Electrostatics 12 Class Physics fsc MCQs

FSC Physics MCQs Part 1 Physics Part 2 HSSC Pre Medical Pre Engineering text Book Questions first year and second-year Physics mcqs

When we rub a glass rod with a silk cloth then
A. glass rod acquires negative charge while silk acquires positive charge
B. glass rod acquires positive charge while silk acquires negative charges
C. both glass rod and silk acquire negative charge
D. both glass rod and silk acquire positive charge
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Electric force between two point charges in air or vacuum is F. If we replace air or vacuum by an insulator (dielectric) of relative permitivity Cr the force between the charges will
A. decrease B. increase
C. remain constant D. depends upon composition of dielectric
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An electric charge at rest produces
A. only a magnetic field B. only an electric field
C. neither electric field nor magnetic field D. both electric and magnetic fields
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Tick the only wrong statement.
A. similar charges repel each other B. dissimilar charges attract each other
C. repulsion is the sure test of electrification D. an electrically neutral body is repelled both positively and negatively charged bodies
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Electric intensity being a vector quantity always points
A. along the direction of force experienced by a unit positive charge
B. opposite to the direction of force experienced by a unit positive charge
C. perpendicular to the direction of force experienced by a uit positive charge
D. any of above
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Tick the correct statement
A. the electric lines of force have no physical existence B. they expand laterally and contract longitudinally
C. they do not cross each other and group together in dielectric D. all the above statements are true
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If free space between the plates of a capacitor is replaced by a dielectric
A. The potential difference remains constant capacittance and energy stored increases
B. The potential difference remains constant capacittance decreases and energy increases
C. The potential difference decreases but both capacitance and energy increase
D. both potential difference and capacitance decrease but energy increases
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A hollow metallic sphere of 8cm diameter is charged with 4 x 10 8C. The potential on its surface will be
A. 900 volts B. 9000 volts
C. 90 volts D. zero
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Potential difference is the work done in moving unit positive charge form one point to another
A. in the direction of electric intensity B. against electric intensity
C. in any direction D. in the direction of electric flux
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The value of the capacitance depends upon the
A. voltage applied B. thickness of the capacitor plates
C. geometry of the capacitor D. dinsity of the capacitor plates
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The value of the capacitance depends upon the
A. voltage applied B. thickness of the capacitor plates
C. geometry of the capacitor D. dinsity of the capacitor plates
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Equivalent capacitance is greater than individual capacitances in
A. series combination B. parallel combination
C. both series and parallel combinations D. none of above
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SI unit of permitivity of free space is
A. Nm2C2 B. N-1mC-2
C. NmC-1 D. N-1m-2C2
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Electric intensity at infinite distance from the point charge is
A. zero B. infinite
C. positive D. negative
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A charge of 0.10C accelerated through a potential difference of 1000V acquires kinetic energy
A. 200J B. 100J
C. 1000J D. 100 eV
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