia, Britannica.

47 / 50

Category: English Grammar

My uncle decided to take                        and my sister to the market.

48 / 50

Category: English Grammar

I listened, but I had no Idea what he was — about.

49 / 50

Category: English Grammar

) He — In wearing the old-fashioned coat In spite of his wife’s disapproval.

50 / 50

Category: English Grammar

  • Catching the earlier train will give us the — to do some

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